Title: ik ounkaar sathigur prusaadh
1ik ounkaar sathigur prusaadh
ltgt siqgur pRswid
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The
True Guru
2sulok mehulaa 9
slok mhlw 9
Shalok, Ninth Mehl
3gun gobindh gaaeiou nehee junum akaaruth keen
gun goibMd gwieE nhI jnmu AkwrQ kInu
If you do not sing the Praises of the Lord, your
life is rendered useless.
4kuhu naanuk har bhuj munaa jih bidh jul ko meen
khu nwnk hir Bju mnw ijh ibiD jl kau mInu 1
Says Nanak, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord
immerse your mind in Him, like the fish in the
water. 1
5bikhian sio kaahae rachiou nimukh n hohi oudhaas
ibiKAn isau kwhy ricE inmK n hoih audwsu
Why are you engrossed in sin and corruption? You
are not detached, even for a moment!
6kuhu naanuk bhuj har munaa purai n jum kee faas
khu nwnk Bju hir mnw prY n jm kI Pws 2
Says Nanak, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord, and
you shall not be caught in the noose of death.
7thurunaapo eio hee gaeiou leeou juraa thun jeeth
qrnwpo ieau hI gieE lIE jrw qnu jIiq
Your youth has passed away like this, and old age
has overtaken your body.
8kuhu naanuk bhuj har munaa aoudh jaath hai beeth
khu nwnk Bju hir mnw AauD jwqu hY bIiq 3
Says Nanak, meditate, vibrate upon the Lord your
life is fleeting away! 3
9biradh bhaeiou soojhai nehee kaal pehoochiou aan
ibriD BieE sUJY nhI kwlu phUicE Awin
You have become old, and you do not understand
that death is overtaking you.
10kuhu naanuk nur baavurae kio n bhujai bhuguvaan
khu nwnk nr bwvry ikau n BjY Bgvwnu 4
Says Nanak, you are insane! Why do you not
remember and meditate on God? 4
11dhun dhaaraa sunpath sugul jin apunee kar maan
Dnu dwrw sMpiq sgl ijin ApunI kir mwin
Your wealth, spouse, and all the possessions
which you claim as your own
12ein mai kush sungee nehee naanuk saachee jaan
ien mY kCu sMgI nhI nwnk swcI jwin 5
- none of these shall go along with you in the
end. O Nanak, know this as true. 5
13pathith oudhaarun bhai hurun har anaath kae naath
piqq auDwrn BY hrn hir AnwQ ky nwQ
He is the Saving Grace of sinners, the Destroyer
of fear, the Master of the masterless.
14kuhu naanuk thih jaaneeai sudhaa busuth thum
khu nwnk iqh jwnIAY sdw bsqu qum swiQ 6
Says Nanak, realize and know Him, who is always
with you. 6
15thun dhun jih tho ko dheeou thaa sio naehu n keen
qnu Dnu ijh qo kau dIE qW isau nyhu n kIn
He has given you your body and wealth, but you
are not in love with Him.
16kuhu naanuk nur baavurae ab kio ddoluth dheen
khu nwnk nr bwvry Ab ikau folq dIn 7
Says Nanak, you are insane! Why do you now shake
and tremble so helplessly? 7
17thun dhun sunpai sukh dheeou ar jih neekae dhaam
qnu Dnu sMpY suK dIE Aru ijh nIky Dwm
He has given you your body, wealth, property,
peace and beautiful mansions.
18kuhu naanuk sun rae munaa simuruth kaahi n raam
khu nwnk sunu ry mnw ismrq kwih n rwmu 8
Says Nanak, listen, mind why don't you remember
the Lord in meditation? 8
19subh sukh dhaathaa raam hai dhoosur naahin koe
sB suK dwqw rwmu hY dUsr nwihn koie
The Lord is the Giver of all peace and comfort.
There is no other at all.
20kuhu naanuk sun rae munaa thih simuruth gath hoe
khu nwnk suin ry mnw iqh ismrq giq hoie 9
Says Nanak, listen, mind meditating in
remembrance on Him, salvation is attained. 9
21jih simuruth gath paaeeai thih bhuj rae thai
ijh ismrq giq pweIAY iqh Bju ry qY mIq
Remembering Him in meditation, salvation is
attained vibrate and meditate on Him, O my
22kuhu naanuk sun rae munaa aoudh ghuttuth hai
khu nwnk sunu ry mnw AauD Gtq hY nIq 10
Says Nanak, listen, mind your life is passing
away! 10
23paach thuth ko thun rachiou jaanuhu chuthur
pWc qq ko qnu ricE jwnhu cqur sujwn
Your body is made up of the five elements you
are clever and wise - know this well.
