Title: Coercion Model
1Coercion Model
1. Wouldnt you like to?
2. Come on please
3. You had better..!!
Excuses, Arguing
4. Now youve had it!!
Tantrums or Aggression
- Ok, Ok, (Withdraws Command)
Child Stops Tantrum
____________________________________Both are
negatively reinforced
2Coercion Model
1. John, Id like you to start your
John ignores the teacher
John delays by slowly putting away reading book
and getting up.
2. John, please come and do your
assignment now.
- John, you had better go do your
- math assignment!
John argues with the teacher and says he doesnt
know how to do it.
4. John, now you are in trouble!
John throws reading book on the ground and begins
to pout with tears in his eyes.
- ok,ok John, you dont have to
- do your math assignment right now.
John stops pouting and crying
____________________________________Both are
negatively reinforced
3Coercion Model
1. Please take out your reading folder
and chapter book
Continues coloring pictures
2. Michelle, Can you tell me what
directions I just gave?
- Michelle, Im not going to ask you
- again to put away your crayons
Starts to throw crayons across room
4. Thats it, youre going to pick
up all those crayons right now!
Dumps entire desk, scatters belongings, continues
to throw things
- Enough, forget it, just sit in the
- corner and you wont be able to
- participate in reading
Moves away
____________________________________Both are
negatively reinforced