The Kennedy Tragedy was an: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Kennedy Tragedy was an:


Grew up during the post Watergate era and the energy crisis. ... Must teach them how to do things in a step-wise fashion. Collaborative learning. Multi-media ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Kennedy Tragedy was an:

Is There an Echo in Your Laboratory? Managing,
Teaching, and Working with Echo-Boomers
Linda Laatsch, Ph.D., MT(ASCP)SM Marquette
  • At the end of the session, the participant will
    be able to
  • 1. Describe characteristics of Echo-Boomers (aka
  • 2. Provide possible explanations for the
    behaviors and values of Echo-Boomers.
  • 3. Discuss methods for effectively managing,
    teaching, and working with Echo-Boomers.

  • Millennials
  • Boomerang Kids
  • Internet Generation
  • Boomlet
  • Nexters
  • Generation Y
  • Nintendo Generation
  • Generation Tech
  • Generation 2000
  • Boomer Babies
  • Generation XX
  • Digital Generation
  • Tethered Generation
  • Generation Me

Eastern Illinois University
What generation?
  • Grew up during the post Watergate era and the
    energy crisis.
  • In many cases they were the children of divorce
    and nontraditional family units
  • Many were latchkey kids who were raised on
    electronic media (television, Atari 2600s)

What generation?
  • More likely to live in two-income household.
  • Have children at home now
  • Have the basic feeling of security
  • More likely than others to focus on education
  • Have higher level of education
  • 88.8 of this generation completed high school

What generation?
  • Born at a time when it was considered natural and
    appropriate for families to have large numbers of
  • Wed early
  • About 95 are retired at this point
  • Lived during the great depression

What generation?
  • Sheltered
  • Experienced a positive economy while moving
    through their school years
  • Grew up on kid safety rules, lockdown of public
    schools, sweeping national youth safety movement
  • Technological sophistication

Who are the Millennials?
  • Born from approx. 1982 - 2000
  • Presently 80 million (largest generation)
  • 27 of U.S. population
  • The oldest entered college Fall of 2000
  • Life expectancy of 75 years
  • The Next Great Generation?

Who are the Millennials?
  • Most diverse generation in U.S. history
  • 34 minorities
  • 96 get along with parents
  • 78 believe religion is important
  • 60 engage in community service
  • 80 think it is cool to be smart

Defining Characteristics
  • Conventional
  • Confident
  • Special
  • Sheltered
  • Self-Assured
  • Stressed
  • Achieving
  • Pleasant
  • Helpful
  • Team-oriented
  • Racially diverse
  • Extremely close with parents
  • Savvy with technology

Events That Made An Impression
  • 9-11
  • Columbine
  • Oklahoma City Bombing
  • Princess Dis death
  • Clinton Impeachment Trial
  • O.J. Simpson Trial
  • Rodney King riots
  • Lewinsky scandal

What is the Millennial Childhood Like?
  • Older parents (ave. mom 27 y.o.)
  • Busiest generation of children
  • Scheduled by parents and teachers
  • Have had more contact with other races/cultures
  • Have experienced more patriotism
  • Think globally and 24/7
  • Helicopter parents

Millennial Parent Characteristics
  • Idealist
  • Passionate
  • Protective
  • Involved
  • Concerned
  • Intelligent
  • Demanding
  • Prioritize education
  • Knowledgeable about college experience
  • Sense of entitlement
  • high cost of attendance
  • view students as children, not adults
  • Expect to be involved from admission to graduation

Messages that Millennials have been given
  • You are special
  • Be inclusive and tolerant of others
  • Connect 24/7
  • Achieve! (and do it now)
  • Serve your community

Emerging AdulthoodJeffrey Jensen Arnett
  • 18-25 year olds
  • For some, it occurs in late 20s
  • Used to happen much earlier
  • Improved socioeconomic status
  • Not eager to enter adulthood
  • Other reasons for change?

Older marriage age
Sexual freedom co-habitation
More attending college 2/3 go to college 1/3 of
these go to grad school
Features of Emerging Adults
  • Age of identity exploration
  • Used to happen in teens
  • Now they use graduate school to figure it out

Features of Emerging Adults
  • Age of identity exploration
  • Age of instability
  • Change college majors frequently
  • Change jobs frequently
  • Almost every year in their 20s
  • Change residence frequently

Features of Emerging Adults
  • Age of identity exploration
  • Age of instability
  • Self-focused age
  • Not egocentric
  • Focus on self-development
  • Aware of that what they are doing affects others

Features of Emerging Adults
  • Age of identity exploration
  • Age of instability
  • Self-focused age
  • Age of feeling in-between

(No Transcript)
Features of Emerging Adults
  • Age of identity exploration
  • Age of instability
  • Self-focused age
  • Age of feeling in-between
  • Age of possibilities
  • Optimism not always based in reality

Millennial StudentCharacteristics
  • High-achievers parent expectation
  • Very stressed
  • Cheating on the rise
  • Emphasis on teamwork
  • Respect for authority
  • More prone to
  • Obesity
  • Asthma
  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Depression
  • Self-mutilation
  • Eating disorders
  • Casual sexual encounters

  • Students dont see cheating as a moral breach
  • Cheating is o.k. if you dont get caught
  • Plagiarism is up because of internet access to

Americas New Conformists
  • More conservative than their parents
  • More likely than their parents to
  • Support prayer in school
  • Support federal aid to faith-based charities
  • Favor restrictions on abortions
  • Believe in
  • Security rather than radicalism
  • Political order rather than social emancipation
  • Collective responsibility rather than personal

