Math Review Lecture 5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Math Review Lecture 5


The numbers above and below it are the values of the subscript that you ... Example: Early in 2004, 4 candidates sought the Democratic nomination for president. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Math Review Lecture 5

Math ReviewLecture 5
  • Evans School of Public Affairs
  • University of Washington

Lecture 5 Summation
  • You may encounter this notation for summation
  • The Greek letter is capital sigma. The numbers
    above and below it are the values of the
    subscript that you should sum over.
  • Example x11, x22, x33, x44. Find

Lecture 5 Weighted Averages
  • Use weighted averages to find the average of
    elements of a whole that are not evenly weighted.
  • Example We want to know the fraction of students
    who are white in a school district containing two
    schools. School A has 1,000 students and is 40
    white, while School B has 500 students and is 70
    white. What fraction of students in the district
    are white? Hint the answer isnt 55.

Lecture 5 Choices
  • Multiplication Principle If you have n choices
    to make, with m1 ways to make choice 1, and for
    each of these, m2 ways to make choice 2, and so
    on, with mn ways to make choice n, the total
    number of possible choices is equal to
  • Example If there are 3 roads from town A to town
    B and 2 roads from town B to town C, in how many
    ways can someone travel from A to C by way of B?

Lecture 5 Choices
  • Example Suppose Andy has 7 pairs of shorts, 8
    shirts, and 5 different pairs of shoes. If he is
    willing to wear any combination, how many
    different shorts-shirt-shoe choices does he have?
  • Example A combination lock can be set to open to
    any 3-letter sequence. How many sequences are
    possible? How many sequences are possible if no
    letter is repeated?

Lecture 5 Factorials
  • Factorials When multiplying combinations, you
    often need to calculate products such as
    54321, the product of the integers from 5 to
    1. If n is a positive integer, n! (n factorial)
    denotes the product of all the natural numbers
    from n down to 1.
  • n! n(n-1)(n-2)...(3)(2)(1)
  • n! n(n-1)!
  • 0! 1

Lecture 5 Permutations
  • A permutation of a set of elements is an ordering
    of the elements. For instance, there are six
    permutations of the letters A, B, C
  • Order counts when determining the number of
    permutations of a set of elements. This means
    that the event ABC is distinct from CBA or any
    other ordering of the three letters.
  • Example How many batting orders are possible for
    a 9-person baseball team?

Lecture 5 Permutations
  • Sometimes we want to order only some of the
    elements in a set, rather than all of them. 
  • Example A teacher has 5 books and wants to
    display 3 of them side by side on her desk. How
    many arrangements of 3 books are possible?
  • We say that the possible arrangements are
    permutations of 5 things taken 3 at a time, and
    we denote the number of such permutations by 5P3.
    In other words, 5P3 60.

Lecture 5 Permutations
  • More generally, an ordering of r elements from a
    set of n elements is called a permutation of n
    things taken r at a time, and the number of such
    permutations is denoted nPr.
  • If (where r n) is the number of permutations of
    n elements taken r at a time, then

Lecture 5 Permutations
  • Example Early in 2004, 4 candidates sought the
    Democratic nomination for president. In how many
    ways could voters rank their first, second and
    third choices?
  • 4P3 ?

Lecture 5 Combinations
  • Earlier, we saw that there are 60 ways a teacher
    can arrange 3 of 5 different books on a desk.
    That is, there are 60 permutations of 5 things
    taken 3 at a time. Suppose now that the teacher
    does not wish to arrange the books on her desk,
    but rather wishes to choose, at random, 3 of the
    5 books to give a book sale to raise money for
    her school. In how many ways can she do this?

Lecture 5 Combinations
  • 60 is the number of all possible arrangements of
    3 books chosen from 5 however, the following
    arrangements would all lead to the same set of 3
    books being given to the book sale
  • mysterybiographytextbook
  • biographytextbook--mystery
  • mysterytextbookbiography
  • textbookbiography--mystery
  • biographymysterytextbook
  • textbook-mysterybiography

Lecture 5 Combinations
  • This list shows 6 different arrangements of 3
    books, but only one subset of 3 books. A subset
    of items selected without regard to order is
    called a combination. The number of combinations
    of 5 things taken 3 at a time is written 5C3.
    Since they are subsets, combinations are not
  • where r n
  • can also be written as read n choose

Lecture 5 Combinations
  • Example How many different sets of three books
    can the teacher choose?
  • Example From a group of 10 students, a
    committee is to be chosen to meet with the dean.
    How many different 3-person committees are

Lecture 5 Probability
  • Outcomes that are not necessarily certain can be
    described with the concept of probability.
  • A sample space is a list of all possible outcomes
    that could occur.
  • With a die you can roll a 1,2,3,4,5, or 6. With a
    coin, you can toss a head or tail.
  • In this case, each possible outcome has an equal
    probability of occurring.

Lecture 5 Probability
  • You can also think of the probability of an event
    as the proportion of days or weeks in which the
    event has occurred.
  • Example Suppose that it has rained during two
    out of the last ten Independence Day shows in
    Seattle. Without any other information, what is
    the probability of rain during the next July 4th?

Lecture 5 Probability
  • Write the probability of an event A as P(A).
  • If event A happened m times out of n, then
  • The probability of rolling a 2 on a 6-sided die
    is P(2)1/6.
  • Example Whats the probability of drawing a card
    of the suit spades out of a standard deck?

Lecture 5 Probability
  • Rules for probability
  • The probability of an impossible event is 0.
  • The probability of a certain event is 1.
  • Probability must be between 0 and 1, inclusive.

Lecture 5 Probability
  • Probability of multiple events
  • The chance that either event A or event B will
    occur is
  • P(A) P(B)
  • This assumes A and B cant both occur.
  • Example Whats the probability of rolling a 4 or
    a 6 on a fair die?

Lecture 5 Probability
  • Probability of multiple events
  • The chance of event A and event B occurring is
  • P(A) P(B)
  • This assumes A and B are independent.
  • Example With a pair of dice, find the
    probability of rolling a 4 on one and 3 on the

Lecture 5 Probability
  • Probability of an event not occurring
  • If you know the probability of A, you can also
    calculate the probability that A wont occur.
  • P(Not A) 1 - P(A)
  • Because A either occurs or it doesnt.
  • Example If there is a 40 chance of rain, whats
    the chance of staying dry?

Lecture 5 Probability
  • Remember Venn Diagrams?

Lecture 5 Probability
  • Use Venn Diagrams to visualize the probability of
    multiple events.
  • The chance that either event A or event B will
    occur is
  • P(A) P(B) P(AB)
  • AB is the overlapping part of A and B. We
    subtract it once because it has already been
    counted twice (as part of A and as part of B).

Lecture 5 Probability
  • Example An NGO gives summer jobs to two
    students, hoping that at least one of the
    students will take a regular job with the
    organization after graduation. The probability
    that each student will work for the NGO is 0.3
    and the probability that they both will is 0.1.
    Whats the probability that at least one of them
    will take a regular job with the NGO?
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