Chapter 7: Covalent Bonding - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 7: Covalent Bonding


Molecular geometry is determined solely by the number of terminal atoms, X, ... Multiple bonds have no impact on molecular geometry. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 7: Covalent Bonding

Chapter 7 Covalent Bonding
  • Chapter Outline
  • 7.1 Lewis Dot Structures
  • 7.2 Molecular Geometry
  • 7.3 Polarity of Molecules
  • 7.4 Atomic Orbitals Hybridization

Covalent Bond in Hydrogen
  • A covalent bond consists of a pair of electrons
    shared between two atoms. Can be represented as
  • HH H-H
  • This does not imply that the electrons are fixed
    in position between the 2 nuclei.
  • A more accurate picture is to look at the
    electron density (cloud) between the two atoms.

Bond Distance (Length)
  • Graph 7.2 Energy of two hydrogen atoms as a
    function of distance
  • There is an ideal distance between the hydrogen
    nuclei at which the molecule is in its most
    stable configuration.
  • This distance balances the attractive forces
    between the electrons and the positively charged
    nucleus and the repulsive forces between the two
    positively charged nuclei.

Lewis Structures The Octet Rule
  • The covalent bond was first theorized by the
    American chemistry G.N. Lewis in 1916.
  • He pointed out the apparent stability of the
    electron configuration of noble gases (as well as
    the noble-gas like structures of of many
    monatomic ions).
  • Atoms, by sharing electrons to form a bond, can
    achieve a noble gas configuration.

Bonding Diagram for Hydrogen
Bonding Diagram of HF
Lewis Dot Structures
  • These structures, in which all the valence
    electrons are represented by dots, are called
    Lewis dot structures.
  • In writing Lewis dot structures, be sure to only
    show the valence electrons.
  • The number of valence electrons is equal to the
    last digit of the group number in the periodic

Two Types of Valence Electrons
  • In Lewis dot structures of molecules or
    polyatomic ions, valence electrons tend to occur
    in pairs
  • i) A pair of electrons shared between two atoms
    is a covalent bond.
  • ii) An unshared pair of electrons, residing
    entirely on one atom, is show as a pair of dots
    on that atom (i.e. HF). These electrons are
    often called lone pairs.

Examples of Lewis Dot Structures
  • Draw on transparencies

Types of Bonds
  • A single pair of electrons shared between two
    atoms is called a single bond.
  • Two pairs of electros shared between the same
    atoms is called a double bond.
  • Three pairs of electrons shared between the same
    atoms is called a triple bond.

Octet Rule
  • Atoms involved in a covalent bond tend to have
    noble gas configurations. This is referred to as
    the octet rule.
  • Nonmetals, except hydrogen, achieve a noble gas
    configuration by sharing in an octet of electrons.

Rules for Writing Lewis Dot Structures
  • I. Count the number of valence electrons.
    Molecules sum up the valence electrons of the
    atoms present.
  • Polyatomic anion one electron added for each
    negative charge.
  • Polyatomic cation one electron subtracted for
    each positive charge.

Rules (Contd)
  • II. Draw a skeleton structure for the species,
    joining atoms by single bonds. Most molecules
    and ions have a central atom bonded to two or
    more atoms. The central atom is usually the one
    written first in the chemical formula.

Rules (Contd)
  • III. Determine the number of valence electrons
    still available.
  • IV. Determine the number of valence electrons
    required to fill out an octet for each atom.
  • a) if number of electrons available is equal to
    the number required, distribute them as lone

Rules (Contd)
  • b) If the number of electrons available is less
    than the number required, the skeleton structure
    must be modified by introducing double and/or
    triple bonds.
  • Multiple bonds are usually limited to C, N, O,
    and S.

Resonance Forms
  • There are times when Lewis structure do not
    accurately describe the properties of the
    molecule or ion it represents.
  • e.g. SO2 sulfur dioxide
  • Each sulfur-oxygen bond is intermediate between a
    single and double bond. The two forms are
    referred to as resonance forms.

Properties of Resonance Structures
  • 1. Resonance forms do not imply different
    molecules there is only one type of molecule and
    its structure is intermediate between the various
    resonance forms.
  • 2. Resonance is expected when you can write two
    or more Lewis structures that are reasonable.
  • 3. Resonance structures differ only in electron
    distribution not in the arrangement of atoms.

Formal Charge
  • The formal charge of any atom in a Lewis
    structure can be calculated.
  • The formal charge is simply the difference
    between the number of valence electrons in the
    free atom and the number assigned in the Lewis
  • Assigned electrons include lone pairs and one
    half of the bonding electrons shared by the atom.
  • Formal Charge (Cf) of valence electrons -
    of unshared electrons ½ of bonding electrons

Calculation of Formal Charge
  • Do Examples on transparency.

