Title: Travel Winter Season To The Lands of Christmas Lights
1- Santa Claus is coming to your town!!
- Make a wish to travel around the world. Hide your
red socks who knows you might land your - DREAM DESTINATION.
Merry Christmas
2Cathedral Christmas Celebration in India
- Christmas is applauded with pomp and show,
passion and eagerness, also the distinguished
customs and traditions it follows reflect an
interesting flavour to the celebration of this
festival in India.
3Colorful Lights Jingle Bells
- Festivals of India are extremely bright and
colourful, showcasing a country full of life.
Christmas celebration in India varies from one
city to another, exemplifying utter festive
- Goa is a hub for festive celebration, especially,
when it comes to Christmas. Moreover Roman
Catholic population uplifts the festive
authenticity and do not forget about Portuguese
legacy, Goa has the feeling of celebrating
Christmas with immense zeal and pomp and show.
- We all are convinced that Kerala is the home to
numerous churches and can guess that Gods Own
Country Kerala can be one of the finest places
to applaud Christmas. Each street is decorated
with beautiful streamers, jingle bells and stars,
the churches remain open almost all night. The
restaurants offer lip-smacking cuisine, one can
avail heavy discounts on food and drink.
- Are you dreaming of a white dreamy Christmas in
India? Just like the movies. If yes, Manali can
be the finest destination for you as the
snow-clad Mountains will be cherry on the top.
This renowned Himachal destination is perfect for
those who want to celebrate the Christmas amidst
real carpet of white snow.
- Light and sound show, rock music, gleaming lights
and lip-smacking food makes the surroundings in
the Shillong merrier! Churches are studded with
shimmering lights and bells people prepare
traditional cuisine to savour the taste and spend
time signing carols and hymns in the evening. Few
churches also have local bands playing the gospel
8Daman and Diu
- Thanks to the Portuguese connation that this
Union Territory in India has a delightful way of
applauding Christmas. Nestled off the coast of
Gujarat, the otherwise tranquil Daman and Diu
becomes radiant and gets lightened up during the
Christmas season.
9Thank You
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