Title: Milestones and Manpower
1Milestones and Manpower
Curtis A. Meyer
2Detector Electronics
Photon Tagger System Phototubes into ADCs and
Start Counter VLPC based on FNAL D0 design.
Straw-tube Chamber Preamplifiers into Flash ADCs
Forward Drift Chambers Preamplifiers into Flash
ADCs (and TDCs)
Cherenkov Counter Phototubes into Flash ADCs
Time-of-flight wall Phototubes into TDCs
3Detector Electronics (cont)
Barrel Calorimeter (Pb-SciFi) Phototubes into
Flash ADCs (Hybrid PMTs)
Forward Calorimeter (Pb-Glass) Phototubes with
special bases into Flash ADCs.
Backward Veto Wall (Fe-SciFi?) Phototubes into
Flash ADCs (Hybrid PMTs)
4Total GlueX Manpower
Faculty 65
5Present Manpower
for Electronics
- P. Smith (IU 100 - FADC, C.W. bases)
- F. Barbosa (Fast Electronics 30 - TDC, FE
electronics) - Ed Jastrzembski (DAQ 80 - TDC)
- David Abbott (DAQ 60 - TDC)
- James Proffitt (Fast Electronics 30 - TDC)
- Jeff Wilson (Fast Electronics 20 - TDC)
- David Doughty and students (CNU 20 - Trigger)
F1TDC 32/64 Channel Prototype built.
- Will be used in both Hall C and Hall B FADCs
1 channel 8-bit, 250 MHz prototype
built. Detailed Trigger and Rate Studies Carried
out - High speed network tests into
phase 2. Robotic Electronics Facility at IU
installed last month and is starting
to run.
7Front-end Accomplishments
Cockroft Walton bases for Pb Glass PMT used
in the RadPhi experiment. Studies of Hybrid PMTs
for calorimeter underway.
The progress here is directly coupled to the
status of prototype detector work.
8Manpower and Tasks
F1TDC FADCs Trigger Front-end Production and
9Electronics Support
(at JLab)
Hired with construction funds.
JLab GlueX Group
JLab Staff
-2 -1 0 1 2 3
Production for use in experiments in Halls B
C. Operation will provide feedback on the
design Eventual design updates.
TDC design Effort will continue at roughly
half the current level through the next
11Flash ADCs
Production of an 8-channel module. Testing of
units with prototype detectors. Open issues in
design based on the results with prototype
detectors. - 8-bit , 10-bit ,
resolution. - Clock speed needed.
- Final density of packing
FADC design A similar effort as used for the
entire TDC effort will be
needed .
Complete test/studies with the high-speed crate
interconnects. The current technology is not
fast enough, but the path is clear from
160MB/s -gt 500MB/s S-Link64 64-bit version
of current technology Integrate XILINX into
cards and PowerPC into boards to achieve
Trigger design continued effort at current
level with additional
13Front-end Electronics
Prototypes of both the straw-tube and planar
drift chambers are currently being built. With
these, we will be able to study front-end
We are currently working with Hybrid-PMTs for the
barrel calorimeter.
Start counter design calls for VLPCs based on
D0 Design at FNAL. In contact with FNAL.
Front-end design DC pre-Amps, VLPCs, Hybrid
PMTs, PMT voltage dividers. Depends on
results of detector prototypes and
amount of customization required
14Production and Testing
Budgeted as part of construction
Production and testing supervision of temporary
manpower to receive, test and install
To date, the collaboration has focused on
electronics that are more generally applicable
than the GlueX experiment. While we have
accomplished a great deal, the effort has been
limited by the lack of CD0 for the
upgrade project. We have a solid plan to move
forward with all the electronics for the