24jih thae oupajiou naanukaa leen thaahi mai maan
ijh qy aupijE nwnkw lIn qwih mY mwnu 11
Believe it - you shall merge once again into the
One, O Nanak, from whom you originated. 11
25ghutt ghutt mai har joo busai sunthun kehiou
Gt Gt mY hir jU bsY sMqn kihE pukwir
The Dear Lord abides in each and every heart the
Saints proclaim this as true.
26kuhu naanuk thih bhuj munaa bho nidh outhurehi
khu nwnk iqh Bju mnw Bau iniD auqrih pwir 12
Says Nanak, meditate and vibrate upon Him, and
you shall cross over the terrifying world-ocean.
27sukh dhukh jih purusai nehee lobh mohu abhimaan
suKu duKu ijh prsY nhI loBu mohu AiBmwnu
One who is not touched by pleasure or pain,
greed, emotional attachment and egotistical pride
28kuhu naanuk sun rae munaa so moorath bhuguvaan
khu nwnk sunu ry mnw so mUriq Bgvwn 13
- says Nanak, listen, mind he is the very image
of God. 13
29ousuthath nindhiaa naahi jihi kunchun loh sumaan
ausqiq inMidAw nwih ijih kMcn loh smwin
One who is beyond praise and slander, who looks
upon gold and iron alike
30kuhu naanuk sun rae munaa mukath thaahi thai jaan
khu nwnk suin ry mnw mukiq qwih qY jwin 14
- says Nanak, listen, mind know that such a
person is liberated. 14
31hurukh sog jaa kai nehee bairee meeth sumaan
hrKu sogu jw kY nhI bYrI mIq smwin
One who is not affected by pleasure or pain, who
looks upon friend and enemy alike
32kuhu naanuk sun rae munaa mukath thaahi thai jaan
khu nwnk suin ry mnw mukiq qwih qY jwin 15
- says Nanak, listen, mind know that such a
person is liberated. 15
33bhai kaahoo ko dhaeth nehi nehi bhai maanuth aan
BY kwhU kau dyq nih nih BY mwnq Awn
One who does not frighten anyone, and who is not
afraid of anyone else
34kuhu naanuk sun rae munaa giaanee thaahi bukhaan
khu nwnk suin ry mnw igAwnI qwih bKwin 16
- says Nanak, listen, mind call him spiritually
wise. 16
35jihi bikhiaa sugulee thujee leeou bhaekh bairaag
ijih ibiKAw sglI qjI lIE ByK bYrwg
One who has forsaken all sin and corruption, who
wears the robes of neutral detachment
36kuhu naanuk sun rae munaa thih nur maathai bhaag
khu nwnk sunu ry mnw iqh nr mwQY Bwgu 17
- says Nanak, listen, mind good destiny is
written on his forehead. 17
37jihi maaeiaa mumuthaa thujee subh thae bhaeiou
ijih mwieAw mmqw qjI sB qy BieE audwsu
One who renounces Maya and possessiveness and is
detached from everything
38kuhu naanuk sun rae munaa thih ghatt brehum
khu nwnk sunu ry mnw iqh Git bRhm invwsu 18
- says Nanak, listen, mind God abides in his
heart. 18
39jihi praanee houmai thujee kuruthaa raam pushaan
ijih pRwnI haumY qjI krqw rwmu pCwin
That mortal, who forsakes egotism, and realizes
the Creator Lord
40kuhu naanuk vuhu mukath nur eih mun saachee maan
khu nwnk vhu mukiq nru ieh mn swcI mwnu 19
- says Nanak, that person is liberated O mind,
know this as true. 19
41bhai naasun dhurumath hurun kal mai har ko naam
BY nwsn durmiq hrn kil mY hir ko nwmu
In this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, the Name of the
Lord is the Destroyer of fear, the Eradicator of
42nis dhin jo naanuk bhujai suful hohi thih kaam
inis idnu jo nwnk BjY sPl hoih iqh kwm 20
Night and day, O Nanak, whoever vibrates and
meditates on the Lord's Name, sees all of his
works brought to fruition. 20
43jihubaa gun gobindh bhujuhu kurun sunuhu har naam
ijhbw gun goibMd Bjhu krn sunhu hir nwmu
Vibrate with your tongue the Glorious Praises of
the Lord of the Universe with your ears, hear
the Lord's Name.
