Title: Chapter 1: Observations of the climate system
1Chapter 1 Observations of the climate
system Vertical temperature structure of the
atmosphere troposphere, stratosphere,
mesosphere, thermosphere Lapse Rate Graphs of T
with latitude, height, season Atmospheric
composition Graphs of humidity - lat, height,
season - link to T Composition of oceans - where
is the water found? Structure of oceans - T and
salinity with latitude and depth Cryosphere sea
ice, snow cover Land surface Hydrostatic
balance derivation, relationship to
pressure Clausius Clapeyron relationship
2Chapter 2 Global energy balance Orbital
characteristics eccentricity, obliquity,
longitude of perihelion Flux from the
sun Stefan-Boltzmann law Combined to get
emission temperature of earth Greenhouse effect
- illustrated through a simple slab atmopshere
model Global radiative budget Solar flux per
unit surface area on the earth zenith angle Daily
average insolation as a function of latitude and
month Global maps of Albedo, outgoing LW
radiation, Net radiation -gt Inferred polewards
heat transport Graph of polewards heat transport
by atm and ocean
3Chapter 3 Atmospheric Radiative
transfer Electromagnetic radiation speed,
frequency, wavelength. Spectrum Description of
radiative energy Plancks law of blackbody
radiation and relationship to the
Stefan-Boltzmann law Absorption of SW and LW by
gases How do atoms/molecules interact with
radiation? Translational, rotational,
vibrational, photodissociation, electronic
excitation, photoionization line
broadening Absorption of radiation - simple
theory Lambert-Bouguet-Beer law, optical depth,
mean free path Emission and absorption solution
to the emission/absorption equation (integral
equation of transfer)
4- Radiative equilibrium
- 2 layer slab atmosphere example
- Radiative equilibrium solution - vertical
temperature profile - Lapse rate potential temperature, dry and moist
adiabats, concept of static stability - Radiative-convective equilibrium
- Heating rates - contributions from various
greenhouse gases to the radiative and
radiative-convective balance - Flux divergence and heating
- Role of clouds in the radiative balance
- Cloud distribution
- Cloud impact on albedo and emissivity -
dependence on cloud top height and thickness - Cloud forcing
- Aerosols
5- Chapter 4 Surface energy balance
- Fluxes through the surface LW,SW,Latent,
Sensible - Surface energy budget
- Heat storage at the surface comparison between
atm and ocean/land, penetration depth - How soil temperature varies during the day
- Radiative heating at the surface
- SW- albedo variations, dependence on zenith
angle, frequency of radiation, moisture at sfc - LW-emissivity
- Atmospheric boundary layer
- Mechanical and convective turbulence
- Eddy covariance and SH/LE
- Parameterization of SH/LE dependence of transfer
coefficient on roughness, vertical stability,
reference height - Bowen ratio and equilibrium bowen ratio
6- Diurnal variations of T in boundary layer
- Surface Energy balance
- Values over latitude/land/ocean/earth
- Diurnal variations over land
- Seasonal variations over land - dependence on
moisture - Seasonal variations over the ocean
- Annual means over the ocean