Title: QEIA
Quality Education Investment Act
Information Meeting Fresno Unified School
2WelcomeOverview of AgendaGrounding Activity
3- We have the opportunity, obligation and
responsibility to make profound and dramatic
improvements in every one of our schools. The
Quality Education Investment Act is so much more
than class size reduction and incremental
improvement. This is about the transformation of
every classroom, every grade level/department,
every school and district level support systems
to accelerate the learning of every student, to
make every student visible and to use these
resources to take high leverage action that will
result in career-ready graduates.
4Overarching Goal of QEIA and Professional
- Our vision is to create learning environments for
students and staff so that each of our QEIA
schools becomes a school of choice and a
destination place of employment. - Dramatically improve the quality of academic
instruction and the level of pupil achievement in
schools in which pupils have high levels of
poverty and complex educational needs. - Develop exemplary school district and school
practices that will create the working conditions
and classroom learning environments that will
attract and retain well-qualified teachers,
administrators, and other staff.
5FUSDs Underlying Assumptions
- All of the following make a difference
- Effective first teaching
- High quality leadership
- Deep program implementation
- District Office support for improvement
- Positive school environment
- Assessment of student learning that drives
instruction - Communication for collaboration
- Effective use of resources including time, money,
people, energy - Home-school partnership
- Full ownership of student learning
- Schools organized and managed in ways that
support overall development of students - Students are at the center of change
6What Is the History of QEIA?
- 2004-05 Governors DEAL to suspend 2 billion
owed to education under Prop 98 - 2005-06 Governor ignored the DEAL and was sued
by CTA and Superintendent OConnell - 2006-07 Under threat of lawsuit, Governor and
Legislature approved funding for Prop 98 - Schedule to pay back one-time losses over
seven-year period - QEIA is the result for K-12 education
7What is QEIA?
- Grant support for specified actions to
- Improve academic instruction
- Improve student achievement
- Help schools exceed API growth targets
- Develop a site and district culture of
collaboration and teamwork
8 What is QEIA?
LEGISLATED ACTIONS Class Size Reduction Profession
al Development Balanced Teams
IMPACT Improved Instruction Positive Climate
OUTCOMES Increased Achievement API Targets
9What Are Key QEIA Facts?
- Decile 1 and 2 schools were eligible
- 56 FUSD schools were eligible
- 19 FUSD schools selected in a lottery drawing
from a prioritized list - 2007-08 allocations will be pooled and used
districtwide to fund facilities, professional
development, and planning activities for all QEIA
schools as needed. - Funding in 2008-2014 will be allocated to each
10What Are QEIA Requirements?
11What is the Alternative Program?
- High schools did not have the capacity for class
size reduction so they submitted an alternative
plan to improve achievement. - Alternative plans for Roosevelt, McLane, and
Fresno High Schools include - Teacher Support - comprehensive professional
development and time for planning, collaboration,
and training - Academies/Smaller Learning Communities - team
teaching and summer bridge program - Positive Behavioral Support Systems - leadership,
Link Crew, peer mediation, counseling,
intervention specialist - Academic Support - Certificated Tutors, Teaching
Fellows - Expanded Career Pathways and Career Counseling
12Criteria For Prioritizing Schools for Selection
Were Established During FTA/District Leadership
Collaborative Sessions
- Student Achievement Trends
- Emphasis on level of growth or improvement
- Program Improvement Status
- Facilities Capacity
- Middle School Emphasis
- Average Class Size
- Teacher Experience Level
13Who Are the QEIA Schools?
- Regular Program Elementary
- Burroughs
- Calwa
- Columbia
- Greenberg
- King
- Lane
- Lincoln
- Lowell
- Muir
- Rowell
- Regular Program Middle School
- Carver
- Cooper
- Kings Canyon
- Sequoia
- Tehipite
- Yosemite
- Alternative Program High School
- Fresno
- McLane
- Roosevelt
14Characteristics of QEIA Site Instructional
Leadership Team Members
- Proven results in classroom instruction
- Demonstrated ability to effectively work in
leadership capacity with adults - Willingness to serve in leadership capacity in
curriculum/professional learning - Subject matter expertise
- Knowledge of standards
- Support from site administrators and colleagues
- Work collaboratively
- Willing to commit the time needed
- Willing to be a change agent
- In tune with the data
- Open to the ideas of others
- Balanced by grade level/subject
15The Plans for QEIA in 2007-08
- Further research and study based on data
- Planning
- Hiring quality teachers
- Facilities preparation for reducing class size
- Focused professional development
- Alignment of all resources
- Communication with all stakeholders
- Discuss the impact and implications of QEIA
- for our school.
18- What questions do we anticipate from our site
colleagues and community about QEIA?
19- FUSD Leadership looks forward to working with
each of you to change the face of large urban
education, as well as to listen to your thoughts
about creating and operating the best schools and
district systems for every one of our students.
20What Are the Immediate Next Steps?
- May 22 June 8 School Site Staff Meetings
- Site team provides QEIA information
- District Leader in attendance
- Site staff provides input for future planning
- Sites select a QEIA Instructional Leadership Team
- Participate in one-day summer institute
- Provide leadership throughout planning and
implementation - June 13 QEIA Institute for Site Instructional
Leadership Teams - Summer Possible School Visitations
21ClosingNext Steps