44kuhu naanuk sun rae munaa purehi n jum kai dhaam
khu nwnk suin ry mnw prih n jm kY Dwm 21
Says Nanak, listen, man you shall not have to go
to the house of Death. 21
45jo praanee mumuthaa thujai lobh moh ahunkaar
jo pRwnI mmqw qjY loB moh AhMkwr
That mortal who renounces possessiveness, greed,
emotional attachment and egotism
46kuhu naanuk aapun thurai aourun laeth oudhaar
khu nwnk Awpn qrY Aaurn lyq auDwr 22
- says Nanak, he himself is saved, and he saves
many others as well. 22
47jio supunaa ar paekhunaa aisae jug ko jaan
ijau supnw Aru pyKnw AYsy jg kau jwin
Like a dream and a show, so is this world, you
must know.
48ein mai kush saacho nehee naanuk bin bhuguvaan
ien mY kCu swco nhI nwnk ibnu Bgvwn 23
None of this is true, O Nanak, without God. 23
49nis dhin maaeiaa kaarunae praanee ddoluth neeth
inis idnu mwieAw kwrny pRwnI folq nIq
Night and day, for the sake of Maya, the mortal
wanders constantly.
50kottun mai naanuk kooo naaraaein jih cheeth
kotn mY nwnk koaU nwrwienu ijh cIiq 24
Among millions, O Nanak, there is scarcely
anyone, who keeps the Lord in his consciousness.
51jaisae jul thae budhubudhaa oupujai binusai neeth
jYsy jl qy budbudw aupjY ibnsY nIq
As the bubbles in the water well up and disappear
52jug ruchunaa thaisae ruchee kuhu naanuk sun meeth
jg rcnw qYsy rcI khu nwnk suin mIq 25
so is the universe created says Nanak, listen, O
my friend! 25
53praanee kushoo n chaethee madh maaeiaa kai andh
pRwnI kCU n cyqeI mid mwieAw kY AMDu
The mortal does not remember the Lord, even for a
moment he is blinded by the wine of Maya.
54kuhu naanuk bin har bhujun puruth thaahi jum
khu nwnk ibnu hir Bjn prq qwih jm PMD 26
Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, he is
caught by the noose of Death. 26
55jo sukh ko chaahai sudhaa suran raam kee laeh
jau suK kau cwhY sdw srin rwm kI lyh
If you yearn for eternal peace, then seek the
Sanctuary of the Lord.
56kuhu naanuk sun rae munaa dhurulubh maanukh dhaeh
khu nwnk suin ry mnw durlB mwnuK dyh 27
Says Nanak, listen, mind this human body is
difficult to obtain. 27
57maaeiaa kaaran dhaavehee moorukh log ajaan
mwieAw kwrin DwvhI mUrK log Ajwn
For the sake of Maya, the fools and ignorant
people run all around.
58kuhu naanuk bin har bhujun biruthaa junum siraan
khu nwnk ibnu hir Bjn ibrQw jnmu isrwn 28
Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, life
passes away uselessly. 28
59jo praanee nis dhin bhujai roop raam thih jaan
jo pRwnI inis idnu BjY rUp rwm iqh jwnu
That mortal who meditates and vibrates upon the
Lord night and day - know him to be the
embodiment of the Lord.
60har jun har anthur nehee naanuk saachee maan
hir jn hir AMqru nhI nwnk swcI mwnu 29
There is no difference between the Lord and the
humble servant of the Lord O Nanak, know this as
true. 29
61mun maaeiaa mai fadh rehiou bisariou gobindh naam
mnu mwieAw mY PiD rihE ibsirE goibMd nwmu
The mortal is entangled in Maya he has forgotten
the Name of the Lord of the Universe.
62kuhu naanuk bin har bhujun jeevun kounae kaam
khu nwnk ibnu hir Bjn jIvn kauny kwm 30
Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, what
is the use of this human life? 30
63praanee raam n chaethee madh maaeiaa kai andh
pRwnI rwmu n cyqeI mid mwieAw kY AMDu
The mortal does not think of the Lord he is
blinded by the wine of Maya.
