parts of speech - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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parts of speech


grammar – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: parts of speech

Parts of Speech
What Does Part of Speech Mean?
  • Based on their use and functions, words are
    categorized into several types or parts of
    speech. This article will offer definitions and
    examples for the 8 major parts of speech in
    English grammar noun, pronoun, verb, adverb,
    adjective, conjunction, preposition, and
  • Each part of speech explains not what the word is
    but how the word is used.

The Eight Parts of Speech
  • Noun
  • Pronoun
  • Verb
  • Adverb
  • Adjective
  • Preposition
  • Conjuctions
  • interjection

More Details
  • Each part of speech explains not what the word
    is, but how the word is used. In fact, the same
    word can be a noun in one sentence and a verb or
    adjective in the next.

  • A noun is a part of speech that names a person,
    place, thing, idea, action or quality.
    All nouns can be classified into two groups
    of nouns, either common or proper.
    Proper nouns refer to the individual name of a
    person, place or thing.
  • Eg Person -John started to run
  • Eg Animal The dog barked at the cat.
  • Eg Place The restaurant is open.
  • Eg Thing Please close the door and
    lock it.
  • Eg Idea  Love is a wonderful emotion.

How Nouns Function
  • Nouns have several important functions. While
    its impossible to list them all here, well go
    over the most important jobs nouns are tasked
    with. Nouns are subjects. 
  • Nouns are direct objects. These nouns receive
    action from verbs. 
  • Brad threw John the ball. Nouns are objects of
    prepositions. These nouns follow the prepositions
    in prepositional phrases.

Proper Nouns
  • What is a Proper Noun?
  • Proper nouns have two distinct features They
    name specific one-of-a-kind items, and they begin
    with capital letters, no matter where they occur
    within a sentence. Here, well take a closer look
    at proper nouns, provide proper noun examples,
    and help you learn how to use a proper noun the
    right way.
  • Remember that all nouns are words naming people,
    animals, places, things, and ideas. Every noun
    can be further classified as either common or
    proper. The distinction is very easy to make once
    you see some examples and come up with a few of
    your own.

Proper Noun Examples
  • The boy threw the ball to his dog, Wilson.
  • Id like you to meet my friend Jeremy.
  • Well be vacationing in Aspen this year.
  • My second grade teacher was Mrs. Gilbert, an old
  • We went to Smiths Furniture and bought a new
    couch to replace our old one.

  • What is a Pronoun?
  • In grammar, a pronoun is defined as a word or
    phrase that may be substituted for a noun or noun
  • What is an indefinite pronoun?
  • Indefinite pronouns are those referring to one or
    more unspecified objects, beings, or places. They
    are called indefinite simply because they do
    not indicate the exact object, being, or place to
    which they refer.
  • Indefinite pronouns include partitives such
    as any, anybody, anyone, either, neither, nobody,
    no, someone, andsome they also include
    universals such as every, all, both, and each fin
    ally, they include quantifiers including any,
    some, several, enough, many, and much. Many
    indefinite pronouns can also function as

  • Everyone says she is beautiful inside and out.
  • No one wants to hear about my health problems.
  • Words in indefinite pronoun
  • Something
  • Both
  • Many
  • Few
  • All
  • Most
  • None
  • Some

Personal Pronouns
  • What is a personal pronoun?
  • A personal pronoun is a pronoun that is
    associated primarily with a particular person, in
    the grammatical sense.
  • When discussing person in terms of the
    grammatical, the following rules apply
  • First person, as in I
  • Second person, as in you
  • Third person, as in It, he, she
  • Examples of Personal Pronouns
  • You need to stop lying to me.
  • We would love for you to join us.

Reflexive Pronouns
  • What is a reflexive pronoun?
  • A reflexive pronoun is a type of pronoun that is
    preceded by the adverb, adjective, pronoun, or
    noun to which it refers, so long as that
    antecedent is located within the same clause.
  • In English grammar, a reflexive pronoun indicates
    that the person who is realizing the action of
    the verb is also the recipient of the action. 
  • Examples of Reflexive Pronouns
  • In the following examples of reflexive pronouns,
    the reflexive pronoun in each sentence is
  • I was in a hurry, so I washed the car myself.
  • Youre going to have to drive yourself to school

Demonstrative Pronouns
  • What is a demonstrative pronoun?
  • A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that is used
    to point to something specific within a sentence.
    They can indicate items in space or in time, and
    they can be either singular or plural.
  • Demonstrative pronouns always identify nouns,
    whether the nouns are named specifically or not.
  • For example I cant believe this. We have no
    idea what this is, but its definitely
    something the writer cannot believe.

