Title: shcareclinic
1Distractions which obstruct the happiness in life.
2Disease, dullness, doubt, carelessness, laziness,
sensuality, false perception, failure to reach
firm ground and slipping from the ground gained -
These distractions of the mind-stuff are the
3How Yoga Ayurveda helps in restricting
fluctuation of mind?
By Ayurveda Yoga We can overcome Obstacles. So
try to know your mind, and make resolutions to
cultivate good habits, and curtail bad habits.
Buddhi the charioteer,serves as an effective
instrument of self-governance by controlling
emotions and upholding the higher Self from the
hold of the lower mind. They are there to make us
understand and express our own capacities we all
have that strength, but we don't seem to know it.
We seem to need to be challenged and tested in
order to understand our own capacities. In Fact
This is natural law. If a river just flows
easily, the water in the river does not express
its power. But once you put an obstacle to the
flow by constructing a dam, then you can see its
strength in the form of tremendous electrical
4Significance of Ayurveda
The term Ayurveda means knowledge (Veda)
concerning maintenance of life the origins of
this knowledge are already evident in the
atharvaveda The treatment of disease (chikitsa)
in the atharvaveda is largely religious and
ritualistic, emphasizing such practices as the
sacred utterances (mantra), penances (niyama),
amulets (mani), sacred oblations (mangala homa),
fasting (upavasa), and purificatory rites
(prayaschitta), but the atharvaveda also contains
material about human anatomy and herbal
medicines. Ayurveda is also considered as
supplement of atherveda as fifth veda. Ayurveda
is not confined to medicine only, it tackles the
whole subject of life in its various
ramifications, such as rebirth, renunciation,
salvation (Moksha), soul (Atma), etc.
5Ayurveda and treatment of chronic diseases
The Ayurveda Sciences Yogic Sciences have a
definite role in controlling treating various
Chronic Diseases such as Diabetes Mellitus, Joint
Pains, Hypertension, Obesity, Cancer, COPD many
many more etc. Obstacles are like a chain. Its
obstacle is physical disease. Disease makes us
dull and dull mind will doubt everything because
it does not want to penetrate into a thing to
understand it.when doubt is there, is
carelessness, a sort of lethargic attitude or
laziness and when the mind loses the interest and
alertness towards the higher goal, it has to do
something else so it will slowly descend to the
sensual enjoyments. Actually, all these are
summed as TAMAS or inertia or dullness. Another
obstacle is slipping down from the ground gained.
On the Spiritual path, We won't be disheartened.
Mind cannot function on the same levels always it
has its heights and depths. For Steady Progress,
We need to overcome all these obstacles by our
own practice that is self introspection .