Title: Video Taping Entries
1Before we begin Turn to page 6 or 7 in your
standards binder. Entries Based on Videotape to
determine which entries you will be required to
videotape. You will need two entries
- Each must be at least minutes in lengthnot
longer. - Must be from two different lessons
- One will feature a small group
- One will feature whole class instruction
2Video Taping Entries
- Everything you wanted to know about video taping
and still will not know at the end of this
3Everything we learned we learned in kindergarten
and we havent learned much since
Vaughan and Joyce at the movies
One video is NOT worth 1000 words
- Discuss written commentaries
May Day, May Day
- Discuss strategies for success
5National Board Certified Teacher
6What do THEY ( the assessors) look for in the
video tape entry ?
A. An Academy Award winning performance?
B Great videography
C. A Dog and Pony Show?
D. None of the above
7What do THEY ( the assessors) look for in the
video tape entry ?
A. An Academy Award winning performance?
B Great videography
C. A Dog and Pony Show?
D. None of the above
8They are looking for
- Interaction with the students
- Practical application of the standards
- Higher level thinking skills
- Evidence of how you respond to students
- Evidence of how students respond to you
- No matter how PERFECT the videotape is and no
matter how eloquent the writing ITS ALL ABOUT
10Quality of the evidence must be
11Before you begin to create an entry..
Find the level four rubric for your specialty
area portfolio entry. Probably on page 4 or 5.
Underline or highlight the key terms in the
Level 4 is the standard you should strive to
12Before you begin to create an entry you might
want to
Copy the rubric on a note card and tape it on
your computer or workstation
Copy the standards for the entry and tape those
where you can see them.
13The written commentary is critical to
understanding the video.
Remember.. The assessors will read your
commentary before viewing your videotape
14The bridge between the videotaped lesson and the
written commentary is your careful analysis of
the video
Careful, Meticulous Analysis of the Lesson
The written commentary
15Analyzing a Video
- Find a quiet place and use a tape recorder
- First watch the complete video. Decide if there
is a 15 minute segment that is usable
- When you find a usable segment, watch it four
different time
- Focus on your teaching
- Focus on student/teacher interaction
- Focus on dialogue (use tape recorder)
- Focus on the standards to be met
16Pass out Video View Form Courtesy of Nikki Barnes
17Your Teaching
The focus is pedagogy and content knowledge
Dont take anything for granted.
- Does the evaluator understand why you walk around
the room?
- Does the evaluator understand why you used a
handout/chalkboard/LCD projector/ or overhead
- Does the evaluator understand why you referred to
previously learned knowledge?
- Does the evaluator understand why you respond
differently to some students?
How do you interact with the students?
How do they interact with each other?
How does the entire class respond to you?
Consider body language and facial expressions of
the students.
Describe the classroom atmosphere
Diagram of classroom seating arrangement must be
Listen intently to what you say and to what the
students say.
Find a connection to your goals/objectives and
that of the entry in general.
Quotable quotes can serve as evidence
20Connecting to the Standards
This IS where it counts
- Connect all focus areas to the standards
- My teaching
- Interaction
- Dialogue
Must have EVIDENCE!!
21Practical Matters and Tips
22Whole Class Video Taping
- Train camera operator to pan the classroom, to
get the students faces, but you must also be
included in the video.
- Camera operator must zoom in whenever you are
having a one-on-one conversation with a student
- Make sure the equipment does not block the
assessors view of the students.
23Small Group Videotaping
- Instruct students to allow only one person at a
time to speak so that all students will be heard.
- Camera operator may shoot the entire group and
does not have to follow the conversation
- Remember, assessors want to hear the students
speak too, not just you.
24Permission Forms
Got to have them!!! Get them in ASAP
- Permission forms needed for students AND any
adults who may be in the video
- Students who do not return the slips may not be
in the videos
- Use multi-directional microphone in addition to
built in microphone on the camera
- Use good quality NEW tapes to make recordings.
- Make sure you remove tab for any videos you do
not want to record over.
26Camera Operator
- Train a person to come in each time or train a
student in each class.
- Remind camera person NOT TO TALK
- The quality of the videography is not as
important as what goes on in the class and the
written commentary.
27Copy your Videotapes
- Make a copy of recordings that might be keepers
on a new tape.
- Make two copies of the final tapes that are
29How can we set up a support network here in Salem?
31The only thing that stands in the way of each of
us becoming GREAT teachers is that we sometimes
accept being a GOOD teacher as our goal instead
of being GREAT.
Lets strive to become GREAT teachers. Our
students deserve the very best!!!!