Title: A presentation to ETSI
1User standardisation requirements survey
Adrian May 20 April 1999
E-mail info_at_ovum.com Tel 44 171 255 2670
Web http//www.ovum.com Fax 44 171 255
- Background
- Methodology
- User attitude to ETSI standardisation activity
- The results
- Conclusions
- ETSI keen to listen to users views on
standardisation priorities - Ovum commissioned to conduct a survey of users
and user groups - One 10 topic questionnaire produced in
co-operation with the ETSI User Group - 100 telephone interviewees answered 2-4 topics
- 24 face to face interviewees answered 5-10 topics
410 topics
- Information provided by operators and service
providers - Testing and certification
- LAN interconnection
- Security
- Services and application of services
- Interfaces
- Fixed mobile convergence
- Number portability
- Voice over IP
- Residential Gateways
- Interviews with telecoms managers
- 25 of interviewees were SMEs
- 5 European countries
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Sweden
- UK
- Market research agency used for telephone
interviews - Ovum consultants used for face to face interviews
- Additional questions asked about the consultation
process - was it important to users?
- which topics were important?
- how could it be improved?
7Classification by number of employees
8Classification by nature of business
- Background
- Methodology
- User attitude to ETSI standardisation activity
- The results
- Conclusions
10Priority areas of concern
11How important is standardisation to users work?
12Are ETSI responsive to user standardisation calls?
13Do users want to be involved in standardisation?
14How can user participation be improved?
- Background
- Methodology
- User attitude to ETSI standardisation activity
- The results
- Conclusions
16The results
- Information provided by operators and service
providers - Testing and certification
- LAN interconnection
- Security
- Services and application of services
- Interfaces
- Fixed mobile convergence
- Number portability
- Voice over IP
- Residential Gateways
17What aspects of service are monitored?
18Is providing this information in the contract?
19Is the format satisfactory?
20What are the problems with the information
21Does a lack of information inhibit your
negotiating position?
22Would a standardised electronic comparison tool
...your negotiating position?
23Who should play lead roles in standardising...
...performance and billing information?
24Are you happy with the billing stations supplied
by operators?
25Do you wish to see interface standards
...which allow communication with your accounts
26Is a formalised pan-European method for....
...comparing network and tariff information
27What are the features of a good benchmarking
28Who should do benchmarking?
29The results
- Information provided by operators and service
providers - Testing and certification
- LAN interconnection
- Security
- Services and application of services
- Interfaces
- Fixed mobile convergence
- Number portability
- Voice over IP
- Residential Gateways
30Do you perform acceptance tests?
31Are you aware ETSI is developing conformance
testing specs
32Would you like to participate in testing
specification development?
33Is a test pass a credible product guarantee?
34Are ETSI and other test specifications used by
35What should the objectives of a standardisation
body be?
36Comments on the role of a standardisation body
- ETSI should decide which laboratories are
qualified to carry testing out - and then monitor
them - To set a minimum standard for Europe
- ETSI should put more pressure on vendors to
achieve conformance - Standardisation is up to vendors - ETSI should
set general guidelines
37The results
- Information provided by operators and service
providers - Testing and certification
- LAN interconnection
- Security
- Services and application of services
- Interfaces
- Fixed mobile convergence
- Number portability
- Voice over IP
- Residential Gateways
38Are there sufficient LAN standards?
39Are LAN Interconnect processes understood?
40Network designers focus on functionality....
....and interoperability but not interconnect
41Internet Engineering Groups are the major
...of internetworking protocol data
42Is LAN Interconnect fully covered by IETF
43Should ETSI adopt IETF de facto standards?
44Should the ISO adopt IETF standards in place
of...OSI standards
45Agreed performance measures would be useful...
...such as latency, maximum hop count.
46Should performance benchmarking be a legal
47The results
- Information provided by operators and service
providers - Testing and certification
- LAN interconnection
- Security
- Services and application of services
- Interfaces
- Fixed mobile convergence
- Number portability
- Voice over IP
- Residential Gateways
48Are you aware of existing security standards?
49Is the DES standard adequate?
50Do you have in house security function for....
51Do you trust the level of security of Service
52What do you look for when buying equipment?
53How should Information security regulations be
54Who should run trusted certification services?
55Who should manage encryption keys?
