Title: Beyond the IGPS
1Beyond the IGPS - Future Radio Surveys of the
Galactic Plane
John M. Dickey University of Minnesota
URSI General Assembly Maastricht, August 20,
2002 session J3 1844
2Outline Mosaic Surveys of the Galactic Plane
- astrophysics motivation
- survey sensitivity
- flux limited vs.
- brightness limited
- R the mapping speed
- R vs. wavelength
- one quick example
3The Cycle of Galactic Evolution
SN explosions
Star formation
4Cm-wave continuum traces both ends.
non-thermal continuum and X-rays
SN explosions
thermal continuum and infrared
Star formation
5Milky Way centimeter-wave continuum
non-thermal (synchrotron)
thermal (bremstrahlung)
log( flux )
log( brightness Temp )
log ( n )
log ( n )
6l21-cm Galactic Plane Surveys trace...
SN explosions
HI emission mapping
HI absorption
Star formation
7SIRTF Legacy Project
Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraord
P.I. Ed Churchwell, University of Wisconsin
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17 qs (arc sec)
Time to survey 500 s.d. (days)
qs (arc min)
18 qs (arc sec)
Time to survey 500 s.d. (days)
qs (arc min)
19VLA resolution vs. wavelength
l (cm)
Constant velocity resolution
qs (arc sec)
20VLA resolution vs. wavelength
l (cm)
qs (arc sec)
21VLA resolution vs. wavelength
l (cm)
qs (arc sec)
22ATCA resolution vs. wavelength
l (cm)
qs (arc sec)
23ATCA resolution vs. wavelength
l (cm)
qs (arc sec)
24- Conclusions Spectral Line Surveys
- 21-cm surveys are relatively easy. Existing
- telescopes (ATCAVLA) are able to do
- surveys to q 45.
- The VLA E array would make it possible
- to do surveys of NH3 and other molecular
- lines over wide areas of the Milky Way.
- The SKA will make it possible to survey
- HI to 5 to 10, NH3 to tenths of arc
seconds, - given a 10 km core with f 0.25.
25- Conclusions Continuum Surveys
- Surveys of Stokes I continuum are
- relatively easy at 21-cm, possible
- down to 3.5 cm or maybe 2 cm.
- Surveys of linear polarization
- and Faraday rotation need similar
- sensitivity to spectral line surveys.
- Galactic plane surveys at cm-waves
- are useful for comparison with both
- X-ray and infra-red surveys.
26- We need a better way to do this.
- VLA mapping speed is limited by overhead,
- mostly due to telescope control software.
- Data calibration and mapping is complicated
- by the huge numbers of pointing centers.
- Isnt there a better way to do a
- mosaic of 105 primary beam areas ?
27high contrast
low contrast
SGPS mosaic of the 21-cm continuum emission in
the fourth Galactic quadrant.
28Download a copy of this talk from ftp//ftp.astro
29Visit the SGPS at http//www.astro.umn.edu/naomi