Title: Physics and Biology of Multicellularity
1Physics and Biology of Multicellularity
R E Goldstein
2The Life of Bacteria
3The Size-Complexity Relation
Amoebas, Ciliates, Brown Seaweeds Green Algae and
Plants Red Seaweeds Fungi Animals
Bell Mooers (1997) Bonner (2004)
Populations of individuals
Truly multicellular organisms
Park, et al. (2003)
Chara corallina
Vibrio harveyi
Signaling, adaptation, chemotaxis, quorum
sensing (e.g., Berg Purcell)
Advantages of size, complexity, differentiation,
transport (e.g., Bonner, Niklas)
5Some Terminology
(D.L. Kirk)
Homocytic assembly of prokaryotic or
eukaryotic cells that are structurally and
functionally equivalent Heterocytic
differentiation of structure/function
Mendelson (1976)
Colonial physical association without
cytoplasmic connections Multicellular with
cytoplasmic connections
Lee, Cox, G (1996)
Colonialism need not precede heterocytic
D. discoideum
6Case Studies Lectures 2-4
Multicellular Algae
Costs/benefits of increasing size Driving force
for differentiation Collective dynamics of
flagella Phototaxis Collective behaviour
Cytoplasmic Streaming
Internal Circulation Wall-Driven Flows at
Re0 Chirality/Transverse Flows Metabolic
Link? Vacuolar Membrane Dynamics
7Advection, Dissipation Diffusion Reynolds and
Peclet Numbers
Navier-Stokes equations
Passive scalar dynamics
Reynolds number
Peclet number
If U10 mm/s, L10 mm, Re 10-4, Pe 10-1 At
the scale of an individual bacterium, dissipation
dominates inertia, and diffusion dominates
advection. The second relation breaks down with
8Advection Diffusion
If a fluid has a typical velocity U, varying on
a length scale L, with a molecular species of
diffusion constant D. Then there are two times
We define the Péclet number as the ratio
This is like the Reynolds number
comparing inertia to viscous dissipation
If U10 mm/s, L10 mm, Re 10-4, Pe 10-1 At
the scale of an individual cell, diffusion
dominates advection. The opposite holds for
9Bacterial Swimming
Real-time Imaging of Fluorescent Flagella
1-4 mm
Macnab and Ornstein (1977)
Turner, Ryu, and Berg (2000)
20 nm
10-20 mm
B. subtilis
C. Dombrowski
10Nanostructure of Flagella
11 protofilaments
- Nanoscale bistability of monomer packing produces
microscale polymorphism - Asakura, Adv. Biophys. 1, 99 (1970).
- Calladine, J. Mol. Biol. 118, 457 (1996).
- Yamashita, et al., Nature Struct. Biol. 5, 92
(1998). - Samatey, et al., Nature 410, 331 (2001).
11The Bacterial Flagellum
Namba, et al. (Osaka)
12Self-Concentration via Bioconvection
1 cm
Dombrowski, et al., PRL (2004) Tuval, et al.,
PNAS (2005)
13Diffusion, Chemotaxis, and Flow
Oxygen diffusion/advection
Pedley Kessler (1992)
depletion layer D/v
14Side Views Reveal Large-Scale Flows
laser (532 nm)
ring light
Keplerian telescope
longpass filter
ccd camera
Tuval, et al. (2005)
15Side Views Depletion and Flow
2 mm
Video 100x actual speed
16Persistent Vortex Large Peclet Number
1 mm
Experiment (PIV)
If U10 mm/s, L10 mm, Re 10-4, Pe 10-1 At
the scale of individual bacteria, advection
is unimportant. Collective dynamics can lead to
very large Pe. Here, L1000 mm, U100 mm/s so Pe
Numerics (FEM)
Vortex in wedge Moffatt (1964).
