Title: ezTalks: Ways to Make Effective Remote Working
17 Tips for Effective Remote Team Working In the
modern days, remote t eam working has gained
popularity in both small and large companies
worldwide. This is a working approach in which an
organization has employees who are not located in
the same working spac e. The team members
are spread acro ss different cultures,
ethnicities, zones and languages. (h ttps
//www.eztal ks.co m/ ) However, they are all
united because they work towards accomplishing a
common goal. Memb ers o f a r emo te t ea m are
brought together by teleco mmunication and
information technologies. These technologies
enable them co mmunicate and accomplish their
tasks effectively. Remote teams have b ecome
popular as a result of increased competition,
advancement in communication and information
technologies, globalization and decentralization
of the different work processes. Most
organizations are adopting this working approach
in order to leverage the available talent
globally. This approach also encourages sharing
of knowledge, reduce operation costs and allow
organizations operate on 24/7 basis.
7 Tips for Effective Remote Team Working
- The fact that memb ers are not in the same
location, here are some effective remote team
working tips to follow. - Maintain stringent work targets and processes
- One of the most important things is to make sure
that the t eam members do not feel isolated when
wor king re motely. To en sure this, there is a n
eed to creat e strict work processes. Ther e
should be high quality check points, signoff
procedures and daily target s that everyone must
focus on. You should come up with contracts that
ensure all the team members are committed and
dedicated to everything they do. All the memb ers
must meet their daily and weekly targets to en
sure all of them remain - committed to the set goals.
- Leverage technology to enhance trust
- Trust is vital to success of an y remote team
working. The fact that team members do not meet
fac e to face c an affect the trust existing
among them. You need to use t echnology that
will enhance trust among all the team members in
the most effective
2- way. Video communication is one of the best w ays
all the members can get to know each other
better and develop more trust. ezTalks Cloud
Meeting is one of the b est software that
enables effective video conferencing and meeting
among members of a remote t eam. It enables
everyone to share information and progression
they are making in their tasks. Th e so ftware
also allows - the members to discuss various issu es as if they
are in the same office. ezT alks Cloud Meeting
offers high audio and super video quality making
all the remot e team memb ers feel closer and
have a more personal communication. - Assign each memb er a role to play
- Some members of a remote working team might feel
isolated if they do not have any role to play. To
enhance virtual te am working, each memb er mu
st be assigned an important role they have to
play. This is a great w ay to ensure that all
team - members develop ownership and feel motivat ed in
helping the team accomplish all the set go als
within the stipulated time fra me. - Ensure all communication lines are open
- Lack of effective co mmunication is one of the
major hindrances to success in mo st remote
working team. There should be a well-structured
communication system that ensures that all team
members can communicate any time they want. You
need to come up with a team culture in which all
members feel free to communicate among themselves
openly. Technology used in - communication among the team members mu st be
fully functional at all times. Effective
communication enhances innovation and efficiency
in the remote team. - Use th e mo st ad vanc ed tools