64kuhu naanuk har bhujun bin puruth thaahi jum
khu nwnk hir Bjn ibnu prq qwih jm PMD 31
Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord, he is
caught in the noose of Death. 31
65sukh mai buhu sungee bheae dhukh mai sung n koe
suK mY bhu sMgI Bey duK mY sMig n koie
In good times, there are many companions around,
but in bad times, there is no one at all.
66kuhu naanuk har bhuj munaa anth sehaaee hoe
khu nwnk hir Bju mnw AMiq shweI hoie 32
Says Nanak, vibrate, and meditate on the Lord He
shall be your only Help and Support in the end.
67junum junum bhurumuth firiou mittiou n jum ko
jnm jnm Brmq iPirE imitE n jm ko qRwsu
Mortals wander lost and confused through
countless lifetimes their fear of death is never
68kuhu naanuk har bhuj munaa nirubhai paavehi baas
khu nwnk hir Bju mnw inrBY pwvih bwsu 33
Says Nanak, vibrate and meditate on the Lord, and
you shall dwell in the Fearless Lord. 33
69juthun buhuth mai kar rehiou mittiou n mun ko
jqn bhuqu mY kir rihE imitE n mn ko mwnu
I have tried so many things, but the pride of my
mind has not been dispelled.
70dhurumath sio naanuk fadhiou raakh laehu
durmiq isau nwnk PiDE rwiK lyhu Bgvwn 34
I am engrossed in evil-mindedness, Nanak. O God,
please save me! 34
71baal juaanee ar biradh fun theen avusuthaa jaan
bwl juAwnI Aru ibriD Puin qIin AvsQw jwin
Childhood, youth and old age - know these as the
three stages of life.
72kuhu naanuk har bhujun bin biruthaa subh hee maan
khu nwnk hir Bjn ibnu ibrQw sB hI mwnu 35
Says Nanak, without meditating on the Lord,
everything is useless you must appreciate this.
73kuruno hutho s naa keeou pariou lobh kai fundh
krxo huqo su nw kIE pirE loB kY PMD
You have not done what you should have done you
are entangled in the web of greed.
74naanuk samiou ram gaeiou ab kio rovuth andh
nwnk simE rim gieE Ab ikau rovq AMD 36
Nanak, your time is past and gone why are you
crying now, you blind fool? 36
75mun maaeiaa mai ram rehiou nikusuth naahin meeth
mnu mwieAw mY rim rihE inksq nwihn mIq
The mind is absorbed in Maya - it cannot escape
it, my friend.
76naanuk moorath chithr jio shaaddith naahin bheeth
nwnk mUriq icqR ijau Cwifq nwihn BIiq 37
Nanak, it is like a picture painted on the wall -
it cannot leave it. 37
77nur chaahuth kush aour aourai kee aourai bhee
nr cwhq kCu Aaur AaurY kI AaurY BeI
The man wishes for something, but something
different happens.
78chithuvuth rehiou thugour naanuk faasee gal puree
icqvq rihE Tgaur nwnk PwsI gil prI 38
He plots to deceive others, O Nanak, but he
places the noose around his own neck instead.
79juthun buhuth sukh kae keeeae dhukh ko keeou n
jqn bhuq suK ky kIey duK ko kIE n koie
People make all sorts of efforts to find peace
and pleasure, but no one tries to earn pain.
80kuhu naanuk sun rae munaa har bhaavai so hoe
khu nwnk suin ry mnw hir BwvY so hoie 39
Says Nanak, listen, mind whatever pleases God
comes to pass. 39
81juguth bhikhaaree firuth hai subh ko dhaathaa
jgqu iBKwrI iPrqu hY sB ko dwqw rwmu
The world wanders around begging, but the Lord is
the Giver of all.
82kuhu naanuk mun simur thih poorun hovehi kaam
khu nwnk mn ismru iqh pUrn hovih kwm 40
Says Nanak, meditate in remembrance on Him, and
all your works will be successful. 40
83jhoothai maan kehaa kurai jug supunae jio jaan
JUTY mwnu khw krY jgu supny ijau jwnu
Why do you take such false pride in yourself? You
must know that the world is just a dream.
84ein mai kush thaero nehee naanuk kehiou bukhaan
ien mY kCu qyro nhI nwnk kihE bKwin 41
None of this is yours Nanak proclaims this
truth. 41
85gurub kuruth hai dhaeh ko binusai shin mai meeth
grbu krqu hY dyh ko ibnsY iCn mY mIq
You are so proud of your body it shall perish in
an instant, my friend.
