Studying%20Life - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Life: The Science of Biology, 10e - Slothnet ... Studying Life – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Studying%20Life

Studying Life
1 Studying Life
  • 1.1 What Is Biology?
  • 1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • 1.3 Why Does Biology Matter?

1 Studying Life
  • More than one-third of the worlds amphibian
    species are threatened with extinction.
  • Tyrone Hayes studies one of the threats to
    amphibiansagricultural pesticides such as
    atrazine, which impact breeding and reproduction.

Opening Question Could atrazine in the
environment affect species other than amphibians?
1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Biology is the scientific study of living things
  • Living things are all descended from a common
    origin of life that occurred almost 4 billion
    years ago.

Figure 1.1 The Many Faces of Life (Part 1)
Figure 1.1 The Many Faces of Life (Part 2)
1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Characteristics of living organisms
  • Made of a common set of chemical components
    carbohydrates, fatty acids, nucleic acids, amino
  • Most are made of cells enclosed by plasma
  • Convert molecules from their environment into new
    biological molecules

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Extract energy from the environment and use it to
    do biological work
  • Contain genetic information that uses a universal
    code to specify proteins
  • Share similarities among a fundamental set of
    genes, and replicate this genetic information
    when reproducing

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Exist in populations that evolve through changes
    in frequencies of genetic variants over time
  • Self-regulate their internal environment,
    maintaining conditions that allow them to survive

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • The diverse organisms alive today all originated
    from one life form.
  • If life had multiple origins, we would not expect
    to see such striking similarities in gene
    sequences, genetic code, and amino acids.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Earth formed 4.6 to 4.5 billion years ago but it
    was 600 million years or more before life
  • The history of Earth can be pictured as a 30-day

Figure 1.2 Lifes Timeline
1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Complex biological molecules probably arose
    through random physical associations of
  • Experiments simulating conditions on early Earth
    show that this is possible, and even probable.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Nucleic acids were essential molecules that
    could reproduce themselves and serve as templates
    for synthesis of proteins.
  • Another step was enclosure of biological
    molecules by membranes. This created an internal
    environment in which reactions could be
    controlled and integrated.

Figure 1.3 Cells Are Building Blocks for Life
1.1 What Is Biology?
  • For 2 billion years, life consisted of single
    cells called prokaryotes.
  • The two main groups of prokaryotes emerged early
    bacteria and archaea.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Some early prokaryotes began to live in close,
    interdependent relationships and eventually
    merged to form a third major lineage of life, the
  • Eukaryotic cells have internal membranes that
    enclose specialized organelles within their
    cells, including the nucleus, which contains the
    genetic material.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • At some point, eukaryotic cells did not separate
    after division and started living as colonies.
  • This opened the way for some cells to specialize
    for certain functions, which led to multicellular

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • About 2.5 billion years ago, photosynthesis
    changed the nature of life on Earth.
  • This process transforms sunlight energy into
    biological energy.
  • Photosynthesis is the basis of most of life on
    Earth it provides food for other organisms.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Early photosynthetic cells were probably similar
    to cyanobacteria (prokaryotes).
  • The atmosphere of early Earth had no O2, but it
    began to increase as photosynthetic prokaryotes
  • Organisms that could tolerate O2 proliferated.

Figure 1.4 Photosynthetic Organisms Changed
Earths Atmosphere
1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Abundant O2 opened up new avenues of evolution
    because aerobic metabolism is more efficient than
    anaerobic metabolism and allows organisms to grow

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • O2 in the atmosphere also allowed life to move
    onto land.
  • Accumulating O2 led to formation of the ozone
    (O3) layer, which absorbs damaging UV radiation.
  • By 500 million years ago, there was enough ozone
    for organisms to leave the protection of the

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Genome the sum total of all the DNA in a cell.
  • DNA consists of repeating subunits called
  • Gene a specific segment of DNA that contains
    information for making a protein.

