Title: Servlets Part 2
1ServletsPart 2
- Representation and Management of Data on the Web
2Servlets and Cookies
Cookie Example
3Servlets and Cookies
- Java Servlet API provides comfortable mechanisms
to handle cookies - The class javax.servlet.http.Cookie represents a
cookie - Getter methods
- getName(), getValue(), getPath(), getDomain(),
getMaxAge(), getSecure() - Setter methods
- setValue(), setPath(), setDomain(), setMaxAge()
4Servlets and Cookies (cont)
- Get the cookies from the service request
- Cookie HttpServletRequest.getCookies()
- Add a cookie to the service response
- HttpServletResponse.addCookie(Cookie cookie)
5An Example
lthtmlgt ltheadgtlttitlegtInsert your
Namelt/titlegtlt/headgt ltbodygt lth1gtWhat is your
name?lt/h1gt ltform action"welcomeback"
method"get"gt ltpgt ltinput
type"text" name"username" /gt
ltinput type"submit" /gt lt/pgt
lt/formgt lt/bodygt lt/htmlgt
6An Example (cont)
public class WelcomeBack extends HttpServlet
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws
ServletException, IOException String user
req.getParameter("username") if (user
null) // Find the "username" cookie
Cookie cookies req.getCookies()
for (int i 0 cookies ! null i lt
cookies.length i) if
user cookiesi.getValue()
else res.addCookie(new Cookie("username",
7An Example (cont)
if (user null) // No parameter and no
cookie res.sendRedirect("getname.html")
res.setContentType("text/html") PrintWriter
out res.getWriter() out.println("lthtmlgtltbody
gtlth1gtWelcome Back " user
8Session Management with Servlets
9Session Cookies
Web browser 1
Web server
10Session Cookies
Web browser 2
Web server
11Session Cookies
Web browser 1
Web server
12Session Cookies
Web browser 2
Web server
14Accessing the Session Data
- The session object is represented by the class
HttpSession - Use the methods getSesssion() or getSession(true)
of the doXXX request to get the current
HttpSession object, or to create one if it
doesnt exist - When a new session is created, the server
automatically add a session cookie to the
response - Use getSession(false) if you do not want to
create a new session when no session exists
15HttpSession Methods
- Session data is accessed in a hash-table fashion
- setAttribute(String name,Object value)
- Where is this value stored?
- Object getAttribute(String name)
- More methods
- removeAttribute, getAttributeNames
- isNew, invalidate, getId
- getCreationTime, getLastAccessedTime
- getMaxInactiveInterval, setMaxInactiveInterval
16Example A Basic Shopping Cart
- In the following example a basic shopping cart
for an online store is implemented - The application consists of two Servlets
- Store.java the main store site
- ShoppingCart.java handles cart manipulation
17Online-Store Example
public class Store extends HttpServlet public
void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException,
IOException res.setContentType("text/html
") PrintWriter out res.getWriter()
"ltlink rel\"stylesheet\" type\"text/css\""
" href\"cartstyle.css\"/gtlt
/headgtltbodygt") HttpSession session
req.getSession() if (session.getAttribute(
"item-list") null)
out.println("lth1gtHello new visitor!lt/h1gt")
session.setAttribute("item-list", new
LinkedList()) List itemList
(List) session.getAttribute("item-list")
18Online-Store Example (cont)
out.println("lth2gtYour Shopping
Cartlt/h2gtltolgt") for (Iterator it
itemList.iterator() it.hasNext())
out.println("ltligt" it.next() "lt/ligt")
out.println("lt/olgt") out.println("ltform
method\"post\" action\"cart\"gt")
out.println("ltpgtAdd itemltinput name\"item\"
type\"text\"/gt" "ltinput
type\"submit\" value\"send\"/gtlt/pgt"
"ltpgtltinput type\"submit\" value\"empty
cart\" " "name\"clear\"/gtlt/pgtlt
/formgt") out.println("lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt")
19Online-Store Example (cont)
public class ShoppingCart extends HttpServlet
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws
ServletException, IOException
PrintWriter out res.getWriter()
List items (List) req.getSession().getAttribute(
"item-list") out.println("lthtmlgtltheadgt
ltlink rel\"stylesheet\""
" type\"text/css\" href\"cartstyle.css\"/gt"
20Online-Store Example (cont)
if (req.getParameter("clear") ! null)
items.clear() out.println("lth2gtYour
Shopping Cart is Empty!lt/h2gt") else
String item req.getParameter("item")
items.add(item) out.println("lth2gtThe
item ltigt" item
"lt/igt was added to your cart.lt/h2gt")
out.println("lth2gtlta href\"store\"gtRetu
rn to the storelt/agtlt/h2gt")
21URL Rewriting
Web browser
Web server
ltHTMLgt ltA HREFservletURLsessIDid1gt lt/HTML
22URL Rewriting
Web browser 1
Web server
ltHTMLgt ltA HREFservletURLsessIDid1gt lt/HTMLgt
GET servletURLsessIDid1 HTTP/1.0
23Servlet URL Rewriting
- Use the following methods of the doXXX response
object to rewrite URLs - String encodeURL(String url)
- Use for HTML hyperlinks
