Computational Logic: today - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computational Logic: today


Semantic proof of consistency: Given a set of clauses, e.g. S3: (1) human(socrates) ... N.B. For proving consistency, we just need to provide one interpretation that ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Computational Logic: today

Computational Logic todays menu
  • Practicalities
  • Clause form of first-order logic syntax and
    semantics, clause instance, universe of
    discourse, interpretations, resolution,
    unification, consistency of a set of clauses.
    Syntactic (resolution-based) vs. semantic
    (reasoning on interpretations) proofs of
  • Logic Programs (based on Horn clause form)
    general properties, syntax, declarative
    semantics, procedural semantics.

  • Lab this Fri _at_ 330 in ASB 9840
  • Sicstus runs on CSIL license only covers
    installation on SFU owned systems.
  • However, students can run Sicstus from their home
    by ssh into any CSIL workstations via i.e.
  • 1) ssh to
  • 2) ssh to any of the CSIL Linux workstations, as
    shown on
  • http//

Some Definitions
  • Instance of an expression a (usually more
    specific) form of that expression, obtained by
    applying a substitution to the expression(i.e.,
    by assigning terms to variables). E.g.
  • Clause C ancestor(X,Z)- parent(X,Y),
  • ancestor(Y,Z).
  • Substitution ? Xmother(adam),Yadam
  • Instance C?
  • ancestor(mother(adam)),Z)-
  • parent(mother(adam),adam), ancestor(adam,Z).

Clause form Building blocks Syntax Semantics
  • Predicate states that the relation
  • p(t1,,tn), ngt0 called p holds among the
    individuals called ti
  • Term either an denotes an individual
  • atom (constant or ) in the universe
  • variable
  • structure f(t1,,tm)
  • (or functional expression)

Use of functional expressions
  • loves(mother(X),X).
  • ?- loves(Who,frankenstein).
  • Who will UNIFY with mother(frankenstein), which
    never evaluates it simply stands, as is, for the
    individual mother of frankenstein
  • MORALE Only one name is allowed for each
    individual (NO SYNONYMS!)

General vs. Horn Clause Form Syntax Semantics
  • General Clause Form
  • h1,hn- b1,,bm. For all variables
  • in the clause,
  • (h1 oror hn) if (b1 andbm).
  • Horn Clause Form (at most one conclusion)
  • RULE For all variables in the clause, h is
    T if b1 andbm are all T
  • h- b1,,bm. ,

Horn Clauses two meanings Syntax Semantics
  • Horn Clause Form (at most one conclusion)
  • RULE Declarative meaning For all
  • h- b1,,bm. variables in the clause,
  • h is T if b1 andbm are all T
  • Procedural meaning To solve an instance of
    h, solve b1 andbm affected by the same
    substitutions which gave the instance.

Horn clauses special cases Syntax Semantics
  • (D declarative interpretation, P
    procedural interpretation)
  • FACT Condition-less clause (only a head- no
  • h. D For all variables in the clause,
  • h is unconditionally true
  • P All instances of h are trivially solved
  • QUERY Conclusion-less clause
  • ?- b1,,bm. D For all variables in the clause,
  • not(b1 andbm), or equivalently, For NO
    variables in the clause, b1 andbm
  • P Find an instance of the body which solves
    all its conjoints, or say no if they cant be

Clause Resolution in Prolog
  • CLAUSE 1 h- b1,,bm.
  • CLAUSE2 ?- q1, q2 , qn.
  • 1. Find a substitution that unifies h with q1
  • 2. Apply that same substitution to ?-
    b1,,bm,q2, , qn.
  • You obtain the resolvent of both clauses.

Proof by refutation, or contradiction- the
  • p(mary). (p(mary) is true)
  • ?- p(X). (there is no value of X for which
    p(X) is true)
  • Proof by contradiction Assume that there is no
    value of X for which p(X) is true. If the
    resulting set of clauses is inconsistent,
    conclude there is the value of X which makes the
    set inconsistent.

Resolving our fact with our query
  • 1. Find a substitution that unifies the head in
    one with a body item in the other
  • Xmary
  • 2. Generate the resolvent we get the empty
    clause (no conditions, no conclusion). And the
    empty clause is inherently contradictory. The
    contradiction came from assuming there is no
    value for X that satisfies p(X). Therefore our
    assumption is wrong, and the counterexample that
    proves it wrong is precisely Xmary. In other
    words, there exists an X (namely, Xmary)
    satisfying p(X).