86jihi praanee har jus kehiou naanuk thihi jug
ijih pRwnI hir jsu kihE nwnk iqih jgu jIiq 42
That mortal who chants the Praises of the Lord, O
Nanak, conquers the world. 42
87jih ghatt simurun raam ko so nur mukuthaa jaan
ijh Git ismrnu rwm ko so nru mukqw jwnu
That person, who meditates in remembrance on the
Lord in his heart, is liberated - know this well.
88thihi nur har anthur nehee naanuk saachee maan
iqih nr hir AMqru nhI nwnk swcI mwnu 43
There is no difference between that person and
the Lord O Nanak, accept this as the Truth.
89eaek bhugath bhuguvaan jih praanee kai naahi man
eyk Bgiq Bgvwn ijh pRwnI kY nwih min
That person, who does not feel devotion to God in
his mind
90jaisae sookur suaan naanuk maano thaahi thun
jYsy sUkr suAwn nwnk mwno qwih qnu 44
- O Nanak, know that his body is like that of a
pig, or a dog. 44
91suaamee ko grihu jio sudhaa suaan thujuth nehee
suAwmI ko igRhu ijau sdw suAwn qjq nhI inq
A dog never abandons the home of his master.
92naanuk eih bidh har bhujo eik man hue eik chith
nwnk ieh ibiD hir Bjau iek min huie iek iciq 45
O Nanak, in just the same way, vibrate, and
meditate on the Lord, single-mindedly, with
one-pointed consciousness. 45
93theeruth buruth ar dhaan kar mun mai dhurai
qIrQ brq Aru dwn kir mn mY DrY gumwnu
Those who make pilgrimages to sacred shrines,
observe ritualistic fasts and make donations to
charity while still taking pride in their minds
94naanuk nihuful jaath thih jio kunchur eisunaan
nwnk inhPl jwq iqh ijau kuMcr iesnwnu 46
- O Nanak, their actions are useless, like the
elephant, who takes a bath, and then rolls in the
dust. 46
95sir kunpiou pug ddugumugae nain joth thae heen
isru kMipE pg fgmgy nYn joiq qy hIn
The head shakes, the feet stagger, and the eyes
become dull and weak.
96kuhu naanuk eih bidh bhee thoo n har ras leen
khu nwnk ieh ibiD BeI qaU n hir ris lIn 47
Says Nanak, this is your condition. And even now,
you have not savored the sublime essence of the
Lord. 47
97nij kar dhaekhiou juguth mai ko kaahoo ko naahi
inj kir dyiKE jgqu mY ko kwhU ko nwih
I had looked upon the world as my own, but no one
belongs to anyone else.
98naanuk thir har bhugath hai thih raakho mun maahi
nwnk iQru hir Bgiq hY iqh rwKo mn mwih 48
O Nanak, only devotional worship of the Lord is
permanent enshrine this in your mind. 48
99jug ruchunaa subh jhooth hai jaan laehu rae meeth
jg rcnw sB JUT hY jwin lyhu ry mIq
The world and its affairs are totally false know
this well, my friend.
100kehi naanuk thir naa rehai jio baaloo kee bheeth
kih nwnk iQru nw rhY ijau bwlU kI BIiq 49
Says Nanak, it is like a wall of sand it shall
not endure. 49
101raam gaeiou raavun gaeiou jaa ko buhu puruvaar
rwmu gieE rwvnu gieE jw kau bhu prvwru
Raam Chand passed away, as did Raawan, even
though he had lots of relatives.
102kuhu naanuk thir kush nehee supunae jio sunsaar
khu nwnk iQru kCu nhI supny ijau sMswru 50
Says Nanak, nothing lasts forever the world is
like a dream. 50
103chinthaa thaa kee keejeeai jo anehonee hoe
icMqw qw kI kIjIAY jo AnhonI hoie
People become anxious, when something unexpected
104eihu maarug sunsaar ko naanuk thir nehee koe
iehu mwrgu sMswr ko nwnk iQru nhI koie 51
This is the way of the world, O Nanak nothing is
stable or permanent. 51
105jo oupajiou so binas hai puro aaj kai kaal
jo aupijE so ibnis hY pro Awju kY kwil
Whatever has been created shall be destroyed
everyone shall perish, today or tomorrow.