- String encodeRedirectURL(String url)
- Use for HTTP redirections
- These methods contain the logic to determine
whether the session ID needs to be encoded in
the URL - For example, if the request has a cookie, then
url is returned unchanged - Some servers implement the two methods identically
24Back to our Store
- The Store example assumes that the client
supports cookies - To fix the program, we should encode the links we
supply - Store.java
- "ltform method\"post\" action\""
- res.encodeURL("cart") "\"gt"
- ShoppingCart.java
- lta href\"" res.encodeURL("store") "\"gt"
25The Session Listener
- The session listener reacts to the following
events - A new session has been created
- A session is being destroyed
- To obtain a session listener, implement the
interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener
26Session-Listener Example (cont)
public class CartInitializer implements
HttpSessionListener public void
sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent se) List
itemList new LinkedList()
itemList.add("A Free Apple")
public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent se)
ltlistenergt ltlistener-classgtCartInitializerlt/
listener-classgt lt/listenergt
27The Servlet Context
28Uses of ServletContext
- For communicating with the Servlet container
(e.g., Tomcat server), we use the ServletContext
object - One context is shared among all Web-application
Servlets - Can store Web application initialization
parameters - Can store and manipulate application-shared
attributes - Can be used to access the logger
- Can be used to dispatch requests to other
29ServletContext Methods
- Access initialization parameters
- getInitParameter(String name), getInitParameterNam
es() - Read Web-application attributes
- getAttribute(String name), getAttributeNames()
- Manipulate Web-application attributes
- setAttribute(String, Object), removeAttribute(Stri
ng) - Transform context-relative paths to absolute
paths - getRealPath(String path), URL getResource(String
30ServletContext Methods
- Write to the application log
- log(String msg), log(String message, Throwable
exception) - Get a resource dispatcher (discussed later)
- RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String
path) - Name and version of the Servlet container
- String getServerInfo()
31Note about ServletContext
- There is a single ServletContext per Web
application - Different Sevlets will get the same
ServletContext object, when calling
getServletContext during different sessions - You can lock the context to protect a critical
section from all Web-application accesses
32The Request Dispatcher
33The Request Dispather
- The RequestDispatcher object is used to send a a
client request to any resource on the server - Such a resource may be dynamic (e.g. a Servlet or
a JSP file) or static (e.g. a HTML document) - To send a request to a resource x, use
- getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("x")
34Request Dispatcher Methods
- void forward(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response) - Forwards a request from a Servlet to another
resource - void include(ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response) - Includes the content of a resource in the response
35Passing on Data
- 3 different ways to pass parameters for the
forwarded Servlet or JSP - Data that will be used only for this request
- request.setAttribute("key", value)
- Data will be used for this client (also for
future requests) - session.setAttribute("key", value)
- Data that will be used in the future for every
client - context.setAttribute("key", value)
36An Example
- The Servlet JokesAndImages enables a user to
choose a random joke or a random image - The server has 5 images in the directory images/
and five jokes (txt files) in the directory
jokes/ - Empty requests are forwarded to a HTML file that
enables the user to choose a joke or an image - Requests to a joke are forwarded to the servlet
Jokes - Requests to an image are forwarded to a random
image from the directory images/
37Jokes and Images
lthtmlgt ltheadgtlttitlegtImages and
Jokeslt/titlegtlt/headgt ltbodygt lth1gtPlease
Selectlt/h1gt ltform method"post"
action"JokesAndImages"gt lth2gt ltinput
type"submit" name"joke" value"A
Joke" /gt ltinput type"submit"
name"image" value"An Image" /gt
lt/h2gt lt/formgt lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt
38Jokes and Images (cont)
public class JokesAndImages extends HttpServlet
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException,
IOException int randomNum 1
Math.abs((new Random()).nextInt() 5) if
(req.getParameter("joke") ! null)
req.setAttribute("jokeNumber", new
Integer(randomNum)) getServletContext().getReq
else if (req.getParameter("image") ! null)
image" randomNum
".gif").forward(req, res) else
("/imagesJokesOptions.html"). forward(req,res)
public void doGet ...