Figure 1.5 DNA Is Lifes Blueprint
1.1 What Is Biology?
  • All the cells of a multicellular organism have
    the same genome, yet different cells have
    different functions and structures.
  • Different cells are expressing different parts of
    the genome.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • The genome must be replicated when cells
  • The process is not perfect errors are called
  • Discovery of DNA and how it functions transformed
    biological science.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • A population is a group of individuals of the
    same type of organismthe same speciesthat
    interact with one another.
  • Evolution acts on populations it is change in
    the genetic makeup of populations through time.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Evolution is the major unifying principle of
  • Charles Darwin compiled factual evidence for
  • He argued that differential survival and
    reproduction among individuals in a population
    (natural selection) could account for much of the
    evolution of life.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Darwin proposed that all organisms are descended
    from a common ancestor.
  • Some mutations give rise to changes in organisms
    genetic variants may change in frequency in the
    population the population evolves.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Darwin knew that humans select for specific
    traits in domesticated animals (artificial
    selection) the same process could operate in
    nature (natural selection).
  • Only a small percentage of an individuals
    offspring survive to reproduce thus traits that
    confer an increase in the probability of survival
    and reproduction will spread in the population.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Natural selection leads to adaptations
    structural, physiological, or behavioral traits
    that enhance an organisms chances of survival
    and reproduction.

Figure 1.6 Adaptations to the Environment
1.1 What Is Biology?
  • As populations become isolated and evolve
    differences, they are eventually considered
    different species.
  • Species that share a recent evolutionary history
    are generally more similar to each other than
    species that share a more distant ancestor.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Each species has a distinct scientific name, a
  • Genus name species name
  • Example Homo sapiens
  • A genus is a group of species that share a recent
    common ancestor.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Our understanding of evolutionary relationships
    has been greatly enhanced by molecular techniques
    such as the ability to sequence genomes.
  • A phylogenetic tree illustrates the evolutionary
    histories of different groups of organisms.

Figure 1.7 The Tree of Life
1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Three domains of life
  • Bacteria (prokaryotes)
  • Archaea (prokaryotes)
  • Eukarya (eukaryotes)

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • For more than half of Earths history, all life
    was unicellular. Unicellular species remain
    ubiquitous and highly successful in the present.
  • Multicellular Eukarya (plants, animals, and
    fungi) evolved from protistsunicellular
    microbial eukaryotes.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Cells became specialized in multicellular
    organisms a biological hierarchy emerged
  • Differentiated cells are organized into tissues.
    Different tissue types form organs (e.g., a
    heart) and organs are grouped into organ systems.

Figure 1.8 Biology Is Studied at Many Levels of
Organization (1)
1.1 What Is Biology?
  • A group of individuals of the same species is a
  • Populations of all the species that live and
    interact in a defined area are called a
  • Communities together with their abiotic
    (nonliving) environment constitute an ecosystem.

Figure 1.8 Biology Is Studied at Many Levels of
Organization (2)
1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Individuals may compete with each other for
  • Or they may cooperate (e.g., in a termite
  • Plants also compete for light and water, and many
    form complex partnerships with fungi, bacteria,
    and animals.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • The interactions of plant and animal species are
    major evolutionary forces that produce
    specialized adaptations.
  • Species interactions with one another and with
    their environment is the subject of ecology.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Organisms acquire nutrients from their
  • Nutrients supply energy and materials for
    biochemical reactions.
  • Some reactions break nutrient molecules into
    smaller units, releasing energy for work.

1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Examples of cellular work
  • Movement of molecules or the whole organism
  • Synthesisbuilding new complex molecules from
    smaller chemical units
  • Electrical work of information processing in
    nervous systems

Figure 1.9 Energy Can Be Used Immediately or
1.1 What Is Biology?
  • Organisms must regulate their internal
    environment, made up of extracellular fluids.
  • Maintenance of the narrow range of conditions
    that support survival is known as homeostasis.

1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • Scientific investigations are based on
    observation, data, experimentation, and logic.
  • Observation has been improved by new
  • Information, or data, must be quantified using
    mathematical and statistical methods.

Figure 1.10 Scientific Methodology
1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • The hypothesisprediction approach traditionally
    has five steps
  • 1. Making observations
  • 2. Asking questions
  • 3. Forming hypotheses, or tentative answers
  • 4. Making predictions based on the hypotheses
  • 5. Testing the predictions

1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • Inductive logic uses observations or facts to
    develop a tentative answer or hypothesis.
  • Deductive logic is used to predict what facts
    would also have to be true to be compatible with
    the hypothesis.
  • Experiments can then be designed to test the

1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • Controlled experiments manipulate one or more of
    the factors being tested.
  • The factor, or variable, is manipulated in an
    experimental group and the results are compared
    with data from an unmanipulated control group.

