romanian space agency - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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romanian space agency


The European Space Agency with the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania ... business networks for hotel reservations, banking, retailing and news distribution ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: romanian space agency

romanian space agency
Information Systems Infrastructure in Eastern
Marius-Ioan PISO, Romania
  • Workshop
  • The European Space Agency with the Czech
    Republic, Hungary, Poland and Romania
  • Towards a New Partnership
  • Budapest, 27-29 October,1999

  • Short presentation of the Romanian Space Agency
  • Regional Network
  • Information exchange infrastructure
  • Satellite vs. cable communications
  • Project proposal

  • Marius-Ioan Piso, Chief Executive Officer of ROSA
  • Born on January 7, 1954, graduated in 1981 -
    Nuclear Physics, Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics.
  • Graduate of the National Defense College (1999)
  • Since 1983 - Research scientist and Head (1988)
    in the Gravitational Res. Laboratory - Institute
    of Space Science Bucharest
  • Scientific papers (90) and patents (17) in
    gravitation theory and inertial sensors with
    magnetic fluids
  • Counselor of the Minister of Research and
    Technology (1998)
  • Since 1993 - Executive Secretary and 1996 Chief
    Executive Officer of ROSA

romanian space agency
  • Established in 1991, by the Government Decision
    no. 923/ 20 Nov 1995, ROSA is an independent
    public institution
  • The mission of the Agency
  • to coordinate the national space research and
    applications programs
  • to promote space development
  • to be the Government representative in the
    international space cooperation
  • to develop specific project oriented research
  • ROSA is authorized to establish research and
    development centres oriented on specific
    objectives of the Romanian Space Programme

ROSA Organization

Staff 14 professionals, 6 administrative
average age 33,6
  • ROSA Headquarters in the centre of Bucharest
  • Offices
  • Computers network and office utilities
  • 512 K Internet permanent connection
  • http//
  • ROSA Research Centre
  • Shared building and some facilities with INCAS,
    the Institute of Space Science and CRUTA
  • Laboratories
  • Amphitheatre and offices
  • Computers network and 128 k Internet permanent
  • Library
  • Ground station for NOAA satellites

  • ROSA Projects
  • Microsatellite mission
  • National Centre for the Regional Network
  • Magnetic fluids in microgravity
  • ROSA Information System
  • Space applications in hazard monitoring
  • ROSA Contracts
  • National Space Program Budget
  • Others - Consulting and management

ROSA Budget
  • Projects
  • Studies in space policy 134 Mio Lei
  • Regional Network for Research and Education in
    Space Science and Technology 205 Mio Lei
  • Microsatellite Mission 164 Mio Lei
  • Applications of space technology in disaster
    management 105 Mio Lei
  • ROSA Information system 137 Mio Lei
  • Others
  • (consulting, management) 280 Mio Lei
  • Total budget 1999 1,825 Mio Lei (365,000 USD

Romanian National Space Programme1998
Space policy and infrastructure Microsatellite,
Regional Network, Space policy Space
Science Basic space science, Microgravity and
Life sciences Space Applications Communications,
Earth Observation, Information systems Aerospace
technology and spinoff Aerospace sciences,
Onboard technology, Spin-offs
National Space RD ProgramBudget 1996-1999
  • Advisory Board for Science, Technology and
  • Science Council for Aeronautics and Space
  • 2 of the total public funding for RD

National Space RD ProgramBudget 1999
  • Total 5948 Mio Lei
  • Number of projects 37

Indicators 1997-1999
  • Number of projects 49
  • Personnel involved 280
  • Published papers 248
  • Communications 230
  • Agreements of international co-operation between
    institutions and groups 78
  • UK 3, Canada 2, France 10, Germany 3, Italy 9,
    Japan 1, Russia 6, Sweden 4, USA 4, European
    Space Agency 6

ROSA International Co-operation
  • European Space Agency
  • representative of Romanian Govt. for the
    Agreement of co-operation for the exploration and
    use of outer space with ESA (1992, 1999 October)
  • UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
  • representative to the COPUOS and the
    Subcommittees sessions (since 1993)
  • National representative to COSPAR (since 1994)
  • Network of Research and Education Centers in
    Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe
    (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary,
    Poland, Slovakia, Turkey)
  • Member of the Space Agencies Forum (1997)
  • Agreements of bilateral Co-operation with Italy
    (1996), Bulgaria (1997), Hungary (1998)

  • Regional Network for Research and Education in
    Space Science and Technology

Central Eastern and South-Eastern European
Countries Involved in the Project (1997-1998)
  • Bulgaria
  • Czech Republic (invited)
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Poland
  • Slovak Republic
  • Romania
  • Turkey
  • . . .