Possessive Pronouns
  • What is a possessive pronoun?
  • Possessive pronouns are those designating
    possession. They may also be used as substitutes
    for noun phrases, and they are typically found at
    the end of a sentence or clause. There are only a
    few possessive pronouns in the English language,
    and there are only two specific rules for using
    them correctly.
  • Examples of Possessive Pronouns
  • The following sets of sentences illustrate how
    possessive pronouns provide clarity. Possessive
    pronoun examples are italicized.
  • This is my cat, not your cat. (Sounds repetitive)
  • This cat is mine, not yours.

Relative Pronouns
  • What is a relative pronoun?
  • A relative pronoun is one which is used to refer
    to nouns mentioned previously, whether they are
    people, places, things, animals, or ideas.
    Relative pronouns can be used to join two
  • Examples of Relative Pronouns
  • The cyclist who won the race trained hard.
  • The pants that I bought yesterday are already
  • The four team leaders, whomever the committee
    selects, will be at tomorrows meeting.

  • What is a verb?
  • A verb is one of the main parts of a sentence or
    question in English.In fact, you cant have a
    sentence or a question without a verb! Thats how
    important these action parts of speech are.
  • The verb signals an action, an occurrence, or a
    state of being. Whether mental, physical, or
    mechanical, verbs always express activity.
  • Eg he is working in office.

Physical Verbs, Mental Verbs
  • Physical verbs are action verbs. They describe
    specific physical actions. If you can create a
    motion with your body or use a tool to complete
    an action, the word you use to describe it is
    most likely a physical verb.
  • Physical Verb Example
  • Lets run to the corner and back
  • Mental verbs have meanings that are related to
    concepts such as discovering, understanding,
    thinking, or planning. In general, a mental verb
    refers to a cognitive state.
  • Mental Verb Examples
  • She recognized me from across the room.

  • What is an adverb?
  • An adverb is a word that is used to change or
    qualify the meaning of an adjective, a verb, a
    clause, another adverb, or any other type of word
    or phrase with the exception of determiners and
    adjectives that directly modify nouns.
  • Examples of Adverbs
  • She was walking rapidly.
  • The kids love playing together in the sandbox.
  • Please come inside now.

  • Many adverbs end in -ly. This makes it very
    easy to spot the adverbs in most sentences
  • Abruptly
  • Boldly
  • Carefully
  • Deliberately
  • Excitedly
  • Financially
  • Horribly
  • Mildly
  • Naughtily

  • Some adverbs tell us where the action happened.
    These are known as adverbs of place.
  • Everywhere
  • Here
  • Inside
  • There
  • Underground
  • Upstairs

  • Certain adverbs let us know when or how often the
    action happened. These are known asadverbs of
    time and adverbs of frequency.
  • After
  • Always
  • Before
  • Later
  • Now
  • Today
  • Yesterday

Parts of Speech
The Eight Parts of Speech
  • Adjectives-
  • Prepositions-
  • Conjunctions-
  • Interjection-

Home Page
What about the Adjectives?
  • Adjectives
  • An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun by
    describing, identifying, or qualifying words.
  • The truck-shaped balloon floated over the
  • Mamta is a beautiful girl.
  • The cat is black.
  • We use warme clothes in winter.

  • I ate the pizza and the pasta!
  • You can use Conjunctions to link words, phrases,
    and clauses.

  • Prepositions
  • A preposition links nouns, pronouns, and phrases
    to other words in a sentence.
  • (on, against, over, during, beneath, beside)
  • She is sitting on the floor.
  • They went to Ambala by train.

What is an Interjection?
  • Interjections
  • An interjection is a word added to a sentence to
    convey emotion.
  • (Ouch!, Hey!,oh,hello)

Parts of Speech Poemby Kim Vetter
  • A nouns the name of anything,
  • As house or garden, hoop, or swing.
  • Instead of nouns the pronouns stand-
  • Her head, your face, his arm, my hand.
  • Adjectives tell the kind of noun,
  • As great, small, pretty, white, or brown.
  • Verbs tell of something to be done-
  • To read, count, sing, talk, laugh, or run.
  • How things are done the adverbs tell,
  • As slowly, quickly, ill, or well.

