Title: duke of edinburghs
1- duke of edinburghs
- award scheme
- for those delivering or supporting the scheme in
2Duke of Edinburghs Award Scheme
- Philosophy, aims and process
- Alignment with the Scout Programme
- Programme planning Award books
- The Award in Wales
- Authorising Awarding
3- Philosophy, aims and process
4The Benefits
- self belief
- self confidence
- sense of identity
- independence
- sense of responsibility
- awareness of potential
- new talents and abilities
- understanding of strengths weaknesses
- ability to plan time manage
- learn give to others
- new relationships
- skills - problem solving, presentation,
communication - ability to lead work as part of a team
510 key principles
- Non Competitive
- Available to All
- Voluntary
- Flexible
- Balanced
- Progressive
- Achievement Focused
- Marathon not a Sprint
- Process not a Prize
- Enjoyable
6Three Levels of Achievement
- Bronze for those aged 14
- Silver for those aged 15
- Gold for those aged 16
7The Sections
- Skill
- Covering almost any hobby, skill or interest
- Service
- Helping in the local community
- Physical Recreation
- Sports, dance and fitness
- Expeditions
- Training for, planning and completing a journey
on foot, cycle, horseback or water - Residential Project (Gold Award only)
- A purposeful enterprise with people not
previously known to the participant
8Process for Skills Phys Recreation
The period of involvement should start with an
initial briefing with an appropriate instructor /
Initial Briefing
Monitoring Process
Goals and progress should be monitored at
periodic intervals throughout the duration of the
activity and revised accordingly
When the skills, progress and quality of
experience are reviewed prior to the assessor and
participant completing the Record Book
Final Review
9Process for Expedition
Participants should plan a venture in terms of
purpose, mode of transport,chosen environment
etc. and undertake appropriate training
Initial Briefing Training
Participants must undertake sufficient practice
journeys to enable them to complete their planned
Practice Journeys
A qualifying venture with a purpose must be
undertaken, with a group of between four and
seven young people, followed by a debrief
Qualifying Venture and Debriefing
All participants provide a presentation or
account related to the purpose
10Process for Service
The period of involvement should start with an
initial briefing confirming the nature for the
service, what form of training needs to be
undertaken and the nature of the practical
Initial Briefing
Training should be provided which can take the
form of further briefings, attendance on a course
and/or gaining a related qualification
Practical Service
Related training received
The service activity, progress and quality of
experience are reviewed, with the assessor and
participant completing the Record Book
Final Review
3 further months in either the Service, Skill or
Phys Rec Section
6 further months for DIRECT ENTRANTS in either
the Service Section or the longer of the Skill or
Phys Rec Sections
5 day 4 night residential project 6 further
months for DIRECT ENTRANTS in either the Service
Section or the longer of the Skill or Phys Rec
14In Summary
15- Alignment with the Scout Programme
16Explorer/Network Core Values
Fun Getting on with others Activity Keeping
promises Personal development Working
together Responsibility
17Programme Zones
Outdoors Environment Skills International Physic
al Recreation Relationships Community
Service Values
(Expedition) (Skill) (Physical
Recreation) (Service)
18Chief Scouts Platinum Award
- Explorer/Network Scout for 6 months
- Complete 6 nights away as an Explorer/Network
Scout, 4 must be camping - Complete 2 activities from the international,
environmental, values list The 2 activities
should come from different areas
19Chief Scouts Platinum Award continued
- Complete the 4 Platinum Challenges
- Skills
- Physical Activity
- Service
- Expedition
- or
- Hold the Bronze Duke of Edinburghs Award
20Chief Scouts Platinum Award
- Explorer/Network Scout for 6 months
- Complete 6 nights away as an Explorer/Network
Scout, 4 must be camping - Complete 2 activities from the international,
environmental, values list The 2 activities
