Title: The NHS
1The NHS - Effective Commissioning
Rt. Hon. Stephen Dorrell MP
- Established in 1991
- Abolished in 1997
- Reinvented in 2004
- Still to be made effective
3What is Commissioning?Three key processes
- Decide priorities
- Focus resource on priorities
- Measure performance
4Decide PrioritiesUnderstand the needs of patients
- Long term conditions
- Mental health
- Ageing population
5Decide PrioritiesLong Term Conditions
- 17.5m people in Britain have a long term medical
condition - Around 45 of those patients have more than one
condition - These patients account for 2/3rds of medical
emergency admissions
6Decide PrioritiesMental Health
- One third of patients consulting a GP have a
mental health problem (Social Exclusion Unit,
2004) - 13 of NHS budget is spent on mental health
services - 2.75 million people of working age consult a GP
for a mental disorder (Psychiatric Morbidity
7Decide PrioritiesAgeing Population
- Three quarters of people over 75 have a long term
illness - (GMS Contract data, 2005)
8Decide PrioritiesAddress Health Inequalities
- Public health measures well established
- Committed to strengthened public health function
- Inadequate links between population measures and
patient experiences
9Decide PrioritiesAddress Health Inequalities -
Tale of Two Cities
Source Community Health Profiles, 2006
10Decide PrioritiesPromote Best Practice
- Understand practice developments elsewhere
- Measure local performance against best practice
- Take action when standards dont measure up
11Decide PrioritiesPromote Best Practice - A Case
- In Malmo in Sweden, patients suffering a heart
attack are admitted immediately to a coronary
intervention unit and undergo immediate
angioplasty. - Hospital stay averages 3 days and the incidence
of heart failure has plummeted in the local
12Decide PrioritiesPrevention is better than cure
- In the UK
- 22 of adults smoke
- 1 in 4 adults and children are obese
- Half of all children eat no fruit or vegetables
in a week - 65 of adults and 50 of children do not take the
recommended amount of exercise
Source Oxford Health Alliance
13Decide PrioritiesPrevention is better than cure
- If the three risk factors, smoking, poor diet and
lack of exercise were completely eliminated - 80 of early deaths from heart disease
- 40 of early deaths from cancers would be
Source Oxford Health Alliance
14Decide PrioritiesPredicted benefits of effective
Source Wanless 2000/ Kings Fund 2006
15Focus Resource on PrioritiesEfficiency is falling
- Money has been spent before reform
Source Kings Fund/ DOH 2006
16Focus Resource on PrioritiesDespite rhetoric
about priority services
- 27 of our health spending is in the community
compared to 33 in our European neighbours
(Source OECD compendium, 2005) - Consultants have risen by 64 GPs have risen by
15.3 (Source Information Centre, 1995 2005)
17Focus Resource on PrioritiesEngage with the
- Concentrate on disease not process
- Enlist professional support
- Healthcare should be commissioned with and by
the professions not against the professions
18Focus Resource on PrioritiesEngage with primary
- Closer to patients
- Local accountability
19Focus Resource on PrioritiesEvidence for local
- Fundholding
- Shorter waiting times by 8
- Reduced elective hospital admissions by 3.3
- Reduced prescribing costs
- Total Purchasing Pilots
- 69 of TP pilots reduced occupied bed days
- 13 reduced admissions
Source Kings Fund
20Focus Resource on PrioritiesEngage with
independent sector
- Private skills
- Social enterprises
- Charities
21Measure PerformanceFocus on real priorities
- NHS debate is too focused on targets
- Commissioning should focus on patient outcomes
- Patient reported experience
- Clinical outcomes
- What gets measured gets managed
22Measure PerformancePatient reported experience
- Ever been asked about your care?
How patients viewed their physical health after a
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) SF- 36
(Source Bupa 2006)
23Measure PerformancePatient reported experience
- Ever been asked about your care?
Source Nuffield Hospitals
24Measure PerformanceClinical outcomes
- A dialogue with professions to establish better
measures of clinical outcomes
25(No Transcript)