Title: Relocation Assistance Program
1Relocation Assistance Program Training for
Presented by Trena Philo, Relocation
Manager Trena.philo_at_dla.mil (269) 961-7385
- 1. Why This Training? 8. Services Provided
- 2. Authority 9. Resources
- 3. Customer Comments 10. Process of
Notification - 4. Considerations for Moving 11. What Happens
- 5. Eligibility 12. Benefits for Supervisors
- 6. Prohibitions Against Discrimination 13.
Benefits for Employees - 7. Relocation Readiness 14. Closing
3Why this training?
4Why this training?
- Mandated by Congress and DoD
- 1985 National Defense Authorization Act for
FY1986 (P.L. 99-145) DoD directed report on
desirability feasibility of providing
contracted relocation assistance to members of
uniformed services and their families
- 1986 House Report (99-718) on FY1987 Defense
Authorization Act requested DoD to conduct a
test of contracted relocation services. Army
conducted the test as Executive Agent.
- National Defense Authorization Act for
FY1990-1991 directed DoD to establish
relocation assistance programs
5Why this training?
- Lack of consistency in the building
- Why? Confusion! What is this program all about?
- More importantly my customers, your employees,
are not being adequately supported
- Whichaffects our MISSION yours, DLAs, and the
soldiers! - RESULT -- Costing government taxpayer !
- AR 608-1, Personal Affairs Army Community
Service Center - DODI 1338.19 Relocation Assistance Programs
- DLA One Book, DLAD 5025.3 Relocation Assistance
- Mission Statement from AR 608-1
Facilitate commanders ability to provide
comprehensive, coordinated, and responsive
services that support readiness of Soldiers,
civilian employees and their families.
7Authority continued
- Criteria for establishing
- Are not tenants or satellites of a host
- Authorize families to join their sponsors
- Have an installation population of 500 or more
8Customer Comments HELP!
- Ive been living out of McCamlys for the past 6
months. I didnt know you could help me find
temporary housing! a contract employee
- My boss told me I wasnt relocating, although I
moved from Florida. Only those on PCS orders are
relocating (said the supervisor). federal
- Ive been here 3 months and I really could have
used your help as soon as I arrived! federal
- I didnt know the HDIFC had a Relocation
Assistance Office! I really could have used your
help! a military member
- I rented an apartment for my family sight
unseen. When I arrived, I refused to move my
family into it! a federal employee
- A co-worker told me this hotel was great. When
I arrived, it was so awful that I quickly found
another one! a military member
- I walked by and saw your office sign I really
needed your help when I moved here! a federal
9Customer Comments -- THANKS!
- The apartment complex you recommended is
outstanding! Im telling everyone I know that
moves here! -- federal employee
- I only had 3 weeks to get a passport. Thank you
for getting me to the right source! My passport
arrived in plenty of time! military dependent
- Thank you with sorting out the PCS entitlements
for our team. BRACd federal team from another
- You gave me peace of mind helping me locate a
daycare center, physician, a home, and different
activities for my family! federal employee
- The tools that you provided helped me prepare my
family (included spouse, children and pets) for
our out-of-country move! federal employee
- Thank you for finding me a relocation assistant
in our new location. federal contract employee
- Thank you for providing resources to help me
move with a physically challenged family member.
federal employee
10What are some considerations for moving?
Leaving elderly parents?
Precious pets?
Foreign country!
11Considerations for Moving
- Across Town, City-to-City or any move
- Utilities (phone, trash, electricity, natural
gas/propane) - Post Office drivers license address change
- Selling/buying home or sign/break rental lease
- Packing
- Movers (professional or family friends)
- Notify / find physician(s), pharmacy, insurance
companies, subscriptions, investment companies,
schools, babysitter, pet caretakers (vet,
groomer, etc.), friends, church, clubs
associations, charities, etc.
12Considerations for Moving
- Moving State-to-State and Out-of-Country
- All on last slide AND
- Movers (TMO)
- Inventory property
- What do you pack?
- Passport VISAs
- Shots health requirements (refill
prescriptions) - Pet health shipping requirements
- Obtain school medical records
13Considerations for Moving
- Moving out-of-country - continued
- Per diem, entitlements
- House hunting trip
- Temporary lodging / transitional housing
- Budget comparisons cost of living (foreign
exchange, taxes, fees, etc.) - Credit cards valid at foreign locations
- Elderly parents
- Family members with special needs
- Community comparisons
- and more!
14Eligible Customers
- For DLA and local military
- Active duty retired personnel their families
- Military reserve components when on active duty
their family members
- Appropriated nonappropriated fund employees
their families
- Family members of prisoners of war or personnel
missing in action
- Surviving family members of military personnel
who died while on active duty
- In a nutshell if a DoD or DLA member moves
to/out of Battle Creek Relocation Assistance in
available to assist them!