Information synthesized from the UN Composite
document, some National Space Activities Reports,
ESA and other sources.
Central Eastern and South-Eastern Europe Network
  • 1993 - 1996 - Greece, Romania and other Member
    States offered to host or to serve as a node for
    a Center on Space Science and Technology
    Education covering the region of the UN Economic
    Commission for Europe
  • 1996 - Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary,
    Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Turkey
    reiterated the agreement to establish a Network
    of space science and technology institutions,
    devoted primarily to capacity building
  • 1998 - A technical study mission has been
    performed by OOSA and with the support of Italy
    to undertake study on the technical requirements,
    design, operation mechanism and funding of the
  • 1999 - UNISPACE III Regional Preparatory
    Conference for Eastern Europe in Bucharest,

  • Human resources building to meet the space
    science and technology development for the 21st
  • Access of the Countries of the Region to the
    permanent renewing of the space technologies
  • Promote the full integration of the Central
    Eastern and South-Eastern European Countries
    potential in the space endeavor for peaceful uses
    of outer space
  • Contribute, by approaching to the requirements of
    the space programs developed by powerful space
    organizations as the European Space Agency, to
    the technological development and welfare of the

  • A Network of Space Research and Education
    Institutions in Central Eastern and South Eastern
    European Countries
  • Promote, by space specific multi- and
    inter-disciplinary methods, higher level capacity
    building in the region
  • Develop future specific regional space education,
    research and applications projects
  • Develop joint space scientific and operational
    programs and benefit of them at the regional
  • Connect and integrate the Network to significant
    international and national space organizations

UNISPACE III Regional Preparatory Conference in
  • 25-29 January 1999
  • 21 countries and 8 international organizations
  • All the countries participant in the Network
    attended the meeting
  • Recommendations were given for the strengthening
    of the regional cooperation
  • Several future common projects were proposed, as
  • Microsatellite for hazard monitoring in the
  • Satellite information-communication system for
    the Network countries

Recommendations of the U3 BucharestInformation,
Education, Cooperation
  • The Conference recognizes the importance of
    science and technology as a tool for
    socio-economic development in the region as the
    next century approaches. Rapid advances in space
    science and technology will continue and the
    countries of the region must make every effort to
    take part in this human endeavour, so that the
    attendant benefits can enhance the quality of
    life in the region. Research, education and
    training are the cornerstones for furthering
    knowledge and are part of the overall
    capacity-building process. The Conference
    declares that the access to information and
    education are key issues for effective
    participation in space activities at the present
    moment in time
  • Information infrastructure is an essential tool
    for development, which can be utilized in areas
    such as monitoring events, research and
    applications, education and training and
    decision-making and space technology as a
    crucial tool for gathering information and for
    communicating rapidly and efficiently over wide
    and remote areas
  • The core institutions of the Network should
    develop a satellite communications
    infrastructure, including appropriate terminals
    located in each country at the core institution,
    for distance learning and the on-line exchange of
    information of regional interest.

Space applications
Telecommunications Earth Observation Global
navigation and positioning
Global Information Systems Infrastructure
Telecommunications - key infrastructure for
the Exchange of Information !
Key indicators for the World Telecommunications

Internet statistics - Eastern Europe
  • "Hosts counted(RIPE August)"
  • "Average People/Host(RIPE August)/Country
  • "Hosts Counted(Internet Software Consortium
  • "Average People/Host(Internet Software Consortium
    July)/Country population

Internet statistics - World
  • Worldwide 1999 201.05 mil. 4.8
  • Worldwide 1998 147 mil. 3.6
  • Worldwide 1997 74 mil. 1.8
  • Worldwide 1996 55 mil. 1.3
  • U.S. 1999 109 mil. 39.9
  • Europe 1999 40 mil. 8

Internet statistics - Europe

European Research and Education Networks
  • AEARN - Austria 1990
  • NORDUNET in the Nordic Countries
  • TERENA - Trans-European Research and Education
    Networkings Association
  • DANTE Project - DG XIII - EC - FP4 and FP5
  • Trans European Networks - TEN
  • TEN - 34 - 1995
  • TEN - 155 - 1998