Poem Continued
  • Conjunctions join the words together, As men and
    women, wind or weather.
  • The preposition stands before
  • A noun, as in or through a door.
  • The interjection shows surprise,
  • As Oh! How Pretty Ah! How wise.
  • Thats why we learn the parts of speech
  • Which reading, writing, speaking teach.
  • Cause grammar needs to be correct
  • To help you earn the worlds respect.

By sneha
What are They ?

ought to
have got to
have to
We use Modal verbs to talk about an ability/a
duty/ a need /a necessity/wanting
What is special about them?
  • Modal verbs behave very differently from normal

  • Modal verbs are always followed by a verb in its
    base form.
  • He can speak Chinese.
  • Compare I speak Chinese.
  • He speaks Chinese
  • You may take the book to school.
  • She may take the book to school.
  • Compare You take the books to school.
  • She takes the books to school.

  • 2. Modal verbs do not take "-s" in the third
    person in the present simple.
  • He speaks Chinese.
  • He can  speak Chinese. (NOT- He cans speak)
  • She eats a sandwich at 930
  • She may eat a sandwich at 930.

3. You use "not" to make modal verbs negative,
even in Simple Present and Simple Past. (We
dont use the helping verb do) EXAMPLESHe
should not be late.They might not come to the
party. Compare I dont like to be late. I cannot
eat any more cakes. I dont eat carrot cakes.
4. Many modal verbs cannot be used in the past
tenses or the future tenses. EXAMPLES He will
can go with us.  WRONG She must studied very
hard. WRONG
???? ?????? ????, ?? ???? ?????? ???? ?? ?????.
Modal Verbs and their substitutes
  • Many modal verbs cannot be used in all of the
    English tenses. That's why we need to know their
    meaning and the substitute for these modal verbs.

will- will not - wont
  • We use this modal to speak about future actions
    that we are sure/ convinced about.

will- will not(wont)
  • Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow will be Wednesday.
  • I know it because this is a known fact.
  • We will not be in the office tomorrow.
  • I know it because he is going on vacation.

Can Could Be able to
  • We use these modals to express
  • General ability/ disability
  • possibility / impossibility
  • opportunity
  • Permission
  • request

  • I can walk.
  • I have the general ability to do the
    action of walking.
  • I cant hear you, it is too noisy.
  • I dont have the ability to hear what you are
    saying because of the noise.

  • I have some free time. I can help her now.
  • I have the opportunity to help her.
  • I can't help her  now because I don't have any
  • I dont have the opportunity to help her.

Can Could
  • In the past, can changes to could.
  • He could speak only Hebrew whenhe was a kid. He
    couldnt speak tohis neighbor who speaks only

  • future possibility/get permission

  • I may choose to wear the red dress to the party.
  • I have two dresses. There is a chance that I
    will choose to wear the red dress and not the
    blue one.
  • Today, he may come on time.
  • Although usually he comes late,
  • There is a possibility that today he will come on

  • May I come to visit you at 5 oclock?
  • I want to come to you but Im not sure that you
    want me to come/that you will be at home/that you
    will let me enter .
  • You may take only one candy.
  • Although there are more candies, I permit you to
    take only one of them!

  • possibility

  • We may come on time, but if you miss the bus, we
    might be late.
  • I plan to come on time and this is why I I want
    to catch the 715 bus.
  • If I catch the 730 bus, I can come on time or
    not, Im not sure.
  • If you advertise on the Internet you might get a
    lot of spam to your e-mail box.
  • Although you dont want to get spam, theres a
    risk that you will get it.

  • advice or a strong suggestion.

  • If you want to be a champion you should practice
    every day.
  • You dont have to practice but then, you will
    not get better.
  • When you make a cheese cake, you should first
    check that you have cheese.
  • -or else, it will not be a cheese cake

must - mustnt
  • Must very strong advice/ obligation
  • Mustn't things you're not allowed to do.????

  • She is sick. She has high fever. She must take a
  • very strong advice/ obligation
  • You mustnt ride your bike without a helmet!
  • you're not allowed to do.(????)
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