Fundamentals of C and C Programming Simple data structures Pointers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fundamentals of C and C Programming Simple data structures Pointers


It would be limiting to have to express all data as variables. ... Planet earth, mars; Planet *ptr; Planet solar[9] ... {JAN=1, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fundamentals of C and C Programming Simple data structures Pointers

Fundamentals of C and C ProgrammingSimple
data structuresPointers
Simple Data Structures
  • Arrays
  • Structures
  • Unions

Simple Data Structures
  • It would be limiting to have to express all data
    as variables.
  • It would be desirable to be able to group data
    into sets of related data.
  • This can be done two main ways
  • arrays (all data of the same type)
  • structures (data may be of different types).

Type Definitions
  • Special data types designed by the programmer can
    be defined through the typedef keyword.
  • For example, if we want to define a data type
    that is to be defined only once and then used
  • typedef unsigned long int Myvar

Type Definitions
  • So, Myvar can now be used to indicate an unsigned
    long int wherever used.
  • Myvar n
  • is the same as
  • unsigned long int n
  • But it can be used for far more. (later)

  • Left-most symbol indicates the name of the array.
    This is common for all its elements.
  • Individual data identified by distance from first
    one in array.
  • Within square brackets is the cell number (how
    many cells away from the first one).
  • Individual cells can be used as regular variables.

For array c
Declaring Arrays
  • The declaration allows the compiler to set aside
    sufficient contiguous memory for the size of
  • The type of data to be stored must be identified
    so that sufficient space is allocated.
  • Arrays allocated statically - remain the same
    size throughout program execution.

Declaring Arrays
  • int c12
  • float a100
  • char b15
  • Can be automatic or external.
  • Size typically done through a macro.
  • define SIZE 10

Initializing Arrays
  • Not automatically initialized. Can be
    initialized during declaration or within the
    program in a loop.
  • int n10 32,27,64,18,95,14,90,70,60
  • If more elements than initialized, others 0.
  • If less elements than initialized - error.
  • int n 32,27,64,18,95,14,90,70,60,37

Passing Arrays to Functions
  • Arrays passed by reference - actual variable
    address passed. The called function can modify
    the original arrays values.
  • Pass name without brackets.
  • Include the size of the array as a passed value.
  • Function header and prototype must indicate that
    an array is being passed.

Passing Arrays to Functions
  • define SIZE 5
  • void function1(int ,int)
  • void function2(int)
  • main()
  • int a 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
  • function1(a,SIZE)
  • function2(a3)

Multi-dimension Arrays
  • Arrays can have an arbitrary number of
  • Indicated by multiple bracket pairs.
  • int a510
  • int b101220
  • Can be called in same way as vector arrays.
  • First bracket is the row script
  • Second is the column script.

Initializing Multi-dim. Arrays
  • Initialization by row in braces.
  • First brace equates to first row, 2nd to 2nd,.
  • int c22 1,2 3,4
  • Initializes b001, b012, b103, and
  • But what if int c22 1 3,4
  • Initializes b001, b010 , b103,
    and b114.

Arrays and Strings
  • Strings are in reality arrays of characters
  • Each element contains one character.
  • Each cell is one byte in size.
  • More about strings and string operations later.

  • A collection of related, but dissimilar variables
    under one name.
  • Provides great flexibility that an array does
  • Used to define records to be stored in files.
  • Also used to form dynamic data types such as
    linked lists, linked stacks and linked queues.

Structure Definitions
  • Declared as follows
  • struct planet
  • char name
  • int nummoons
  • double dist_from_sun
  • float dist_from_earth
  • This creates a definition of the structure.
  • planet is the structure tag.

Structures Components
  • The variables are called members.
  • They can be accessed individually using
  • The structure member operator (also called the
    dot operator).
  • The structure pointer operator (also called the
    arrow operator).
  • See Figure 10.2, page 400 of textbook.

Structure Operators
  • The dot operator accesses the contents of the
    member using the member name and the structure
    variable name.
  • planet.nummoons
  • directly accesses the contents of the member
  • Can be used as a regular integer variable.