  • Thats why procedurally, a query may be viewed as
    a request for Prolog to find values for the
    variables() (if such exist) that make the body
    of a query true (i.e., that make the query
    itself false- since the query reads not (b1,bn),
    or modulo notation, ?- b1,,bn).
  • If we can apply resolution repeatedly on our
    query until we generate the empty clause, weve
    proved that the querys body does have values for
    its variables which makes it true those that led
    to contradiction, or the empty clause.
  • () These values are obtained through composition
    of all substitutions used in the process

Syntactic proof of inconsistency
  • For the assignment, be sure to provide, as well
    as a semantic proof of inconsistency (i.e.,
    reasoning on possible interpretations), a
    syntactic one (i.e., through resolution) resolve
    the query with some clause in the program whose
    head matches the first item in the query, and
    repeat until the empty clause is generated.
    Generating the empty clause through resolution
    proves that the set of clauses is inconsistent.

Logic Program description of knowledge in terms
  • - Facts p.
  • - Rules p- p1, p2, , pn.
  • - Queries ?- q1, q2 , qm.
  • ., - and ?- stand for if,
  • , means and
  • p, pi and qi are predicates-- of the form
  • ti are terms-- either atoms (constants or
    numbers), variables, or functional expressions
    (of the form f(t1,,ts))

Prolog based on Horn clauses
  • Relational
  • No explicit types or classes
  • High expressiveness each program line has its
    own meaning
  • Ideal for prototyping
  • Recursiveness, automatic inference,
    non-determinism, unification (two-way matching)
  • --------- features not present in functional

Definition Herbrand Universe
  • Universe of Discourse, or Herbrand Universe
    (given a set of clauses) the set of all
    variable-free terms that can be built from the
    predicates and function symbols occurring in the
    set of clauses. Example 1- given the set of
    clauses S1
  • ancestor(X,Z)- parent(X,Y),
  • ancestor(X,Z)- parent(X,Z).
  • parent(adam,abel).
  • parent(adam,cain).
  • Whats the universe of discourse for S1?
  • H(S1) adam,abel,cain

Example 2- an infinite Herbrand Universe
  • S2
  • number(0).
  • number(s(X))- number(X).
  • H(S2) 0, s(0), s(s(0)),
  • N.B.
  • If there are no constants in your set of clauses
    (this will in practice rarely happen) you need to
    add an arbitrary one into its Herbrand universe
  • As soon as you use any functional expression as
    an argument of a predicate, the universe becomes

  • Interpretation any assignment
  • To each term, of an individual in the universe
  • to each n-ary predicate symbol in the set of
    clauses, of an n-ary relation over the universe.
  • To specify an interpretation specify its effect
    on the truth or falsity of variable-free

Example recall S2
  • number(0).
  • number(s(X))- number(X).
  • H(S2) 0,s(0),s(s(0)), (Herbrand Universe)
  • Predicates I1 I2 I3 I4
  • number(0) T F T T T
  • number(s(0)) T T F T T
  • number(s(s(0))) T T T F T
  • number(s(s(s(0)))) T T T T F ..
    T ..

  • A variable-free (ground) clause is true in an
    interpretation I ? a) whenever all its conditions
    are T in I, at least one of its conclusions is T
    in I, or equivalently,
  • ? b) at least one of its conditions is
    false in I or at least one of its conclusions is
    T in I.
  • Example mortal(socrates)- human(socrates)
  • is T in any interpretation in which
    mortal(socrates) is T, and also in any
    interpretation in which human(socrates) is F.

  • A set of clauses S is inconsistent ? it is not
  • A set of clauses S is consistent ? all its
    clauses are T in some interpretation of S.
  • A clause is T in an interpretation I of a set of
    clauses S ? every variable-free instance of the
    clause obtained by replacing variables by terms
    from H(S) is true in I. Otherwise the clause is F
    in I.