39Jokes and Images (cont)
public class Jokes extends HttpServlet public
void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws
ServletException, IOException
res.setContentType("text/html") PrintWriter
out res.getWriter() out.println("lthtmlgtltbo
dygtlth1gtA Jokelt/h1gtltpregt") int jokeNum
((Integer) req.getAttribute("jokeNumber")).intValu
e() getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher
("/jokes/joke" jokeNum
".txt").include(req, res)
out.println("\nlt/pregt") out.println("lta
href\"" req.getRequestURL() "\"gtBacklt/agt")
40Forwarding versus Redirection
- SendRedirect requires extra communication on part
of the client Why? - By default, SendRedirect does not preserve
parameters of the request - SendRedirect ends up with a different URL on the
client - Which image will be loaded in the following
scenario? Servlet /a forwards to
/jokes/joke1.html and joke1.html includes ltimg
41Programmatic Security with Servlets
42Programmatic-Security Methods
- Servlet API contains several accessories for
handling programmatic security - getRemoteUser()
- isUserInRole(String role)
- getAuthType()
- These are all methods of HttpServletRequest
- To enable user authentication (even for public
URLs), provide a link to some protected page
43An Example Security Constraints in web.xml
ltweb-resource-namegtFirm Peoplelt/web-resource-namegt
erngt lt/web-resource-collectiongt
lt/auth-constraintgt lt/security-constraintgt
44An Example Security Constraints in web.xml
ltlogin-configgt ltauth-methodgtFORMlt/a
uth-methodgt ltform-login-configgt
r-pagegt lt/form-login-configgt
lt/login-configgt ltsecurity-rolegt
lt/security-rolegt ltsecurity-rolegt
45public class FirmServlet extends HttpServlet
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws ServletException,
IOException res.setContentType("text/html")
PrintWriter out res.getWriter()
) out.println("lth1gtHello.lt/h1gt") String
username req.getRemoteUser()
if(usernamenull) out.println("ltpgtltimg
out.println("lth3gtlta href\"login.html\"gtLoginlt/agtlt
/h3gt") out.println("lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt")
46 if(req.isUserInRole("employees"))
out.println("ltpgtltimg src\"images/employee.gif\"/gt
lt/pgt") out.print("lth2gtWelcome Employee "
username "!lt/h2gt")
out.println("ltpgtltimg src\"images/manager.gif\"/gtlt
/pgt") out.print("lth2gtExecutive average
salary 42764NIS!lt/h2gt")
out.print("lth3gtlta href\"endsession\"gtLog
Outlt/agtlt/h3gt") out.println("lt/bodygtlt/htmlgt")
47public class LoginServlet extends HttpServlet
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws
ServletException, IOException PrintWriter
out res.getWriter() res.setContentType("text
/html") out.println("lthtmlgtltheadgtlttitlegtLogin
lt/titlegtlt/headgtltbodygt") if(req.getParameter("
fail")!null) out.print("lth2gtLogin
Failed. Try Again.lt/h2gt")
out.println("ltform action\"j_security_check\"
method\"post\"gt" "ltpgtLogin ltinput
type\"text\" name\"j_username\"/gtlt/pgt"
"ltpgtPassword ltinput type\"password\"
name\"j_password\"/gtlt/pgt" "ltpgtltinput
type\"submit\" value\"Log In\"/gtlt/pgt"
48 public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws
ServletException, IOException
ltservletgt ltservlet-namegtLoginlt/servlet-na
megt ltservlet-classgtLoginServletlt/servlet-cla
ssgt lt/servletgt ltservlet-mappinggt
49public class EndSession extends HttpServlet
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,
HttpServletResponse res) throws
ServletException, IOException HttpSession
session req.getSession(false)
if(session!null) session.invalidate()
ltservletgt ltservlet-namegtEndSessionlt/servle
t-namegt ltservlet-classgtEndSessionlt/servlet-c
lassgt lt/servletgt ltservlet-mappinggt
51Filters in Servlet API
- Filters are used to dynamically intercept
requests and responses - A filter that applies to a URL u typically acts
as follows given a request for u - performs some actions before the processing of u
- passes the request handling to the next filter
- performs some actions after the processing of u
52(No Transcript)
53public final class FilterExample implements
Filter public void init(FilterConfig
filterConfig) throws ServletException
... public void destroy()
... public void doFilter(ServletRequest
req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain)
throws IOException, ServletException
... chain.doFilter(request, response)
54Registering a Filter
ltfiltergt ltfilter-namegtExample
Filterlt/filter-namegt ltfilter-classgtFilterExa
mplelt/filter-classgt lt/filtergt
ltfilter-mappinggt ltfilter-namegtExample
Filterlt/filter-namegt lturl-patterngt/images/lt
/url-patterngt lt/filter-mappinggt
55What Can we Do with Filters?
- Examine and log requests
- Modify request headers and properties
- Modify the response headers and response data
- E.g., by replacing the response with a wrapper
- Content compression
- Image conversion
- Block requests
- And more...
56Notes About Filters
- The order of the filters in the chain is the same
as the order that filter mappings appear web.xml - The life cycle of filters is similar to that of
Servlets - Filters typically do not themselves create
responses, although they can - The request and response arguments of doFilter
are actually of type HttpServletRequest and
HttpServletResponse - The filterConfig is used to read initialization
parameters - Those are set in web.xml