should come from different areas
2114 Explorer Activity Badges
22- Programme planning Award books
23Case studies
- In groups, consider the case studies
- Choose an activity for each of the 4 Award
sections - Work out a plan for the young person including
exactly how they will go about their involvement - Have a look at the Record Book and other
available resources - Groups will need to report back at the end
25Delegation, Flexibility Trust
The Award operates through a system of delegated
responsibility. Operating Authorities are
licensed by the Award to operate the Programme
and to maintain its quality and standards. This
responsibility is then delegated to Award Leaders
and, through other helpers, to participants Follow
ing adequate briefing, Leaders and helpers are
given the flexibility to make informed decisions
and are entrusted to run the Award in line with
its philosophy, principles and conditions
26Operating Authority
The Welsh Scout Council is the Duke of
Edinburghs Award Operating Authority for Scouts
in Wales There is a D of E Advisor for Wales -
Mike Breakwell Explorer Scout Leaders and Scout
Network Leaders are the Award Leaders
- The following people can authorise awards
- Bronze Silver
- District Area Advisors (D of E Award)
- District Explorer Scout Commissioners
- Area Scout Network Commissioners
- who have attended this module
- Gold
- D of E Advisor for Wales
28Getting involved
- To get a young person involved in the Award - at
any level - you need to order them the
appropriate Record Book - Any Leader involved with the Award - Explorer
Scout Leaders, District Explorer Scout
Commissioners, Scout Network Leaders, Scout
Network Commissioners, Advisers for the Award -
can order Record Books
29Ordering Record Books
- E-mail admin_at_scoutsofwales.demon.co.uk
- Tel 01446 795272
- Fax 01446 795272
- Write to The Welsh Scout Council, The Old
School, Wine Street, Llantwit Major, CF61 1RZ - Record Books should not be held by D of E Advisors
30Ordering Record Books
- When ordering give the following details
- The name of the young person
- Their date of birth
- Their District or Area
- The name of their Leader
- Postal Address of their Leader
- Level Required (Bronze/Silver/Gold)
- Bronze 10.50
- Silver 10.50
- Gold 15.75
- An invoice will be sent to you, payment is not
required with order
32More paperwork!
- There are two additional pieces of paperwork you
should be aware of - The GREEN Form
- expedition notification form for ventures in wild
country - The RED Form
- expedition notification form for ventures
abroad - Both available from the Welsh Scout Council office
33When Completed
- When a young person has completed an Award
- the Leader should check that the Record Book has
been correctly completed - If Bronze or Silver the Book should be sent to
the DESC/ASNC/Advisor (or they could visit the
young person) - They will arrange for the certificate and badge
to be ordered - If Gold the Book should be sent to the D of E
Advisor for Wales (via WSC Office)
- The following people can authorise awards
- Bronze Silver
- District Area Advisors (D of E Award)
- District Explorer Scout Commissioners
- Area Scout Network Commissioners
- who have attended this course
- Gold
- D of E Advisor for Wales
Award Leaders (ESLs, SNLs) can award Sectional
certificates for completion of one of the
Sections of any Award These certificates
encourage a young person to stick with the Award
as they see results along the way to the full
Award itself
When the Bronze or Silver Award is authorised the
authoriser should order the relevant certificate
and badge from the Welsh Scout Council and
arrange a suitable opportunity to present them
- In groups, using the provided checklist, go
through the examples on the sheet and decide if
youd authorise the Awards or not
40Further Support
- Welsh Scout Council Office
- District Explorer Scout Commissioner, Area Scout
Network Commissioner or District/Area Advisor (D
of E) - D of E Advisor for Wales
- Commissioner for Explorer Scouts OR Scout Network
(Wales) - Award Office in Brecon
- ScoutBase Wales
41Award Office
- Oak House, 12 The Bulwalk, Brecon, LD3 7AD
- Tel 01874 623086 Fax 01874 611967
- email wales_at_theaward.org
- web www.theaward.org/wales