Semantic proof of consistency
  • Given a set of clauses, e.g.
  • S3 (1) human(socrates).
  • (2) snores(X)- human(X).
  • Is there an interpretation in which all its
    clauses are true? (If there is at least one, the
    set is consistent if there are none, it is

  • YES, there is the one that assigns the value T
    both to human(socrates) and to snores(socrates).
    This interpretation satisfies clause 1) (which is
    already ground) and also the only possible
    ground instance of 2), namely
  • snores(socrates)- human(socrates).
  • Therefore, in this interpretation, all ground
    instances of the set of clauses are T, and
    therefore, all its clauses are T. S3 is

The same semantic proof, in step-by-step detail,
for finite universes
  • 1. Determine the Herbrand universe of your set of
    clauses. In our example, H(S3)socrates
  • 2. List all ground instances (i.e., instances
    with NO variables) of the predicates. We have
    only two predicates (human/1, snores/1), and H
    has only one element , so all ground instances of
    the predicates are, in our case human(socrates),
  • 3. List all posible interpretations of these
    ground instances.

Result of step 3 for our example
  • All possible interpretations (I1, I2, I3, I4)
  • human(socrates) snores(socrates)
  • I1 T T
  • I2 T F
  • I3 F T
  • I4 F F

  • A set of clauses represents our knowledge about
    some world- usually what we intend to represent
    is the real world, or some subset thereof.
  • The possible interpretations of that knowledge
    are the possible worlds in which we can reason
    about that knowledge.
  • In our example, we have four possible worlds in
    one of these worlds, Socrates is both human and
    snores, in another one he is human but does not
    snore, etc.

Steps of the semantic proof (cont.)
  • 4. List all ground instances of each clause.
  • In our example, we have
  • human(socrates).
  • snores(socrates)- human(socrates).
  • 5. Add these to your table, and calculate their
    truth values in each of the interpretations

Result for step 5 in our example
  • ( We now note humanhu, socratess, snoressn)
  • hu(s) sn(s) hu(s). sn(s)- hu(s).
  • I1 T T T T
  • I2 T F T F
  • I3 F T F T
  • I4 F F F T

Detailed steps of the semantic proof (cont.)
  • 6. Interpret these results in the light of the
    definitions given
  • S3 is consistent, since there is an
    interpretation (namely, I1) satisfying all
    variable-free instances of its clauses-- i.e.,
    satisfying all its clauses
  • N.B. For proving consistency, we just need to
    provide one interpretation that makes all clauses
    true. For proving inconsistency, we have to show
    that NO interpretation does. Either we list them
    all (if small enough) or we reason about truth
    values , as we exemplify next.

If the universe is infinite or too big
  • A proof by enumeration becomes impossible for
    clauses with infinite or huge Herbrand universes.
    In this case, just show one interpretation that
    satisfies all clauses (N.B. this is also always
    an option for clauses with small universes- we
    just went through detailed step-by-step for
    studying purposes).
  • E.g. to prove that S2 is consistent (transparency
    19), we show that in interpretation I1, in which
    all elements of H(S2) are T, both clauses of S2
    are T. Therefore there is an interpretation (I1)
    in which all clauses of S2 are T.

Semantic proof of inconsistency
  • S4 (1) human(bob).
  • (2) snores(X)- human(X).
  • (3) ?-snores(bob).
  • In any interpretation satisfying (1),
  • human(bob) must be T (4).
  • In any interpretation satisfying (1) and (2), all
    instances of (2) must be T in particular the
    instance with Xbob
  • snores(bob)- human(bob) must be T (5). And
  • snores(bob) must be T (6), because of (4) and
  • In any interpretation satisfying (3),
  • snores(bob) must be F (7).

Semantic proof of inconsistency (cont.)
  • If an interpretation existed satisfying (1), (2)
    and (3) simultaneously, it would have to satisfy
    both (6) and (7). But this is impossible
    snores(bob) cannot be both T and F.
  • Therefore, no interpretation exists which can
    simultaneously satisfy all three clauses in S4.
    This set is inconsistent.

More detail about matching (unifying) two terms
  • If both are constants or numbers they match ltgt
    they are the same constant or the same number
  • If one is a variable they always match, by
    instantiating the variable to the other term.
  • If they are complex terms, they match ltgt they
    have the same functor and all their corresponding
    arguments match
  • Two terms match ltgt it follows from the above
    that they do.

Remember to study one chapter per night of the
online notes
  • http//
  • (Learn Prolog now! By Blackburn et al.)
  • (you should have done four chapters by now)
  • Do all exercises as you go along, and run them.

Todays question
  • 1) Show an instance of the clause
  • grandparent(X,Y)- parent(X,Z), parent(Z,Y).
  • which can be used to resolve this clause with the
  • ?- grandparent(mary,W).
  • 2) Show the substitution used to obtain your
  • 3) Show the resolvent of both clauses.
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