106naanuk har gun gaae lae shaadd sugul junjaal
nwnk hir gun gwie ly Cwif sgl jMjwl 52
O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord,
and give up all other entanglements. 52
108bul shuttakiou bundhun purae kushoo n hoth oupaae
blu CutikE bMDn pry kCU n hoq aupwie
My strength is exhausted, and I am in bondage I
cannot do anything at all.
109kuhu naanuk ab outt har guj jio hohu sehaae
khu nwnk Ab Et hir gj ijau hohu shwie 53
Says Nanak, now, the Lord is my Support He will
help me, as He did the elephant. 53
110bul hoaa bundhun shuttae subh kish hoth oupaae
blu hoAw bMDn Cuty sBu ikCu hoq aupwie
My strength has been restored, and my bonds have
been broken now, I can do everything.
111naanuk subh kish thumurai haath mai thum hee hoth
nwnk sBu ikCu qumrY hwQ mY qum hI hoq shwie 54
Nanak everything is in Your hands, Lord You are
my Helper and Support. 54
112sung sukhaa sabh thaj geae kooo n nibehiou saath
sMg sKw siB qij gey koaU n inbihE swiQ
My associates and companions have all deserted
me no one remains with me.
113kuhu naanuk eih bipath mai ttaek eaek rughunaath
khu nwnk ieh ibpiq mY tyk eyk rGunwQ 55
Says Nanak, in this tragedy, the Lord alone is my
Support. 55
114naam rehiou saadhoo rehiou rehiou gur gobindh
nwmu rihE swDU rihE rihE guru goibMdu
The Naam remains the Holy Saints remain the
Guru, the Lord of the Universe, remains.
115kuhu naanuk eih juguth mai kin japiou gur munth
khu nwnk ieh jgq mY ikn jipE gur mMqu 56
Says Nanak, how rare are those who chant the
Guru's Mantra in this world. 56
116raam naam our mai gehiou jaa kai sum nehee koe
rwm nwmu aur mY gihE jw kY sm nhI koie
I have enshrined the Lord's Name within my heart
there is nothing equal to it.
117jih simuruth sunkutt mittai dhurus thuhaaro hoe
ijh ismrq sMkt imtY drsu quhwro hoie 571
Meditating in remembrance on it, my troubles are
taken away I have received the Blessed Vision of
Your Darshan. 571
118mundhaavunee mehulaa 5
muMdwvxI mhlw 5
Mundaavanee, Fifth Mehl
119thaal vich thinn vusuthoo peeou suth sunthokh
Qwl ivic iqMin vsqU peIE squ sMqoKu vIcwro
Upon this Plate, three things have been placed
Truth, Contentment and Contemplation.
120anmrith naam thaakur kaa paeiou jis kaa subhus
AMimRq nwmu Twkur kw pieE ijs kw sBsu ADwro
The Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of our
Lord and Master, has been placed upon it as well
it is the Support of all.
121jae ko khaavai jae ko bhunchai this kaa hoe
jy ko KwvY jy ko BuMcY iqs kw hoie auDwro
One who eats it and enjoys it shall be saved.
122eaeh vusuth thujee neh jaaee nith nith rukh our
eyh vsqu qjI nh jweI inq inq rKu auir Dwro
This thing can never be forsaken keep this
always and forever in your mind.
123thum sunsaar churun lag thureeai subh naanuk
brehum pusaaro
qm sMswru crn lig qrIAY sBu nwnk bRhm pswro 1
The dark world-ocean is crossed over, by grasping
the Feet of the Lord O Nanak, it is all the
extension of God. 1
124sulok mehulaa 5
slok mhlw 5
Shalok, Fifth Mehl
125thaeraa keethaa jaatho naahee maino jog keethoee
qyrw kIqw jwqo nwhI mYno jogu kIqoeI
I have not appreciated what You have done for me,
Lord only You can make me worthy.
126mai niruguniaarae ko gun naahee aapae thurus
mY inrguixAwry ko guxu nwhI Awpy qrsu pieEeI
I am unworthy - I have no worth or virtues at
all. You have taken pity on me.
127thurus paeiaa mihuraamath hoee sathigur sujun
qrsu pieAw imhrwmiq hoeI siqguru sjxu imilAw
You took pity on me, and blessed me with Your
Mercy, and I have met the True Guru, my Friend.
