Title: What if the Assessment is not Fair (PowerPoint Presentation)
1What if the Assessment is not Fair?
2What if the Assessment is not Fair?
Problems can arise if the income figures or care
percentages that are used in the assessment are
not accurate.
CARE - Changes in care arrangements should be
notified to CSA as soon as possible. If you
receive child support and family assistance
payments, either CSA or Centrelink can work out
the care percentages that will be used. Ring
Child Support Consulting (1300 584 006) if you
disagree with a CSA or Centrelink decision.
- - If the income used in the assessment is not
correct, it can be changed by - Lodging an Estimate of income, or
- Applying for a Change of Assessment in Special
Circumstances - Ring Child Support Consulting (1300 584 006) for
advice about which remedy would best suit your
4Child Support Consulting