Title: An Introduction To Employee Benefit Schemes
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2The job market is exceptionally competitive,
which is why employee benefit schemes are
important. Were going to take a look at the real
impact such schemes have while also introducing
you to some of the options that are available.
3The Employee Benefits The Benefits Research
revealed interesting statistics regarding the
importance of employee benefits. This includes
the fact that 84 per cent of employers feel that
it helps with retention while 83 per cent stated
that it makes recruitment easier.
Other benefits include lowering their National
Insurance bill, promoting work-life balance, and
improving wellbeing. There are many different
benefits to choose from, including retail
discounts, dining, healthcare, childcare
vouchers, shares, gym membership, and car
4With a salary sacrifice scheme, employers give up
part of their salary in exchange for benefits.
This can be beneficial for certain employees, for
example, those with children. After all, many
parents cannot afford childcare, and this can
conflict with their ability to work. So such a
scheme would be beneficial to them as well as
5Hopefully, you now have a better understanding
regarding the importance of employee benefit
schemes, as well as a glimpse at the different
type of options that are available.