128naanuk naam milai thaa jeevaa thun mun theevai
nwnk nwmu imlY qW jIvW qnu mnu QIvY hirAw 1
O Nanak, if I am blessed with the Naam, I live,
and my body and mind blossom forth. 1
129ik ounkaar sathigur prusaadhi
ltgt siqgur pRswid
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The
True Guru
130raag maalaa
rwg mwlw
Raag Maalaa
131raag eaek sung punch burungun
rwg eyk sMig pMc brMgn
Each Raga has five wives,
132sung alaapehi aatho nundhun
sMig Alwpih AwTau nµdn
and eight sons, who emit distinctive notes.
133pruthum raag bhairo vai kurehee
pRQm rwg BYrau vY krhI
In the first place is Raag Bhairao.
134punch raagunee sung ouchurehee
pMc rwgnI sMig aucrhI
It is accompanied by the voices of its five
135pruthum bhairuvee bilaavulee
pRQm BYrvI iblwvlI
First come Bhairavee, and Bilaavalee
136punniaakee gaavehi bungulee
puMinAwkI gwvih bMglI
then the songs of Punni-aakee and Bangalee
137pun asulaekhee kee bhee baaree
puin AslyKI kI BeI bwrI
and then Asalaykhee.
138eae bhairo kee paacho naaree
ey BYrau kI pwcau nwrI
These are the five consorts of Bhairao.
139punchum hurukh dhisaakh sunaavehi
pMcm hrK idswK sunwvih
The sounds of Pancham, Harakh and Disaakh
140bungaalum mudh maadhuv gaavehi
bMgwlm mDu mwDv gwvih 1
the songs of Bangaalam, Madh and Maadhav. 1
141luluth bilaavul gaavehee apunee apunee bhaath
llq iblwvl gwvhI ApunI ApunI BWiq
Lalat and Bilaaval - each gives out its own
142asutt puthr bhairuv kae gaavehi gaaein paathr
Ast puqR BYrv ky gwvih gwien pwqR 1
when these eight sons of Bhairao are sung by
accomplished musicians. 1
143dhutheeaa maalukousuk aalaapehi
duqIAw mwlkausk Awlwpih
In the second family is Maalakausak,
144sung raagunee paacho thaapehi
sMig rwgnI pwcau Qwpih
who brings his five Raaginis
145goddukuree ar dhaevugundhaaree
goNfkrI Aru dyvgMDwrI
Gondakaree and Dayv Gandhaaree,
146gundhaaree seehuthee ouchaaree
gMDwrI sIhuqI aucwrI
the voices of Gandhaaree and Seehutee,
147dhunaasuree eae paacho gaaee
DnwsrI ey pwcau gweI
and the fifth song of Dhanaasaree.
148maal raag kousuk sung laaee
mwl rwg kausk sMig lweI
This chain of Maalakausak brings along
149maaroo musuthuang maevaaraa
mwrU msqAMg myvwrw
Maaroo, Masta-ang and Mayvaaraa,
150prubuluchundd kousuk oubhaaraa
pRblcMf kausk auBwrw
Prabal, Chandakausak,
151khoukhutt ao bhouraanudh gaaeae
KauKt Aau Baurwnd gwey
Khau, Khat and Bauraanad singing.
152asutt maalukousuk sung laaeae
Ast mwlkausk sMig lwey 1
These are the eight sons of Maalakausak. 1
153pun aaeiao hinddol punch naar sung asutt suth
puin AwieAau ihMfolu pMc nwir sMig Ast suq
Then comes Hindol with his five wives and eight
154outhehi thaan kulol gaaein thaar milaavehee
auTih qwn klol gwien qwr imlwvhI 1
it rises in waves when the sweet-voiced chorus
sings. 1
155thaelungee dhaevukuree aaee
qylµgI dyvkrI AweI
There come Taylangee and Darvakaree
156busunthee sundhoor suhaaee
bsMqI sMdUr suhweI
Basantee and Sandoor follow
157surus aheeree lai bhaarujaa
srs AhIrI lY Bwrjw
then Aheeree, the finest of women.
158sung laaee paacho aarujaa
sMig lweI pWcau Awrjw
These five wives come together.
159surumaanundh bhaasukur aaeae
surmwnµd Bwskr Awey
The sons Surmaanand and Bhaaskar come,
160chundhrabinb mungulun suhaaeae
cMdRibMb mMgln suhwey
Chandrabinb and Mangalan follow.