Helicopter Parents and College Students
  • Parents telephone administrators to complain
  • Childrens housing
  • Childrens roommates
  • Grades
  • Why this has changed
  • More involvement when children are young
  • Cell phones (External Umbilical Cord)
  • No need to wait for dorm phone

Narcissism Through Proxy
  • Millennials are the most protected, over-watched
    generation ever
  • They have been instilled with a false sense of
  • Overestimate their abilities
  • Teachers often rewarded them more for
    participation than for achievement
  • They feel like trophies for their parents

Twenge Jean, et al. Workshop 2/27/07
  • Narcissistic Personality Inventory
  • 16,475 college students
  • 1982-2006
  • Scores have risen steadily
  • More narcissistic self-centered.

2007 National Survey of Student Engagement
  • 4,518 freshmen
  • 4,644 seniors
  • 24 universities
  • For the 1st time, asked about parent involvement

2007 National Survey of Student Engagement
  • Freshmen
  • 38 frequent or occasional parent intervention
  • Seniors
  • 29 frequent or occasional parent intervention

Helicopter Parents and College Students
  • This is undermining the out-of classroom lessons
    on problem-solving

What Universities are Doing About Helicopter
  • Washington University St. Louis
  • Upperclassmen do skits about healthy
    transitioning from parents
  • University of Vermont
  • Students are hired as parent bouncers
  • Colgate University New York
  • No longer give parents the phone numbers of
  • Hope to assign parent reading on the transition
    to college

  • The number one thing to realize with the
    Millennials is that as a whole they reflect much
    more parental perfectionism than any generation
    in living memory. Colleges and universities
    should know that they are not just getting a kid,
    but they are also getting a parent.
  • William Strauss
  • Author, Millennials Rising

Observed behaviors in college classroomRebekah
  • More cheating
  • Ruder
  • Less motivated
  • Steeped in sense of entitlement
  • See themselves on par with the teacher
  • Less participation in class discussions
  • Wont read assignments
  • Know how to play the system

What 50-Year-Old Rebekah Nathan Did
  • Fall, 2002
  • Enrolled as full-time undergraduate student
  • Moved into a dorm
  • From My Freshman Year

Rebekah Nathans Observations as a Student
  • Students valued future careers more than their
  • Fun was cherished
  • Many worked
  • Time management a priority
  • Guided choice of courses
  • Sought to limit their workload
  • Cheating seen as a time mgmt tool

What Millennials Need in the Classroom
  • Structure
  • Must teach them how to do things in a step-wise
  • Collaborative learning
  • Multi-media
  • Relevant learning experiences
  • Feedback not just grades

What Would YOU Do??????
  • Write your childs resume to help him secure a
  • Accompany him or her to a job fair or interview
  • Call a prospective employer on your kids behalf
  • Admonish your child not to accept an offer
    without consulting you
  • Negotiate your childs salary or benefit package
  • Call the business on your childs behalf if he
    did not get a job
What happens when Millennials hit the workplace?
  • Have higher expectations than any generation
    before them
  • Want
  • strong leader
  • learning opportunities
  • to be friends with co-workers
  • to work with positive people
  • to have fun at work
  • a life outside of work do not want 60 hr. work
    weeks want flexible schedules
  • to be paid well
  • to be treated respectfully
  • Revolving door

A 60-year-old remarkedWe wanted what they
want. We felt we couldnt ask. Herein lies the
truth what young workers want isnt so different
from what everyone else wants. However, young
people are asking.Karen Cates Kimia
RahimiMastering People ManagementFinancial
Times. Nov. 19, 2001.
Downside of Millennials
  • Sense of entitlement
  • Have lots of options know it
  • Need validation high maintenance
  • Poor writing skills
  • Lack
  • Discretion
  • Independence
  • Realistic expectations
  • Patience
  • Work ethic

Upside of Millennials
  • Technologically savvy
  • Tons of energy
  • Positive attitude
  • Adept at global diversity issues
  • Team-oriented
  • Multi-taskers

What Needs to Happen in Workplace to Accommodate
  • Increase basic skills training
  • Explain the reasons behind processes
  • Place clear parameters on communication frequency
    methods, especially IM
  • Provide more frequent job performance appraisals
    and other feedback
  • Focus on outcomes
  • Keep them engaged
  • Expand work/life balance programs

Kathryn Tyler, The Tethered Generation, 2007.
Eleven Tips for Managing MillennialsSusan
  • Provide structure
  • Provide leadership guidance
  • Encourage the can-do attitude positive personal
  • Encourage work in teams
  • Listen
  • Avoid boredom provide challenge
  • Provide opportunities for multi-tasking

Eleven Tips for Managing MillennialsSusan
  • Take advantage of their electronic literacy
  • Capitalize on their affinity for networking
  • Provide a life-balanced workplace
  • Provide a fun, employee-centered workplace

What Needs to Happen in Workplace to Deal with
Helicopter Parents
  • Beat em or Join em
  • Employers MUST accommodate them our society
    will need millennials!
  • Enforce strong privacy policies

How businesses should react to helicopter parents
  • Acknowledge the benefit of collaborative
    decision-making but define the limitations for
    parental involvement.
  • Stress that negotiations must be with the
    candidate, not the parents.
  • Be emphatic that parents of employees will not be
    part of work communications.
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