17The Zooming Bio-Nematic (ZBN)
Petri dish
contact line
300 mm
A bacterial bath with enormously enhanced
diffusion (even superdiffusion)
Kessler (98) Wu Libchaber (00) Soni, et
al., (03/4) Microfluidic applications Kim
Breuer (04), Darnton, Turner, Breuer Berg
18Velocity Field from PIV (pendant drop)
Peclet number 10-100 (vs. 0.01-0.1 for
individual bacterium)
35 mm
Like a van Kármán vortex street, but the Reynolds
number is 10-2 (!) Phenomenology like that of
recurring jets and swirls in sedimentation.
19Velocity Correlation Functions in Space Time
oscillations due to multiple vortices (individual
sequence average
What determines these length and time scales?
oscillations due to recurring vortices (individual
spatial average
20Historical threads
- Conventional chemotaxis picture e.g.
Keller-Segel (1971)
Rich and diverse behavior, including singularities
(Childress) from chemical signaling
chemotaxis. But what about the fluid flow??
- Flocking models Vicsek, et al. (1995), Toner and
Tu, (1995),
A Landau theory predicts long-range swimming
order. Not what we see!!
- Active medium models (Ramaswamy, et al.
(02,04), - Kruse, et al. (04) based on ideas from
liquid crystals - predict a finite-wavelength instability from
hydro- - dynamic interactions long-time behavior
unknown - Related swarming models Bertozzi, et al.
(05) - Thin-film model Aronson, Sokolov, G (06)
includes - effects of shear on orientation vector
- Direct simulation of a suspension of
self-propelled swimmers - Hernandez-Ortiz, Stoltz Graham, PRL 95,
204501 (05)
rms velocity
Distinct onset of large velocities at transition
length scale increases with f at high f,
fluctuations span box
What is the continuum limit of this system?
22Simulations of Self-Propelled Rods
Saintillan Shelley (2007) see talks by C.
Hohenegger, Mike Shelley
23Reversal of Bacterial Locomotion at an Obstacle
PRE 73, 030901(R) (2006)
24What if the locomotion of a bacterium is impeded
by an obstacle?
Like a wall, another cell or.
To produce Quorum Polarity at high concentrations
of cells, there might exist some mechanism for
wrong way oriented individuals to join the
majority orientation without turning around
. Reversal of motion, or backing up, is less
To produce
- Previous work
- Turner Berg PNAS, 1995 E. coli swim with
either end forward - Magariyama Biophys, 2005 mono-flagellated
organisms reverse rotation of flagella
25Experimental Setup
- Under our particular growth conditions B.s. do
not display the usual run and tumble behavior - Petri dish is permeable to O2
- Bacteria swim along the bottom. Trajectories are
long, slightly curved, runs with essentially no
Side view
26Bacterial Reversal
- Cells occasionally approach to the gap near
spheres contact point (excluded region). They
generally turn away and keep swimming. - Close to straight-on docking may produce
reversal motion, suggesting that the flagellar
bundle flips from one end of the cell to the
Gap is less than 1.1mm wide
Top view
27Bacterial Reversal in flagrante
28Time dependence of average swimming velocities
29Asymptotic velocities
- Data points cluster near the equality line
- Histogram shows a Gaussian distribution
- Statistical symmetry between (V?)in and (V?)out
- Swimming ability is independent of the polar
location of the flagellar bundle
30Asymmetry between inward and outward motion
Different position of the flagellar bundle with
respect to the gap induces a difference in
viscous drag and hence different net forces over
cell body during docking and undocking processes.
31Dynamics of Enhanced Tracer Diffusion in
Suspensions of Eukaryotic Microorganisms
Leptos, Guasto, Gollub, Pesci, Goldstein,
submitted (2009)
32Tracer Trajectories
33Tracking Tracers
34Diffusion and Advection of a Tracer
35Non-Gaussian PDFs
37Apparent Functional Form of PDFs
Gaussian contribution
Exponential (Laplace) contribution
Effective volume fraction, obtained from fits to
Both lengths display diffusive scaling
38Diffusive Behaviour of Tracers
39Effective Diffusivity Volume Fraction
40Sample Tracer Trajectory
41Tracers Near a Cell Held on a Micropipette