Title: Reaction Rates Notes Day 1
1Reaction Rates NotesDay 1
- Courtney Lewis
- SC09
- Stapley Junior High School
21. Reaction Rate 2. Affected
by Concentration (conc.) Formula Unit
How fast a reaction occurs Kind of particle How
particles are put together Increasing the
concentration increases the reaction
rate. Amount of solid (solute) per mL of solvent
(liquid) Conc. mass of solid volume
liquid grams/milliliter g/mL
3Practice Changing Temp. Changing
surface area
Mass 500 g volume 2000 mL Increasing
the temperature increases the reaction
rate. Increasing the surface area increases the
reaction rate.
43. Ways to determine reaction rate 4. Nece
ssary for Reaction to Occur 5. Types of Energy
Kinetic Energy Potential Energy
Measure time it takes for product to first
appear Measure amount of product formed during a
certain amount of time Measure time it takes
for one or both reactants to be used
up Reactants (particles reacting) must come
together! K.E.-Energy of motion P.E.-Stored