Structure Operators
  • The arrow operator accesses the contents of the
    member using a pointer to the structure variable
    and the member name.
  • planet_ptr-gtnummoons
  • directly points to the contents of the member
  • equal to (planet_ptr).nummoons

Structure Variables
  • The struct keyword defines a model of the
    desired structure.
  • It is not a real variable per se.
  • A real variable is created by creating an
    instance of the structure model.
  • Also referred to as instantiating.

Structure Variables
  • To make instances of the definition
  • Instance name(s) can be added after the
  • Can be defined as a data type to be instantiated
  • The struct keyword can be used along with the tag
    to instantiate.
  • See examples next.

Structure Variables
  • Instances added after the definition
  • struct planet
  • char name
  • int nummoons
  • double dist_from_sun
  • float dist_from_earth
  • earth, mars, solar9, ptr
  • solar9 is an array of 9 structures of type
    planet. ptr is a pointer to a planet type.

Structure Variables
  • The tag is optional. The following code is
    equivalent to the one in the last slide
  • struct
  • char name
  • int nummoons
  • double dist_from_sun
  • float dist_from_earth
  • earth, mars, solar9, ptr
  • Only way to instantiate is in the definition.

Structure Variables
  • Defined as a datatype
  • typedef struct planet Planet
  • Planet earth, mars
  • Planet ptr
  • Planet solar9
  • This assumes that the structure definition is as

Structure Variables
  • Can also be done directly in the definition
  • typedef struct planet
  • char name
  • int nummoons
  • double dist_from_sun
  • float dist_from_earth
  • Planet
  • The planet tag is not necessary in this case.

Structure Variables
  • The struct keyword can also be used to
  • struct planet
  • char name
  • int nummoons
  • double dist_from_sun
  • float dist_from_earth
  • struct planet earth

Initializing Structure Members
  • Like in arrays.
  • Use values inside braces.
  • Only when variable being instantiated.
  • struct planet earth earth,1,1.0e6,0
  • If less values than members, then only the first
    few are initialized. Others 0.
  • Must be constant values or expressions.

Structures and Functions
  • Structures can be passed to functions as
  • Individual structure members.
  • An entire structure variable.
  • Pointer to a structure variable.
  • Passed by value if the individual structure
    member or the entire structure is passed.
  • Passed by reference if a pointer to the structure
    is passed.

  • Arrays can be assigned to a structure member.
  • There can be arrays of structures.
  • Structure members can be other structures.
  • Structure members can be self-referencing
    structures - pointers that point to similar
    structures as itself.

  • Same as structures, except members share same
    storage space.
  • Saves space when some members are never used at
    the same time.
  • Space for a member must be large enough to
    accommodate the largest of the data types to be
    stored in that member.

  • Unions are declared and defined in a way similar
    to structures.
  • The keyword union replaces the keyword struct.
  • Not highly recommended except when memory
    management is critical.

Enumeration Constants
  • Allows a set of integer constants to be
    represented by identifiers.
  • Symbolic constants whose value can be set
  • Values start with 0 (unless otherwise noted by
    programmer) and are incremented by 1.
  • Uses the enum keyword for definition.

Enumeration Example
  • include ltstdio.hgt
  • enum months JAN1, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL,
  • main()
  • enum months month
  • char monthName , January,..
  • for(monthJANmonthltDECmonth)
  • printf(.monthNamemonth


Pointer Variables
  • Conventional variables contain values.
  • Pointer variable contains memory address of
    variable that contains values (or pointers)
  • Allows call by reference.
  • Permits creation of dynamic data structures.
  • Permits dynamic allocation of memory.
  • Difficult to understand and use.

Pointer Variables
  • Conventional variable names directly reference a
  • Pointer variables indirectly reference a value
  • Referencing a value through a pointer variable is
    called indirection.
  • Pointer variables pointers

Declaration of Pointer Variables
  • Pointers must be declared like regular variables.
  • It must be stated which type of variable they
    point to.
  • Declarations use to indicate pointerhood
  • int ptr
  • pointer ptr points to an integer variable.

Pointer Variables
  • Pointers should be initialized.
  • The does not distribute.
  • Can be set to NULL or to 0, but NULL is
  • NULL is a symbolic constant defined in ltstdio.hgt
  • Pointers assigned a value of 0 actually have the
    value 0 and not an address.

