Title: 2004 TWM Hands and Fingers Package Hand Protectors
1Hand and Finger Injuries 2004
Rig Tong Hand Protectors
2Rig Tong Hand Protectors Lets STOP the next Hand
Finger Injury
- High percentage of Rig Floor incidents are to
Hands Fingers - Rig Tongs are the biggest single cause
- Fitting hand protectors on rig tongs should
reduce these HF incidents - Some tongs come with OEM built-in hand
protectors - Other tongs have some or no OEM hand protectors
- A variety of different retro-fit hand
protectors are available - No one type fits all handles of all tongs.
- The following slides show some of the hand
protectors available
3Type 1
Some tongs have dumbbell hand protectors
handles designed in by OEM fitted to ALL handles
(e.g some Foley tongs)
Other tongs have hand protectors on only some of
the handles (e.g. some Wooley and Varco tongs)
4Type 2
These simple and cheap retro-fit hand protectors
can be used on tong handles that do not have hand
protection designed-in by OEM. They require
minor modification to fit some tong handles.
These were available from Australia, now
superceded by..
5Type 3
These hand protectors can be used with the black
centre bolt to make a dumbbell type handle, or
use only the yellow end pieces to retro-fit them
onto fixed tong handles. They require minor
modification to fit some tong handles. Supplier
Access Oil Tools, USA
6Type 4 Varco Tongs
- Supplied as standard on all new Varco tongs
All models - Can be retro-fitted by Varco
7Type 5
KatchKan make a variety of hand protectors
designed for retro-fit onto specific models of
rig tongs. Expensive. Has anybody tried them?
8Type 5 Contd
9Hand and Finger Injuries 2004
10Hand and Finger Injuries 2004
Thank You
Thanks to Dene Hills ODE