Title: Demography of Lambeth
1Demography of Lambeth
2This presentation includes1. Total
population2. Birth rate3. Ethnicity4.
Density5. Deprivation6. Migration
Demography - London Borough of Lambeth
3Lambeth Population Estimates(From different
Dec 2006
2006 Estimate
2006/07 weighted
2005 ONS
The total practice registered population is
approximately 22.5 more than the resident
population based on ONS estimates.
- Source Office of National Statistics (ONS)
Greater London Authority (GLA) Quality
Management Analysis System (QMAS) Finance Dept.
at Lambeth PCT.
4Lambeth Population Estimates by sex(From
different sources)
Dec 2006
2005 MYE
2006 Estimate
The total practice registered population is
approximately 22.5 more than the resident
population based on ONS estimates.
- Source Office of National Statistics (ONS)
Greater London Authority (GLA) Quality
Management Analysis System (QMAS)
5Note on Population estimates
- ONS Office for National Statistics projects
mid-year population estimates (MYE) based on 2001
census data with inputs on fertility, future
survival, migrations etc. The ONS 2004-based
projections have been used by the Communities and
Local Government (CLG) as a base for 2004- based
household projections. - GLA Greater London Authority 2006 Round
demographic projections use the structural
results from the CLG based household projections.
GLA offers borough level projections with inputs
on fertility, future survival, migrations and
uses updated estimates of recently completed
development, the latest local trends in fertility
and mortality and the latest data on migration
affecting London. GLA incorporates ONS estimates
and ONS national labour force projections, for
population projection. - Relevant Population The weighted capitation
formula used by DH to allocate funding includes
four components Hospital and Community Health
Services (HCHS), Prescribing Primary Medical
Services and HIV.
6Population Structure in Lambeth Age profile in
GP registered population
52.1 population is in the age band 20-44 yrs
Source QMAS data December 2006
7Lambeth Population Pyramid 5 year age bands -
Compared to EW and London population
- Young 45 (20-39 yrs)
- Diverse 26 Black
- Mobile 15
- Higher density
- Vulnerable groups
- Refugees
- Asylum seekers
- Homeless
8GLA projections of Lambeth population 2007-2013
According to GLA, the population in Lambeth is
expected to rise from 279,654 in 2007 to 290,904
by 2013 - A rise of 11,250. In comparison the
ONS estimates a rise in the Lambeth Population by
only 2,700
Source GLA Review of London Plan High (RLP High)
Population Projections 2006. For internal use
9Under 18 Age-group projections for Lambeth
According to GLA, the under 18 population in
Lambeth is expected to rise from 61,477 in 2007
to 64,503 by 2013 - A rise of 3026 from baseline
year. The ONS, projects a fall in the under 18
population by 1,500 from the baseline year.
Source GLA Review of London Plan High (RLP High)
Population Projections 2006. For internal use
10Over 18 Age-group projections for Lambeth
According to GLA, the under 18 population in
Lambeth is expected to rise from 218,177 in 2007
to 226,401 by 2013 - A rise of 8224 from the
baseline year. The ONS data also shows a steady
rise but only by 4200 from 2007.
Source GLA Review of London Plan High (RLP High)
Population Projections 2006. For internal use
11Population change 2005-2020 ONS based
population projections
12Population Change
13Birth Rate
14Crude Birth Rate for Lambeth 1999-2005
Source Annual Public Health Report Lambeth
Primary Care Trust
15Projection of birth rate in Lambeth from
2007-2012 based on data from 2001-2006
Note Please use projected figures on births with
caution because - projection is based on
calculation of predicted exponential growth using
existing births data. This may not reflect the
absolute pattern that may follow in practice.
17Ethnic Population in Lambeth borough
Source of information GLA 2005 Round Interim
Ethnic Group Projections
18Ethnic Group Classification
19 BME communities in Lambeth 2007 estimates
Source of information GLA 2005 Round Interim
Ethnic Group Projections
20BME Population projection for Lambeth 2001,
2007, 2012
Source of information GLA 2005 Round Interim
Ethnic Group Projections
21Population projection by ethnicity - White(Red)
and BME(Green) from 2006 - 2026
Source GLA Review of London Plan High (RLP High)
Population Projections 2006
23Population density
- The Population density in Lambeth Borough is more
than twice that of the average for Greater London.
Source Ordnance survey Boundary Line Office
for National Statistics
16 out of Lambeths 21 wards are amongst
the most deprived in England
26Deprivation in Wards in Lambeth
Rank within 20-40
Rank within 20 most deprived wards
27Lambeth Ward level population by sex with
deprivation profile
Source RND MYE 2005 Ward level population
estimates for resident population
29ONS Migration 2004-2005 as a gross percent of MYE
2005 population Inner London Boroughs
30Migration Patterns 2005 (inflow/outflow)
31Population mobility - Lambeth
Source Office for National Statistics.
32Net International Migration to and from UK
Source Office for National Statistics Available
from http//www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?i
33Further analysis is possible with regard to
population projection by specific age-groups,
sex, ethnicity etc., as well as for ward level