Address-of Pointer Operator
  • Address-of operator () is a unary operator
    returning the address of its operand.
  • The basic operator used to assign values to
  • int y 5
  • int ptr
  • ptr y
  • ptr points to y (contains its address).

Indirection Pointer Operator
  • Indirection operator (), or dereferencing
    operator is also unary and returns the value of
    the variable pointed at by the pointer.
  • In the previous example
  • y 5
  • ptr 5
  • Not to be confused with the declaration operator
    - very confusing!!!.

Pointer Example
  • main()
  • int a
  • int aptr
  • a 7
  • aptr a
  • printf(The address of a d,a)
  • printf(The value of aptr d, aptr)
  • printf(The value of a d, aptr)

Call by Reference with Pointers
  • By passing a variables address to a function, we
    give that function the ability to modify the
    value of the original value.
  • This is a simulation of call by reference.

Call by Value - Example
  • void value_funct1(int)
  • main()
  • int number 5
  • printf(Original value , number)
  • value_funct(number)
  • printf(New value , number)
  • void value_funct(int n)
  • n n n

Call by Value - Example
  • Original value 5
  • New value 5
  • The call to function value_funct did not change
    the original variable number in main().

Call by Reference - Example
  • void value_funct2(int )
  • main()
  • int number 5
  • printf(Original value , number)
  • value_funct(number)
  • printf(New value , number)
  • void value_funct(int nptr)
  • (nptr) (nptr) (nptr)

Call by Reference - Example
  • Original value 5
  • New value 25
  • The call to function value_funct changed the
    original variable number in main().
  • A similar effect can be obtained by value_funct
    returning a value to main()

Functions Returning Pointers
  • Functions can also return pointers to variables.
  • int function1(int, int)
  • is the prototype for a function that returns a
    pointer to an integer variable.
  • Is easily done by simply returning the value of a
    pointer variable - an address.

The const and Pointer Passing
  • The const qualifier tells the compiler that the
    variable following it is not to be changed by any
    program statements.
  • Provides a measure of security when passing
    addresses of variables whose values are not to be
    modified (for example, arrays).
  • When passing pointers, 4 possibilities exist

Pointer Passing
  • Non-constant pointer to non-constant data
  • Declaration does not include const in any way.
  • Data can be modified through the pointer.
  • Pointer can be modified to point to other data.
  • Highest level of data access to called function.
  • This is what we have been doing up to now.

Pointer Passing
  • Non-constant pointer to constant data
  • Pointer can be modified to point to any data.
  • Data that it points to cannot be modified
  • May be used to protect the contents of a passed
  • Read as a is a pointer to an integer constant
  • void funct(const int a)

Pointer Passing
  • Constant pointer to non-constant data
  • Pointer always points to same memory location.
  • Data that it points to can be modified.
  • Default value for a passed array.
  • Pointer must be initialized when declared.
  • Read aptr is a constant pointer to an integer
  • int x
  • int const aptr x

Pointer Passing
  • Constant pointer to constant data
  • Pointer always points to same memory location.
  • Data that it points to cannot be modified.
  • Read aptr is a constant pointer to an integer
    constant - right to left
  • int x 5
  • const int const aptr x

Pointer Arithmetic
  • Pointers are valid operands in mathematical
    operations, assignment expressions and comparison
  • But not all operators are valid with pointers.
  • Operators that are do not always work the same

Pointer Arithmetic
  • A pointer can be incremented ().
  • A pointer can be decremented (--).
  • An integer may be added to, or subtracted from a
    pointer (, , -, -).
  • One pointer may be subtracted from another.
  • But this can be misleading.

Pointer Arithmetic
  • When adding integers to pointers, the value of
    the integer added is the number of memory
    elements to be moved.
  • The actual answer depends on the type of memory
    element being pointed to by the pointer.
  • Assuming int 4 bytes (32 bits)

Pointer Arithmetic
  • int yptr 3000
  • yptr 2
  • In reality, yptr 3008, because 248 bytes.
  • In other words, the pointer moved two integer
    data spaces away from its original address.
  • Since an integer data space is 4 bytes, it moved
    8 bytes.