56The results
- Information provided by operators and service
providers - Testing and certification
- LAN interconnection
- Security
- Services and application of services
- Interfaces
- Fixed mobile convergence
- Number portability
- Voice over IP
- Residential Gateways
57Will standardisation hinder competition?
...and those that say it will hinder competition
ALL think it should still be pursued.
58Where is standardisation work required...
...to enable ease of use
59Where is standardisation work required...
....to enable greater interoperability
60The results
- Information provided by operators and service
providers - Testing and certification
- LAN interconnection
- Security
- Services and application of services
- Interfaces
- Fixed mobile convergence
- Number portability
- Voice over IP
- Residential Gateways
- Focus on the man to machine interface
- Key areas are
- ease of use
- functionality
- consistency
- ergonomics (where appropriate)
- Also concerned with the billing to account
62How important is standardisation of...
...the user interface in similar applications.
63How important is standardisation of...
...the user interface in interoperable
64How important is interface standardisation in...
65Is additional standardisation work required...
66Are billing and charging provided
67Is more standardisation work required....
....on the billing to accounts interface
68Which areas need standardisation work?
- Standardisation in the format and method of
sending information - European and worldwide standards regarding data
transmission are still too different - Fault and information reporting should be
standardised - Database integration needs to be standardised
69The results
- Information provided by operators and service
providers - Testing and certification
- LAN interconnection
- Security
- Services and application of services
- Interfaces
- Fixed mobile convergence
- Number portability
- Voice over IP
- Residential Gateways
70Fixed mobile convergence
- Familiarity levels are low
- something users know about...
- ...but there is limited exposure to it
- Scandinavia, UK and Germany are leaders
- but it will be very widespread across Europe
71What do you understand by FMC
72Are you using FMC now?
73What type of FMC does/will your company use?
74What are the core issues of concern in FMC?
75Where would you prefer to source network services?
76Concerns about sourcing services from a Network
77Concerns about sourcing services from a service
78Importance of accessing services from fixed and
mobile networks
79Importance of accessing services when roaming
80Are you planning to create a Virtual Home
81The results
- Information provided by operators and service
providers - Testing and certification
- LAN interconnection
- Security
- Services and application of services
- Interfaces
- Fixed mobile convergence
- Number portability
- Voice over IP
- Residential Gateways
82Number portability
- Now available in all survey countries
- with the exception of Italy
- Mobile number portability is emerging
- currently only available in UK and Sweden
83Have you ported numbers?
84What types of number have you ported?
85What is a reasonable service interruption time...
.....to allow numbers to be ported?
86Importance of being able to choose porting time...
87Do you want service portability?
88How extensive do you want location portability?
89How important are standards for fault management?
90What is the maximum time for service to be
91How long would you want this backup network?
92What are the main benefits of NP?
93The results
- Information provided by operators and service
providers - Testing and certification
- LAN interconnection
- Security
- Services and application of services
- Interfaces
- Fixed mobile convergence
- Number portability
- Voice over IP
- Residential Gateways
94Will you use for all voice traffic?
95Will you use VoIP for non-critical voice traffic?
96What are users concerns?
- The technology is still too new
- Not enough market availability
- Many changes expected in next two years
- Quality is not business quality
- Security
97What price reduction would you expect?
98How much service degradation - speech clarity
99How much service degradation - speech delay
100How much service degradation - service avail
101Where is standardisation work required?
102What will you want Voice over IP to support?
103How will you source VoIP services?
104The results
- Information provided by operators and service
providers - Testing and certification
- LAN interconnection
- Security
- Services and application of services
- Interfaces
- Fixed mobile convergence
- Number portability
- Voice over IP
- Residential Gateways
105Where is the greatest need for standardisation?
106What are the issues of concern?
107Which applications will be important?
- Background
- Methodology
- User attitude to ETSI standardisation activity
- The results
- Conclusions
- In established areas users are generally
satisfied - there is inevitably some fine tuning to be done
- In new areas there is much work to be done
- especially in the areas of reliability and
security - Security standardisation remains the most
important issue
- National user organisations are not representing
users grass roots interest in standardisation - the user organisations were reluctant to
participate - but users see standardisation as important, and
they want to be involved - Time and resources are the core barrier to
greater user participation - quick consultation processes should be
established - email, internet, publications.
111Adrian May Consultant
Tel 44 171 255 2670 Fax 44 171 255 1995 E-mail
info_at_ovum.com Web http//www.ovum.com