Title: CoeusLiteTM
1 is at UAlbany
2What is Coeus?
- Coeus is a web-based application created by the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It is a
user-friendly tool that will be used for
preparing, routing and submitting proposals.
UAlbany has made a substantial commitment and has
dedicated significant resources to provide Coeus
to its research community. This effort is the
result of a recent federal mandate that will
require all federal applications to be submitted
through one electronic portal Grants.gov.
3Coeus Convenience
- is a web-based tool designed to submit directly
to Grants.gov
- will preload forms with common proposal data
- will populate Sponsor forms automatically and
link them to your proposal in Grants.gov
- is PC and MAC compatible!
- has electronic proposal routing through UAlbany
that will eliminate Campus Impact Statements
4Multi-campus Coeus
- The SUNY Coeus Consortium (SCC) was formed to
install a single application at the University of
Buffalo and pool resources to maximize performance
Security and access are controlled at the
campus-specific department and center level Help
and other support functions will be provided
locally by each campus. coeushelp_at_albany.edu
Coming Soon!!! http//coeus.albany.edu
5Coeus has great references
Coeus has been in the national education
community for many years. Other members of the
Coeus user-community include
- Johns Hopkins University
- Purdue University
- Arizona State University
- University of California-Berkeley
- Yale University
- Princeton University
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Weill Cornell Medical College
- University of Maryland-Baltimore
- Harvard
6Coeus Modules
- Coeus is a modular software package with a broad
range of functions. Initial use at UAlbany will
include only Proposal Development, but there are
plans to integrate other modules in the future.
Proposal Development Construct proposals from the
desktop, create budgets, route online for
internal approvals, submit electronically.
Institute Proposals Track completed proposals
that have been submitted to sponsoring
Awards Maintain detailed information about awards
from notice to close-out
Subcontracts Maintain detailed information about
7more Coeus Modules
Negotiation Allows the Sponsored Programs Office
to track negotiations for individual proposals
Conflict of Interest Maintain all conflict of
interest and financial interest disclosures
IRB Construct protocols, check status and
approval dates and coordinate committee meetings
Report Tracking Track due dates and maintain the
status for required reports for an award
8Hands-on Orientation
- Orientation of a Pilot Group is underway
- Schedule of Orientation classes is being
finalized and will be publicized shortly - Classes are being scheduled at all three UAlbany
campuses - Your user name and password will be activated
after your Orientation - Four different classes are planned
9Four Orientation Classes
Coeus Routing and Approval This course is for all
Deans, Chairs and all other authorized
signatories. Electronic routing of proposals and
approval will replace the Campus Impact
Statement. Proposals will not be able to be
submitted without this electronic approval. Once
the Principal Investigator submits a completed
proposal for approval, the routing process
begins. This gives the signatories at each level
an opportunity to review and approve (or reject)
the submission. The Office for Sponsored Programs
is the final stop and upon final approval the
proposal will be submitted by the Investigators
Research Administrator.
CoeusLite Navigation This course is for all
current and potential Principal Investigators and
support staff. CoeusLite will be used for all
UAlbany proposal submissions whether through
Grants.gov or other electronic and paper
submission formats. Orientation on CoeusLite is
mandatory before proposals can be submitted. The
course is comprised of an overview of CoeusLite
with hands-on exercises including navigating a
proposal, creating a proposal, assigning proposal
roles, and uploading the narrative.
Coeus Premium Budgeting This course is for all
individuals who need to create and manage
detailed budgets. The course will include topics
such as personnel costs (salaries and fringe
benefits), academic and financial crediting,
revision of F A, inflation rates, equipment
purchases, travel, and subawards requiring
detailed budgets to be submitted to Grants.gov.
CoeusLite Budgeting This course is for all
current and potential Principal Investigators and
support staff. This course will address how to
create detailed and modular budgets in CoeusLite.
10Accessing CoeusLite
UAlbany Net IDs and UNIX passwords are used to
secure access to the Coeus website
11Direct Link to Grants.gov
Find and select Federal Opportunities directly
from Coeus screens
Search Grants.gov by CFDA Number or by
Opportunity ID
12Validation at 5 Levels
Coeus self-validation Check your own proposal for
errors or missing items before submitting for
Campus Routing (replaces CIS) Individuals on the
UAlbany approval chain must review and approve
the proposal before it moves on.
OSP Administrator Checks the proposal, signs off
and submits it to Grants.gov.
Sponsor Check and Acceptance Sponsor receives the
proposal and reviews it to their specific
requirements. NIH (for example) validates at the
detailed data level. Bad data can equal error!
and rejected proposal.
Grants.gov Validation Screens for errors and
missing data before sending the proposal on to
the Sponsor.
135 Business Days in Advance!
14Whats next?
- Watch for Orientation scheduling announcements
- Sign up to activate your user name and password
- Contact us with questions and help at
coeushelp_at_albany.edu - Visit UAlbanys Coeus website when it becomes
available. (coeus.albany.edu)