- Relocation Assistance will provide information to
DLA contract employees (short or long term)
15General Prohibitions Against Discrimination
- Will provide the appropriate reasonable
accommodations to all employees and persons
receiving services in accordance with federal
- Will provide reasonable accommodations in
coordination with the host activitys Equal
Employment Opportunity Program Manager for
Persons with Individual Disabilities exceptions
will be requested through the chain of command
listed in AR 608-1
- Ensuring facility accessibility surveys are
conducted and that facilities are accessible
16General Prohibitions Against Discrimination contin
- Coordinate with the appropriate staff (EEO,
occupational health activities, information
management, and the labor counselor) to obtain
devices and services that implement individual
requests for reasonable accommodation.
- Provide sign-language interpreters
- Ensure that relocation information (web sites,
published) is accessible in accordance with
federal standards
17Relocation Readiness
- Purpose to reduce or eliminate problems arising
due to moves - Anyone moving into/out of local/surrounding areas
- Provides counseling for inbound/outbound
transferees - Transferees are personnel on/not on PCS orders --
MOVING - Focus on pre-departure counseling and relocation
18Relocation Readiness continued
- Counseling includes
- Assess clients individual or family needs
particular relocation circumstances - Destination information schools, housing,
community resources, cost-of-living adjustments - Entitlements
- Reimbursements
- Household goods shipment
- Provisions of referral, follow-up advocacy in
resolving problems
19Services Provided
- Installation community resources
- DLA MWR programs information
- Child Development Center
- Fitness Center
- Family Support Programs
- City-to-city cost-of-living community
comparisons - Housing options (rent / purchase / temporary
lodging) - Understanding entitlements (JFTR, JTR, DFAS PCS
Guide) - State local tax information
20Services Provided continued
- Destination / settling-in (directions,
banks/ATMs, groceries, etc.) - School information
- Job search information for dependents
- Michigan State Offices voter registration, MI
drivers license/ID - Moving with children, elders pets
- Family recreation area programs
- Religious affiliation locations
- Volunteerism opportunities
21Services Provided continued
- Departing - connect with Relocation Assistance at
the new location - Overseas information
- Where how to obtain passports
- Transportation Management Office Selfridge
- Provide information on community services
- Assess the need for services and information
- Provide crisis intervention services
- Act as liaison with military civilian agencies
to ensure assistance
Become familiar with this site!
- MWR Relocation Assistance TRICARE website
- http//hdifederalcentermwr.com/Relocation20Assist
- Military OneSources Relocation Essentials
- http//www.relocationessentials.com/aff/militaryon
24Resources continued
- Military Installations - http//www.militaryinstal
- Plan My Move - http//apps.mhf.dod.mil/pls/psgprod
- Moving 101 - http//www.militaryhomefront.dod.mil/
25Resources continued
- Welcome packages
- Welcome letter from Relocation Assistance
Manager - Local fact sheets all available on MWR
Relocation Assistance website - Local maps
- Housing information purchase / rental
- Local demographics
- DLA Life Connections
- HDIFC booklet, post card, HDIFC magnets for MWR
and closure information - MWR Information
- County Chamber of Commerce booklets
26Resources continued
- Welcome packages - continued
- The Newcomers Guide
- Wellness Magazine
- Pamphlets, brochures, books/booklets for
particular family situations - Sell/buy homes, renting, moving pets, elder
parents, teens, children, single, overseas, and
more - And more
27Process of Notification
- Supervisor coordination with DHRC-N
- Employee receives firm job offer letter with
instructions - Contact Relocation Assistance Manager before
28Process after Supervisor Notification What
Happens Next
- Immediately - supervisor assigns a sponsor
provides the sponsor checklist - Sponsor or supervisor notifies Relocation
Assistance Manager of new employee - Arrival date
- Provide phone number and/or email address
- Sponsor contacts new employee
- Relocation Assistance Manager will contact new
employee - First day, sponsor will bring new employee to
Relocation Assistance Office (best to make an
appointment) with checklist
29Process after Supervisor Notification What
Happens Next
- Relocation Assistance Manager will answer
questions, ensure no problems, offer further
assistance - Relocation Assistance Manager will be available
to answer newcomers questions until settled in
30Benefits for Supervisors
- Employee ready to begin new duties immediately!
- Employee focused on new duties not relocating
issues - A more productive employee
- A more productive team
- Accomplish the mission without relocation
31Benefits for Employee
- Employee is ready to focus on new job
- Unnecessary stress about relocation issues
- Potentially save money
- Better relocation decisions
- Fewer leave days taken due to relocating
- A much happier employee family
- A more productive employee
- Working together to help the new employee
transition will have positive results, saving
both the government and the employee money and
stress, and providing an employee that will be
happy to begin the new job immediately! - Questions?
- Thank you for attending! I look forward to
working with you, the sponsors, and your new
Trena Philo, Relocation Assistance
Manager Trena.philo_at_dla.mil (269) 961-7385