Exceptions to the Octet Rule Electron-Deficient
  • Species which do not follow the octet rule are
    molecules or ions which have an odd number of
    valence electrons, such as NO (nitrogen oxide) or
    NO2 (nitrogen dioxide).
  • For these odd-electron species, no Lewis
    structures, in which the octet rule is obeyed,
    can be drawn.
  • Other example include molecular oxygen, O2.

Electron Deficient Atoms
  • Group 2 elements typically only form 2 bonds to
    other atoms.
  • Group 13 typically only form 3 bonds to other

Exceptions to the Octet Rule Expanded Octets
  • Two examples of molecules with a central atom
    surrounded by more than 8 electrons are PCl5 and
  • These compounds typically involved the central
    atoms surrounded by halogen atoms or oxygen. The
    central atom is always a nonmetal found in group
    15 or 16 (S, P, As, Pb, Se, Te).
  • These atoms are able to have expanded octets
    because they have empty d orbitals.

Molecular Geometry
  • Molecules containing two atoms such as Cl2, H2 or
    HCl are always linear.
  • e.g. H-H Cl-Cl H-Cl
  • With molecules containing 3 atoms, the angle
    between bonds (bond angle) must be considered.
    Consider the molecule YX2.

Geometry (Contd)
Valence-Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR)
  • First proposed by Sidgwick and Powell in 1940.
  • Geometry is predicted on the principle of
    electron pair repulsion.
  • The valence electron pairs surrounding an atom
    repel one another. Consequently, the orbitals
    containing those electron pairs are oriented to
    be as far apart as possible.

Ideal Geometries for Systems in Which the Central
Atom Has 2-6 Electron Pairs
  • Consider a central atom A, which is surrounded by
    2-6 electron pairs, all of which are involved in
    bonds to terminal atoms, X.
  • e.g. AX2, AX3, AX4, AX5, AX6
  • (refer to figure 7.4)

Molecular Geometries
  • AX2 linear
  • AX3 triangular planar
  • AX4 tetrahedron
  • AX5 triangular bipyramid
  • AX6 octahedron

Effects of Unshared Electrons on Molecular
  • The VSEPR model can also predict the geometries
    of molecules with unpaired electrons.
  • 1. Electron-pair geometry is roughly the same
    as that observed for molecules with only single
    bonds. Bond angles typically smaller.
  • 2. Molecular geometry is very different when
    unpaired electrons are present. When describing
    geometry, we refer only to the positions of the
    bonded atoms.

  • Ammonia, NH3 (show on transparency)
  • Water, H2O (show on transparency)

Multiple Bonds
  • Multiple bonds, for the sake of molecular
    geometry, are treated like single bonds.
  • Extra electrons in double and triple bonds have
    to exist in the same region of space as single
    bonds, thus no change in geometry.
  • Molecular geometry is determined solely by the
    number of terminal atoms, X, bonded to the
    central atom, irrespective of whether the bonds
    are single, double or triple and the number of
    unpaired electrons around the central atom.

Polarity of Molecules
  • Covalent compounds can exist as tow different
    types of compounds
  • i) polar unsymmetrical distribution of electron
    density between atoms. There exists a positive
    and negative pole and therefore a dipole moment.
  • ii) nonpolar symmetrical distribution of
    electron density. No dipole moment.

Polar and Nonpolar Molecules
  • Polar molecules have a partial positive charge
    and a partial negative charge (poles) at
    different points within the molecule.
  • Polar molecules orient themselves in an electric
  • Nonpolar molecules have no partial charges and
    are thus unaffected by an external electric field

Example of Dipole Moments
  • Show on transparency

Criteria for Determining Polarity
  • Polarity is dependent on bond polarity and
    molecular geometry.
  • If the polar A-X bonds in a molecule AXmEn are
    arranged symmetrically around the central atom A,
    the molecule is nonpolar.

  • Linus Pauling developed a theoretical model of
    the covalent bond, called the atomic orbital or
    valence bond orbital model. He won the Nobel
    Prize in 1954.
  • According to the model, a covalent bond contains
    two electrons of opposite spin within a orbital.
  • The number of covalent bonds an atom can form is
    dependent on the number of unpaired electrons it

Hybridization (Contd)
  • Hybrid Orbitals sp, sp2, sp3, sp3d, sp3d2
  • Consider the examples of BeF2 and CCl4
  • Hybrid orbitals result from the mixing of two
    different orbitals (e.g. s and p).

Hybrid Orbitals
  • sp orbital (BeF2)
  • 1 s atomic orbital 1 p atomic orbital two sp
    hybrid orbitals
  • The number of hybrid orbitals formed is equal to
    the number of atomic orbitals mixed.
  • Shared as well as unshared electrons are found in
    hybridized orbitals.

Multiple Bonds
  • Multiple bonds have no impact on molecular
    geometry. The electrons that make up multiple
    bonds (pi) are not found in hybridized orbitals.
  • Do examples Ethylene and ethyne.
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