Title: Importance, Benefits, And Side Effects Of Magnesium Threonate
1Importance, Benefits, And Side Effects Of
Magnesium Threonate
- 90 of the human body is made up of water, but
what keeps it going are the minerals, vitamins,
and other essentials. Magnesium is one of the
nutrients that affect our health and hence, one
must look after the consumption. - Magnesium gap can be filled with Magnesium
threonate and this helps to improve the functions
in the body. - The availability of magnesium in the body helps
the enzymes, proteins synthesis, glucose, nerves,
and muscles to function in sync. One can buy
organic vitamins or supplements that fill in the
gaps of magnesium. - Magnesium threonate or Magnesium L-Threonate is a
type of magnesium made available for this
purpose. This is a type of salt formed when it is
combined with chronic acid.
2Benefits One can buy magnesium threonate to
improve certain conditions. The deficiency of
magnesium is likely to affect your health more
with increasing age. Here are some benefits that
can be experienced post using organic vitamins
and supplements. 1. Anti-Inflammatory The use
of magnesium intake helps to reduce inflammation.
It also helps reduce the aftermath of chronic
depression and anxiety. The studies conclude the
consumption of magnesium in appropriate
quantities reduces inflammation. 2. Attention
and focus Magnesium is beneficial for your brain
and nervous system function. It promotes
attention and focuses. The deficiency of
magnesium results in symptoms such as
restlessness, irritability, fatigue, and lack of
concentration. At times the symptoms associated
with hyperactivity disorder can also be
experienced. To improve the symptoms of the
mentioned disorder or to let one improve the
grasping power, consumption of magnesium can be
beneficial. 3. Cardiovascular health Magnesium
helps to improve cardiovascular health. Sudden
cardiac death is one example of a deficiency of
magnesium. Blood pressure, risk of
atherosclerosis, vasodilation, and healthy
endothelial functions are a few activities
supported by magnesium. So one must always be
aware of their diet intake and the proportion of
nutrients they consume. Although, deficiency of
these important elements can be recovered with
organic supplements and vitamins.
3- Withdrawal consequences
- While the intake of this vitamin helps to improve
the deficiency in your body, it is likely to
cause potential harm to your health. Whether you
buy organic supplements of magnesium or buy
magnesium threonate you need might experience
mild side effects such as - Nausea
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal cramping
- If a person consumes more than 5,000 mg of
magnesium per day, excessive use is likely to
cause more problems. - The symptoms that can be experienced include
- Lethargy
- Heart problems
- Urine retention
- Muscle weakness
- Difficulty breathing
- Low blood pressure
- These symptoms are only felt when you take
supplements or intake magnesium in incorrect
proportions. So, it's better that you consult
your doctor before taking any medications.