Pointer Arithmetic
  • Since character variables are 1 byte in size, the
    arithmetic will be normal for pointers that point
    to characters.
  • The and -- operators work the same way.
  • They add one data space to the address.
  • int ptr 3000
  • ptr
  • ptr 3004, assuming integer takes 4 bytes.

Pointer Arithmetic
  • Subtraction works the same way.
  • int x
  • x v1ptr - v2ptr
  • where v1ptr3008 and v2ptr3000
  • gt x 2 if int is 4 bytes.

Pointers and Arrays
  • The name of an array is in reality a pointer to
    its first element.
  • Thus, for array a with, for instance, 10
    elements, a (a0).
  • This is why when an array is passed to a
    function, its address is passed and it
    constitutes call by reference.

Pointers and Arrays
  • a3 can be also referenced as (a3).
  • The 3 is called the offset to the pointer.
  • Parenthesis needed because precedence of is
    higher than that of .
  • Would be a03 otherwise.
  • a3 could be written as a3.
  • See Fig. 7.20, page 284 in textbook.

Pointers and Arrays
  • The array name itself can be used directly in
    pointer arithmetic as seen before.
  • Pointer arithmetic is meaningless outside of
  • You cannot assume that a variable of the same
    type will be next to a variable in memory.

Pointers and Strings
  • Strings are really pointers to the first element
    of a character array.
  • Array is one character longer than the number of
    elements between the quotes.
  • The last element is \0 (the character with the
    ASCII code zero).

Arrays of Pointers
  • Arrays may contain nearly any type of variable.
  • This includes pointers.
  • Could be used to store a set of strings.
  • char suit4 hearts, diamonds, spades,
  • The char says that the elements of the array
    are pointers to char.

Arrays of Pointers
H e a r t s \0
D i a m o n d s \0
C l u b s \0
S p a d e s \0
Pointers to Functions
  • Contains address of the function in memory.
  • This is now addressing the code segment.
  • Can be
  • passed to functions
  • returned from functions
  • stored in arrays
  • assigned to other function pointers

Pointers to Functions
  • Pointer contains the address of the first
    instruction that pertains to that function.
  • Commonly used in menu-driven systems, where the
    choice made can result in calling different
  • Two examples follow

Example 1
  • Writing a sorting program that orders an array of
    integers either in ascending or descending order.
  • main() asks the user whether ascending or
    descending order, then calls the sorting function
    with the array name, its size and the appropriate
    function (ascending or descending).
  • See Fig. 7-26, page 292 in textbook.

Example 1 - continued
  • int ascending(int,int)
  • int descending(int,int)
  • void sort(int , const int,
  • int ()(int,int))
  • main()
  • . . .
  • sort(array,10,ascending) or
  • sort(array,10,descending)
  • . . .

Example 1 - continued
  • void sort(int arr, const int size, int
    (compare_func) (int, int))
  • if ((compare_func)(arri, arri1))
  • do something
  • int ascending(const int a, const int b)
  • return b lt a

Example 1 - continued
  • main() calls sort() and passes to it the array,
    its size, and the function to be used.
  • sort() receives the function and calls it under a
    pointer variable compare_func, with two
  • The arguments are elements of the array, arri
    and arri1.
  • compare_func returns 1 if true,0 if false.

Example 2
  • Functions are sometimes represented as an array
    of pointers to functions.
  • The functions themselves are defined as they
    would normally.
  • An array of pointers is declared that contains
    the function names in its elements.
  • Functions can be called by dereferencing a
    pointer to the appropriate cell.

Example 2 - continued
  • void function1(int)
  • void function2(int)
  • void function3(int)
  • main()
  • void (f3)(int) function1, function2,
  • f is an array of 3 pointers to functions that
    take an int as an argument and return void

Example 2 - continued
  • Such functions can be called as follows
  • (fchoice) (choice))
  • Can be interpreted as calling the contents of the
    address located in the choice cell of array f,
    with an argument equal to the value of the
    integer variable choice.
  • The parenthesis enforce the desired precedence.