161surusubaan ao aahi binodhaa
srsbwn Aau Awih ibnodw
Sarasbaan and Binodaa then come,
162gaavehi surus busunth kumodhaa
gwvih srs bsMq kmodw
and the thrilling songs of Basant and Kamodaa.
163asutt puthr mai kehae suvaaree
Ast puqR mY khy svwrI
These are the eight sons I have listed.
164pun aaee dheepuk kee baaree
puin AweI dIpk kI bwrI 1
Then comes the turn of Deepak. 1
165kushaelee puttumunjuree ttoddee kehee alaap
kCylI ptmMjrI tofI khI Alwip
Kachhaylee, Patamanjaree and Todee are sung
166kaamodhee ao goojuree sung dheepuk kae thaap
kwmodI Aau gUjrI sMig dIpk ky Qwip 1
Kaamodee and Goojaree accompany Deepak. 1
167kaalunkaa kunthul ao raamaa
kwlµkw kuMql Aau rwmw
Kaalankaa, Kuntal and Raamaa,
168kumulukusum chunpuk kae naamaa
kmlkusm cMpk ky nwmw
Kamalakusam and Champak are their names
169gouraa ao kaanuraa kuluaanaa
gaurw Aau kwnrw klwnw
Gauraa, Kaanaraa and Kaylaanaa
170asutt puthr dheepuk kae jaanaa
Ast puqR dIpk ky jwnw 1
these are the eight sons of Deepak. 1
171subh mil sireeraag vai gaavehi
sB imil isrIrwg vY gwvih
All join together and sing Siree Raag,
172paacho sung burungun laavehi
pWcau sMig brMgn lwvih
which is accompanied by its five wives
173bairaaree kurunaattee dhuree
bYrwrI krnwtI DrI
Bairaaree and Karnaatee,
174guvuree gaavehi aasaavuree
gvrI gwvih AwswvrI
the songs of Gawree and Aasaavaree
175thih paashai sindhuvee alaapee
iqh pwCY isMDvI AlwpI
then follows Sindhavee.
176sireeraag sio paacho thaapee
isrIrwg isau pWcau QwpI 1
These are the five wives of Siree Raag. 1
177saaloo saarug saaguraa aour godd gunbheer
swlU swrg swgrw Aaur goNf gMBIr
Saaloo, Saarang, Saagaraa, Gond and Gambheer
178asutt puthr sreeraag kae gundd kunbh humeer
Ast puqR sRIrwg ky guMf kuMB hmIr 1
- the eight sons of Siree Raag include Gund, Kumb
and Hameer. 1
179khusuttum maegh raag vai gaavehi
Kstm myG rwg vY gwvih
In the sixth place, Maygh Raag is sung,
180paacho sung burungun laavehi
pWcau sMig brMgn lwvih
with its five wives in accompaniment
181sorath godd mulaaree dhunee
soriT goNf mlwrI DunI
Sorat'h, Gond, and the melody of Malaaree
182pun gaavehi aasaa gun gunee
puin gwvih Awsw gun gunI
then the harmonies of Aasaa are sung.
183oochai sur sooho pun keenee
aUcY suir sUhau puin kInI
And finally comes the high tone Soohau.
184maegh raag sio paacho cheenee
myG rwg isau pWcau cInI 1
These are the five with Maygh Raag. 1
185bairaadhur gujudhur kaedhaaraa
bYrwDr gjDr kydwrw
Bairaadhar, Gajadhar, Kaydaaraa,
186jubuleedhur nutt ao juludhaaraa
jblIDr nt Aau jlDwrw
Jabaleedhar, Nat and Jaladhaaraa.
187pun gaavehi sunkur ao siaamaa
puin gwvih sMkr Aau isAwmw
Then come the songs of Shankar and Shi-aamaa.
188maegh raag puthrun kae naamaa
myG rwg puqRn ky nwmw 1
These are the names of the sons of Maygh Raag.
189khusutt raag oun gaaeae sung raagunee thees
Kst rwg auin gwey sMig rwgnI qIs
So all together, they sing the six Raagas and the
thirty Raaginis,
190subhai puthr raagunn kae athaareh dhus bees
sBY puqR rwgMn ky ATwrh ds bIs 11
and all the forty-eight sons of the Raagas.
191Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa! Vaheguru ji ki Fatah!
vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw! vwihgurU jI kI Pqh!
The Khalsa belongs to God! All Victory is the
Victory of God!