Title: Effective Leadership: Becoming a Change Agent
1Effective Leadership Becoming a Change Agent
EDUCATION - Fern Aaron Zagor, ACSW, PRYSE Project Manager
- Chief Administrator
- Community Mental Health Services
- Joseph P. Addabbo Family Health Center
2Project for Rockaway Youth in Safety and
- An 11 mile long peninsula at the southeast corner
of NYC bounded by the Atlantic Ocean and Jamaica
Bay - One train to the mainland
- One bus traverses the peninsula
- Two bridges cross to the mainland
- Empty wetlands near high density housing
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- More than 24 of Rockaways population of 107,000
people falls below the poverty level (20
citywide) - 41 of Rockaways children live in poverty (36
citywide, 29 in Queens) - Nearly 25 of households have incomes below
10,000 (NYC-20, Queens 14)
7Rockaway has a high rate of hospital admissions
for toxic effects of alcohol
8What residents say are the most important safety
or health issues facing Rockaway children and
- The issue of drugs is by far the most important
in the view of Rockaway residents. - Violence, weapons and gangs are important issues
as well - The lack of youth programs was mentioned by
nearly 1 out of 10 residents. - Interestingly, pollution-sanitation and traffic
problems were mentioned fairly frequently as
Source PRYSE Community Survey
9Project for Rockaway Youth in Safety and Education
- Rockaway was the first site chosen in New York
City and received the largest grant in the nation
at that time. - P R Y S E
- The Addabbo Health Center PRYSE Manager
- Community School District 27 Fiscal Agent
10PRYSE Coalition
- Weve Come Together In Rockaway
- 10 Funded agencies
- Community residents
- Parents, students, teachers
- Schools
- Faith-based groups
- Government agencies
- Legislators
- Civic organizations
11Components of Effective Leadership
- Providing Guidance
- Facilitating the Process
- Creating a Shared Vision and Mission
- Developing a Structure
- Determining the Decision-Making Process
- Nurturing Relationships
- Providing Resources
12PRYSE Coalition
- Our Vision
- A safe, inclusive, beautiful, and unified
community where children and families are
socially, emotionally, physically, academically
and economically healthy and strong.
13PRYSE Coalition
- Our Mission
- To mobilize our community and all its
stakeholders to integrate, coordinate,
strengthen, and develop resources and to create
the trust necessary to support our children,
youth and families as caring, capable,
responsible, and resilient individuals.
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15Key Issues as a Change Agent
- Developing Trust
- In the committee
- In the community
- Keeping the Process Transparent
- Be open about issues and decisions
- Inclusion vs. Representation
- Not everyone can or should be on the committee
- Interests and needs should be represented
- Ownership of the Process
Ownership of the Outcomes - Authority vs. Responsibility Roles and Functions
- Foster Community Attachment and Bonding
16Identifying Roles and Responsibility
- Steering Committee Role
- The Right To Do
- -Shapes Culture-
- Vision Focused
- Value Centered
- Mission Led
- Issues Driven
- Management Role
- The Right Way To Do
- Provides the How to do
- Identifies appropriate methods
- Measures Outcomes
- Analyzes/evaluates/ assesses
17Steering Committee Structure
- Revolving Co-Chairs.
- Co-chairs from both funded and non-funded
entities. - Shift from standing committees to workgroups.
- All Call process for new grant opportunities.
18Nurturing Relationships
- Collaboration is the way to go.
- Partners all have partners.
- Build on existing partnerships.
- Share a vision.
- Create a mission.
19Partnerships for Community Attachment and Bonding
- Multicultural Festival
- PRYSE Coalition Members
- Administration for Childrens Services
- Protective and Preventive Services
- Day Care Providers
- NYPD/Weed and Seed
- Rockaway Chamber of Commerce
- Government officials and agencies
- Resident Councils and Tenant Associations
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- Kwanzaa Celebration
- Four New York City housing developments came
together. - PRYSE provided technical support and direction.
- PRYSE has become a resource for community
empowerment and development.
23Collaboration for Unity in the Rockaway
CommunityC U R C
- Mission
- To coordinate Rockaway stakeholders to plan and
organize community events that celebrate our
diversity and strengthen families. - Ex Annual Fun Walk/Run for Health
- Community Pride
24Community Access Program
- Mission
- To reduce barriers and increase access to primary
health and related care for undocumented,
uninsured and underinsured Rockaway residents. - We leveraged the PRYSE Coalition and brought 2.4
million into the community over 3 years
25Lessons LearnedOpportunities Created
- Value of a shared vision.
- Weve moved from
- fund driven to vision driven.
- Community Empowerment changing attitudes.
- Importance of community attachment and bonding
26Lessons LearnedOpportunities Created
- Inspire hope and trust.
- Believe change is possible
- Participate in change effort
- Importance of inclusion/representation.
- Collaboration Building.
- Leveraging relationships for sustainability.