Title: Program Planning
1Program Planning
- After completing chapter three, the reader will
be able to - Assemble a meeting program.
- Identify the time lines for the educational
offering. - Coordinate tasks and assigned deadlines in a
manageable format. - Develop performance guidelines for the program
planning committee.
3Assembling a Program Plan
- Key Components
- Research
- Time lines
- Program committees
- Final program/agenda
- Collecting demographic information about meeting
attendees is a prerequisite to - selecting a location for the meeting
- determining the appropriate meeting length
- potential audience size
5Research/Questions on Past Meetings
- Were a large percentage of the attendees from the
local or regional area around the convention
site, or from geographically dispersed audience? - Where is the majority of the membership located?
- What are the common characteristics that the
attendees possess? - Do family members or guests attend?
- Are recreational activities important to the
6Special Needs of Attendees
- The special needs of meeting attendees are
important to identify before establishing
objectives. - from foreign country
- need specific arrangements
- have disabilities
- exhibitor needs
- nutrition
- holidays or religious observances
7Likes and Dislikes of Attendees
- Past meeting evaluations determine
preference/satisfaction - type of accommodations
- local attractions
- recreational activities
- shopping
- eating establishment
- etc.
8Likes and Dislikes for Program Scheduling
- Things to consider
- Interactive workshops versus lecture format
- Scheduled meal functions versus local restaurants
- Program during the meal versus time to network
with colleagues - etc.
9Meetings History
- Past meeting evaluations provide such information
as - where attendees are from
- what they liked and disliked about previous
meetings - what activities are worth repeating
- what activities should be eliminated
- employer information and preferred method of
10Meetings History (continued)
- Hotels history provide information such as
- room pick-up, check-in and check-out
- groups likes and dislikes
- early risers and late night people
- usage of recreational facilities
- Housekeeping, bellstand, banquet and security
departments also provide useful information about
the group
11Meetings History (continued)
- Association membership records or corporate
employee records can also provide information
which can help the meeting manager know the
meeting audience.
12Time Lines
- Time line includes
- each task to be accomplished and is the core of
the program plan - should be specific to the meeting
- follow the meeting process from conception to
completion and afterward - A fully developed schedule is especially helpful
when a committee is involved in program planning.
13Time Lines (continued)
- Timelines may differ according to the type of
organization or meeting objectives.
14Time Lines
- The following overheads are an example of a
typical convention and program planning time
lines for an annual meeting of a large
educational group.
15Program Development
- Considerations/ questions to review before the
program format and topics can be developed - What are the broad objectives for the
organization, meeting and attendees? - Is the emphasis on education, or recognition for
the organization, company or participants? - Must the meeting be a financial success?
- What are the expectations of the audience?
- Factors to be taken in consideration
- logistical constraints of the potential site
- timing of key sessions to meet needs of
participants - attendees prior attendance patterns
- success of past programming choices
- Distance between destinations dictates the length
of the break - 10-minutes for every 50-minutes in session
- must allow for networking, phone calls, use of
restrooms - Breaks can be elaborate
- refreshments entertainment, and social
18Length of Sessions
- Minimize number of groups movement
- Room assignment critical
- Blocked hallways, lines at restrooms and
telephones discourage attendees from attending
the next session.
- If everyone can be housed in one facility, events
can be scheduled earlier in the morning and
extend later into the evening, than if attendees
are staying in different facilities from where
the convention activities are held.
20Educational Formats
- Three Methods of Instruction
- Expository Learning
- Instructor presents to learners and they remain
passive and watch or listen (plenary sessions) - Participatory Learning
- Participants share knowledge/experiences and work
together - Instructor is member of the group
21Educational Formats (continued)
- Evaluative Learning Method
- Tests whether attendees learned what was expected
- Can use the information effectively
22Techniques to Enhance Educational Delivery
- Presenter/Discussion Format
- Panel of 3-4 experts in certain subject areas are
identified, with each giving a brief discussion. - Structured Questions
- 8-10 questions (per 1 hour session) to be
distributed in advance to selected attendees.
23Techniques to Enhance Educational Delivery
- Workshops
- Roundtables
- Hands-On Participation
- Simulation Encounter
- An individual simulates certain behavior which
can then be examined, studied and discussed by
the attendees.
24Techniques to Enhance Educational Delivery
- Controversy Panel
- Poster Sessions
- Appropriate for
- the group
- the objective
- the time allotment
26Other Programming Possibilities
- Technology is available which can extend the
impact of a meeting far beyond the walls of a
hotel or convention center. - CD-Roms
- Distant learning via Internet
- Video audio conferencing
27Working with Program Committees
- Committee members should be selected on the basis
of dependability, accessibility and knowledge of
the subject matter. - Chairperson is selected on ability to maintain
organizational control and be confident enough in
the program planning process to delegate
responsibilities. - Provide a tentative schedule of committee
meetings and the policy for reimbursement of
travel expenses.
28Performance Guidelines
- Know and respond to all timelines and deadlines.
- Report to chairperson and staff liaison
immediately if deadlines cannot be met. - In contracting prospective speakers
- Obtain full names, mailing addresses and phone
29Performance Guidelines (continued)
- In contracting prospective speakers
- Explain expectations and format, including
objectives and guidelines - Delineate all remuneration and fee policies
- Indicate need for manuscripts and handouts
- Report immediately to staff liaison and
chairperson if assignments are inappropriate/
cannot be completed in time frame allocated.
30Resource Workbook
- Prepare/send resource workbook to committee
members before the first planning meeting. - Typical Table of Contents
- List of committee members with their work, home
and e-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers - Committee charge and/or performance criteria
31- Typical Table of Contents (continued)
- List of staff members delineating their roles and
responsibilities - Meeting goals and objectives
- Brief history of program structure
- Previous years promotion pieces and programs
- Evaluation summary of previous program
- Minutes of previous program planning meetings
- Policies regarding remuneration and fees
32- Typical Table of Contents (continued)
- Convention site information and map
- Estimated attendance
- Meeting dates, and how these compare to span of
dates in previous years - Facility floor plans and room capacities
- Local contacts and resources
- Meeting budget
- Planning deadlines/time frames
33- Typical Table of Contents (continued)
- Session format descriptions (including sections
for each format in which related materials can
later be placed) - Audio-visual information/restrictions
- Information on other elements of the program such
as exhibits, spouse programs, tours, f b, and
accommodations for people with disabilities - Details regarding special considerations or
problems, such as unavailability of specific
meeting room on particular day.
- Step-by Step Format
- Introduction of committee members and staff
- Meeting philosophy, objectives and theme
- Committee charge
- Overview of meeting site and physical arrangements
35- Step-by Step Format (continued)
- Organizational policies
- Reimbursement of committee members expenses
- Remuneration to speakers (honoraria and travel
expenses) - Complimentary registration for committee members
and speakers - Review of evaluation summary, previous program
and attendance
36- Step-by Step Format (continued)
- Program formats
- General sessions
- Luncheon roundtables
- Workshops
- Controversy panels
- Program schedule
- Speaker suggestions
- Committee assignments
- Reporting forms, mechanisms timetables
- Date of next meeting
37Program Development
- Planning Matrix (grid)
- Key elements such as topics or session titles are
identified in vertical and horizontal columns are
used to represent specifics such as subtopics or
time segments available.
- Keeping minutes at all planning sessions can help
keep the process focused and provides
documentation of accomplishments, challenges and
assignments. - Goal-oriented minutes are more useful in assuring