Title: Campus Update
1 2Campus Update April 29, 2002
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ASMSU Day Care Center
5Zoot Enterprises with Chris Nelson
6In Kalispell with extension agent Cheryl
7Strategic Planning Process
- Creation of UPBAC
- Vision, mission and strategic priorities
- FY03 budget priorities
8Vision Statement
- Montana State University will be the university
of choice for those seeking a student-centered
learning environment distinguished by innovation
and discovery in a Rocky Mountain setting.
9Mission Statement
- To provide a challenging and richly diverse
learning environment in which the entire
university community is fully engaged in
supporting student success. - To provide an environment that promotes the
exploration, discovery, and dissemination of new
knowledge. - To provide a collegial environment for faculty
and students in which discovery and learning are
closely integrated and highly valued. - To serve the people and communities of Montana
by sharing our expertise and collaborating with
others to improve the lives and prosperity of
10MSU Strategic Priorities
- Attract and retain a high quality and diverse
student body. - Increase public and private investment in MSU.
- Develop and maintain a state-of-the-art
infrastructure to support students and personnel. - Attract and retain outstanding and diverse
faculty, staff and administrators. - Develop and maintain excellent, innovative and
relevant programs. - Support initiation and growth of high-quality and
highly relevant research programs. - Create and enhance programs that bring the
university to the people, and the people to the
11Montana State UniversityMaking a Difference in
- Providing a high-quality, affordable education in
a world-class outdoor setting. - Fully engaged in supporting student success.
- Fostering knowledge- and technology-based
economic development and creating private and
public partnerships that fuel the Montana
economy. - Enriching the lives and culture of Montanans
through service and community outreach.
12- Conducting research and creative activities which
promote discovery and enhance learning. - Producing well prepared graduates by integrating
teaching and research. - Committed to its land grant heritage of advancing
agriculture, engineering and the sciences, while
maintaining a balanced portfolio of strong
professional, humanities and fine arts programs. - Serving as a responsible steward of resources
and a good investment for Montanas future.
13Recent Challenges
- Athletics Deficit
- Accounts Receivable Deficit
14Current Challenges
- Funding IT Operations
- Implementation of MAP
- States Economic Situation
15MUS Legislative Strategy
- Maintain quality and scope of existing programs
and services. - Pursue investment opportunities.
- Add/expand programs and services tied to
demonstrated market and employment needs. - Promote rural development.
- Increase accessibility of post-secondary
education and training. - Invest in facilities and technology.
16Other Priorities
- Faculty / staff salaries
- LRBP priorities
- Gaines Hall
- Animal Bioscience Facility
17MSU BozemanEnrollment Trends
FY03 data are projections
18Student Retention Efforts
- Large Class Initiatives
- Students Entrance and Transition Initiative
Committee - ASMSU mentoring proposal
19Campaign for Endowed Scholarships
- Goal of 15 million
- Freshman and continuing students
20Our Students Succeed
- USA Today Phenocia Bauerle and Kay Kirkpatrick
- Verizon All-America Ryan Johnson
- Alice T. Schafer Award Kay Kirkpatrick
- Goldwater Scholars Zeb Barber, Sarah Maccagnano
and Britney Moss
21Administrative Positions
- Provost
- Vice President Administration and Finance
- Athletic Director
- Executive Director Planning and Analysis
- Foundation Director
22New Initiatives - Academics
- Core Curriculum project
- Master of Fine Arts degree in Natural History
Filmmaking - Dual admissions agreements with Tribal Colleges
23New Initiatives Outreach and Service
- 4-H Center for Youth Development
- Nursing Partnership for North Central Montana
- Center for Entrepreneurship
24Growth of Research Development Expenditures
Values are in 1000s / 2002 figure is an
25Research Initiatives Fuel Cell Technology
- Educational opportunities
- Graduate Undergraduate research
projects Engineering senior design projects - Partnerships include Zoot Enterprises and MSU
26Research Related to Bio-Terrorism
- Brucella
- Drinking Water Systems
- Norwalk Virus
- Anthrax Identification
27Web Sites
- Home page www.montana.edu
- Presidents page www.montana.edu/president/
- Communications Services
- www.montana.edu/commserv/
- UPBAC www.montana.edu/upba/
- Campus calendar
- www.montana.edu/calendar/calendar.php
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