Figure 1.11 Controlled Experiments Manipulate a
Variable (Part 1)
Figure 1.11 Controlled Experiments Manipulate a
Variable (Part 2)
1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • One variable is manipulated while all others are
    held constant.
  • Independent variable the variable being
  • Dependent variable the response that is measured.

1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • Comparative experiments look for differences
    between samples or groups.
  • The variables can not be controlled data are
    gathered from different sample groups and

Figure 1.12 Comparative Experiments Look for
Differences among Groups (Part 1)
Figure 1.12 Comparative Experiments Look for
Differences among Groups (Part 2)
1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • Statistical methods help scientists determine if
    differences between groups are significant.
  • Statistical tests start with a null hypothesis
    that no differences exist.

1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • Statistical methods tell us the probability of
    getting a particular result by chance, even if
    the null hypothesis is true.
  • Statistical methods eliminate the possibility
    that results are due to random variation.

1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • Model systems using one type of organism to
    understand others.
  • This is possible because all life is related by
    descent from a common ancestor, shares a genetic
    code, and consists of similar building

1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • Arabidopsis thaliana, a relative of the mustard
    plant, is used to understand the genetics of
    plant development.
  • Knowledge of animal development, including
    humans, has come from work on sea urchins, frogs,
    chickens, roundworms, mice, and fruit flies.

1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • Distinguishing science and nonscience
  • Scientific hypotheses must be testable and have
    the potential of being rejected.
  • Science depends on evidence that comes from
    reproducible and quantifiable observations.

1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • Religious or spiritual explanations of a natural
    phenomenon are not testable and therefore are not
  • Science does not necessarily say that religious
    beliefs are wrong they are simply not part of
    the world of science because many religious
    beliefs are not testable using scientific methods.

1.2 How Do Biologists Investigate Life?
  • Many scientific advances that contribute to human
    welfare also raise ethical issues.
  • Scientific knowledge allows us to do many things,
    such as use stem cells to repair our bodies, but
    it cannot tell us whether or not we should do so.

1.3 Why Does Biology Matter?
  • Understanding biological principles is essential
    to our lives and for maintaining the functioning
    of Earth as we know it and depend on it.

1.3 Why Does Biology Matter?
  • Modern agriculture depends on biology.
  • Knowledge of plant biology has increased food
    production, which has allowed the planet to
    support a larger human population.
  • New strains of crop plants are developed to
    resist pests or tolerate drought.

Figure 1.13 A Green Revolution
1.3 Why Does Biology Matter?
  • Biology is the basis of medical practice.
  • Biological research explains how organisms work
    and why they develop problems and diseases.
  • We now understand that some diseases result from
    genetic variations.

1.3 Why Does Biology Matter?
  • Evolutionary principles help us to understand how
    disease organisms evolve resistance to our drugs
    and how influenza virus evolves so quickly that
    we need new vaccines every year.

Figure 1.14 Medical Applications of Biology
Improve Human Health
1.3 Why Does Biology Matter?
  • Biology can inform public policy.
  • Our newfound ability to decipher and manipulate
    genomes raises ethical and policy issues.
  • Biologists are called on to advise government
    agencies on many issues, such as overfishing of
    bluefin tuna.

Figure 1.15 Bluefin Tuna Do Not Recognize
1.3 Why Does Biology Matter?
  • Biology is crucial for understanding ecosystems.
  • Human activities are resulting in unprecedented
    rates of change in Earth systems.
  • Increasing atmospheric CO2 is responsible for
    climate warming, which is contributing to species
    extinctions and spread of diseases.

Figure 1.16 A Warmer World
1.3 Why Does Biology Matter?
  • Biology helps us understand and appreciate
  • Observing the living world motivates many
    biologists to learn more.
  • Understanding the natural history of organisms
    provides a stronger basis for framing hypotheses.

Figure 1.17 Discovering Life on Earth
1.3 Why Does Biology Matter?
  • Most humans engage in activities that depend on
    biodiversity, such as bird watching, gardening,
    hunting, fishing, hiking, and camping.
  • These interests support the growing industry of
  • Learning about biology enhances our enjoyment of
    these activities.

1 Answer to Opening Question
  • An important aspect of science is replication of
  • Many other investigators have now tested the
    feminizing effects of atrazine on many amphibian
    and vertebrate species.
  • Molecular mechanisms of atrazines effects are
    similar in amphibians, fish, reptiles, and human
    cell cultures.
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