Title: Statutory and Compliance Management Services - Remunance System
1Statutory and Compliance Management Services
Remunance System Pvt. Ltd.
2Statutory laws in India are evolving gradually
and in such a case it requires an expert to make
sure that a business is compliant with all the
state and the central laws that governs it.
Failure to comply with these may lead to legal
issues, hence hampering the day to day working of
the business.
3Remunance System Pvt. Ltd. offers a simple
alternative of outsourcing the statutory
compliance related services for payroll so that
your business can run without any legal
4Benefits of outsourcing compliance
Easy and real time access to records which are
maintained centrally
Allows you to develop excellent rapport with all
the local state authorities
Leads to the reduction of litigation as well as
associated incidental cost
5Benefits of outsourcing compliance
Consents sound corporate governance
Crafts ethical practices in the organization
Appraising the clients about the labor laws
related statues from time to time and be in
adherence to any latest amendments in the law
without any delays
6Activities Covered under statutory compliance
Preparation of statutory registers/reports
UAN updating in Payroll
Preparation of the professional tax report as per
the state laws
Calculation and deduction of the various
statutory dues
Registration of a company with professional tax,
provident fund, labor welfare fund authorities,
professional tax
Preparation of monthly, quarterly, half yearly
and yearly returns
7Payroll Related Compliances
Providing all the returns for creating employees
and for remitting PF Payments
Preparation of data, uploading it online to
generate the challan
Computation of the PF, its eligibility and the
remittance details
8Our scope of work
After signing the deal, we first asses the
current state of statutory compliance in your
organization as per the check points laid down by
the central and the state government that govern
your business. We discuss our findings with your
clients management and do give our value added
suggestions. We also ensure 100 compliance with
the rules shared by your management from time to
9Contact Us
Pune (HeadQuarters) 11 Erandawane,Phatak
Park,Off Karve Road,Behind Sharada CenterPune
411004Call at 91 99229 37385