European National Research Networks
  • ACOnet in Austria
  • ARNES in Slovenia
  • BELNET in Belgium
  • CESnet in the Czech Republic
  • CYNET in Cyprus
  • DFN in Germany
  • EENet in Estonia
  • GARR in Italy
  • GRNET in Greece
  • HEAnet in Ireland
  • HUNGARNET in Hungary
  • IUCC in Israel
  • LATNET in Latvia
  • LITNET in Lithuania
  • NASK in Poland
  • NORDUnet in the Nordic countries
  • DENet (Denmark),
  • FUNET (Finland),
  • ISnet (Iceland),
  • UNINETT (Norway),
  • SUNET (Sweden)
  • POL-34 in Poland
  • RCCN in Portugal
  • RESTENA in Luxembourg
  • RedIRIS in Spain
  • RENATER in France
  • RNC-ROEDUNET in Romania
  • SANET in Slovakia
  • SURFnet in the Netherlands
  • SWITCH in Switzerland
  • UKERNA/JANET in the UK

TEN - 34

TEN - 155

Most connections by terrestrial links
Satellite vs. terrestrial connections
  • Terrestrial network bypass
  • Faster access time
  • Distance insensitivity
  • Higher net throughput
  • Multicast
  • Asymmetric links
  • Satellite overcomes delays created by terrestrial
  • The choice of satellite or cable transmission to
    the Internet backbone has no impact on the
    throughput performance for the user
  • Higher-Speed Internet Transmissions
  • Satellite links in TCP/IP connections are
  • Advanced Multimedia Applications
  • Reduced International Network Costs
  • Reliability
  • Flexibility
  • Scalability

Satellite vs. cable
  • Present terrestrial services are essentially
    impractical the majority PC users connected to
    the Internet via a modem at 28.8 kbps to 56 kbps
  • Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) with
    rate of 64 or 128 kbps, is only a partial
  • Cable operators have developed cable modems, and
    telephone companies have invested in
    high-bandwidth systems on twisted-pair telephone
  • Solutions are not widely available - limited to
    point-to-point applications
  • Satellite communications provide immediate
    point-to-multipoint and point-to-point networks
    over short and long distances and can play a
    critical role in helping to solve these problems
    and improve access to audio, video, and other
    emerging multimedia services

Very Small Aperture Terminals networks
  • Fastest growing sectors of the satellite
  • Cost-Effective
  • independent of distance/terrain
  • expansion costs are predictable
  • VSAT equipment can operate unattended and
  • Hub facilities can be shared among multiple users
    and applications
  • Flexibility and quality
  • can be customized to the customers needs and
  • provide a high degree of security and network
    management and control
  • VSATs can be installed rapidly, and moved to new
    locations as needs change

VSAT Applications
  • business networks for hotel reservations,
    banking, retailing and news distribution
  • internet and intranets
  • specialized networks for international
  • wideband mobile and off-shore communications
  • remote/rural public telecommunications
  • telemedicine and distance learning.
  • environmental and pipeline operations (SCADA)
  • research and education

INTELSAT Applications
INTELSAT in Eastern Europe
EUTELSAT Applications
EUTELSAT Applications
EUTELSAT in Eastern Europe
Project ProposalSatellite Communication and
Information Network
  • Objective
  • To install a satellite communication antenna
    (VSAT) at the locations of the National Core
    institutions of the Network
  • Purpose
  • By means of effective communication, to improve
    the exchange of information in the Network, with
    a view to a common database of space related
  • Costs (per node)
  • 10.000-14.000 - infrastructure
  • 9.000-15.000 / yr - a 384512 k permanent
    satellite link
  • Spin-off
  • Internet services provider for others,
    teleconference, telemedicine

Satellite Communication and Information Network
Satellite Communication and Information Network
Project ProposalSatellite Communication and
Information Network
  • Results
  • distant learning and education
  • online exchange of data for meteorology, hazard
    monitoring, geographic information systems,
    scientific data, astronomy, geodynamics,
  • a reliable support for an extended regional
    database on space information
  • centres of excellence to facilitate the
    integration in the European and global
    information systems
  • Possibilities of financial support
  • National space programmes, ESA, EC DG XII and DG
    XIII in the Fifth Framework Programme

  • It is important for the space research and
    academic institutions in Central, Eastern and
    South Eastern Europe to develop a reliable
    communications infrastructure, based on the
    netwoek of Sace Science and Technology research
    and Education Institutions
  • The Network develops both academic and
    research/development activities to ensure the
    production of professionals in renewing multi-
    and interdisciplinary space related fields with
    applications to regional development and capacity
  • The activity of the Network could rely in the
    first phase on
  • information exchange
  • a common regional space project
  • data exchange for the use in hazard monitoring of
    the region
  • regional datase of common information

  • Developing of
  • data processing facilities
  • mission control centers
  • educational space communication facilities
  • education masters and Ph.D. Thesis in
    space-related fields
  • formation of new research and development groups
    devoted to a longer term project, the
    sustainability conferred by a regional
    cooperation being more significant that the one
    offered by each country in the region
  • Commercial type benefits
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