Double Pointers
  • Double pointers are commonly used when a call by
    reference is desired, and the variable to be
    modified is itself a pointer.
  • A double pointer is a pointer to a pointer to a
    variable of a particular type.
  • Declared as
  • int ptr
  • Read as a pointer to a pointer to an integer.

Double Pointers
Double Pointers
  • Deferencing a double pointer results in an
  • Derefencing it again results in the value of the
    ultimate variable
  • var (dbl_ptr)

Memory Allocation

Static Memory Allocation
  • Variables declared at compile time (in the source
    code) are called static variables.
  • It is necessary to know how many of these
    variables will be necessary prior to compilation.
  • They cannot be undeclared (other than by
    functions exiting).
  • Easy to use but are not very flexible.

Static Memory Allocation
  • Advantages
  • System does not run out of memory
  • Easy to keep track of them
  • Can be referenced directly by the variable name
  • Limited to size of data segment in machine
  • Disadvantages
  • Must know required amount at compile time
  • Cannot be generated at run time

Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • Addresses the disadvantages of static memory.
  • Only limited by the amount of memory in machine,
    not by pre-determined size of array.
  • Can be created and deleted at runtime.
  • Can result in memory leaks.
  • Harder to keep track of the variables

Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • The C function call malloc() creates a block of
    memory of the size and shape designated by the
  • Its argument is the size of the desired block.
  • Returns a pointer of type void which points to
    the block of memory.
  • Returns a NULL pointer if memory not sufficient.

Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • Uses the sizeof() operator to determine the size
    of the data type to be represented by the newly
    allocated block of memory.
  • The call to malloc() should be cast so as to
    force the pointer returned to be of the proper
    type - but not necessary.

Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • Good idea to always use the sizeof() operator,
    even though technically, you can simply place a
    number there. This increases portability.
  • Memory block can be returned to the free memory
    heap by using the free()function
  • free(ptr)

Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • Dynamically allocated memory can only be found
    through its pointer.
  • Pointer must be cast to its correct data type.
  • Cannot be referenced any other way.
  • Typically used with structures and unions.
  • Thus, arrow operator becomes important in
    dynamically allocated structures.

Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • Arrays are static variables.
  • But can also be dynamically created.
  • Use the calloc() function call for arrays.
  • Requires two arguments
  • the number of elements in the array
  • the size of each element in the array

Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • calloc() also returns a pointer to the first
    element of the array.
  • Can be scripted just like a regular array.
  • Must be deleted when no longer needed.
  • Cannot be extended at run time.
  • But its element size can be changed.

Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • realloc() allows the modification of the size of
    a memory block previously allocated through
    malloc() or calloc().
  • Will keep data intact if size is larger.
  • Otherwise, it will become corrupted.
  • Requires two arguments
  • Name of pointer to block to be re-allocated.
  • New size of the memory element.

Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • In C, it is somewhat easier
  • the new operator takes as an argument the data
    type name - new ltdata type namegt
  • returns a pointer of the correct type to a block
    of memory of the correct size (does not need
    sizeof(datatype) ).
  • delete ltpointer namegt de-allocates the memory
    block and returns it to heap.

Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • new also used to dynamically allocate arrays.
  • delete also used to de-allocate arrays, but empty
    brackets are needed.
  • delete can only be used to delete memory
    allocated with new.
  • Do not mix and match malloc(), free(), new and

  • typedef struct name_tag
  • int blah
  • float blah_blah
  • Typename
  • Typename ptr
  • ptr (Typename ) malloc(sizeof(Typename))
  • ptr-gtblah 2
  • .
  • .
  • free(ptr)

  • typedef struct name_tag
  • int blah
  • float blah_blah
  • Typename
  • Typename ptr
  • ptr (Typename ) calloc(20,sizeof(Typename))
  • ptr12-gtblah 10
  • free(ptr)

  • typedef struct name_tag
  • int blah
  • float blah_blah
  • Typename
  • Typename ptr
  • ptr new Typename
  • ptr-gtblah 23
  • .
  • .
  • delete ptr

  • typedef struct name_tag
  • int blah
  • float blah_blah
  • Typename
  • Typename ptr
  • ptr new Typename20
  • ptr15-gtblah 19
  • .
  • delete ptr
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