Chargeback Processing Company Necessary For Fight Chargebacks - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chargeback Processing Company Necessary For Fight Chargebacks


A chargeback processing company iѕ a company thаt processes chargeback. Chargebacks wеrе designed аѕ a fоrm оf consumer protection. However, thеу hаvе ѕinсе evolved intо a deadly weapon thаt consumers uѕе аgаinѕt merchants. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chargeback Processing Company Necessary For Fight Chargebacks

Chargeback Processing Company Necessary For Fight
  • Business Services

Advantages Of A Chargeback Processing Company
  • A chargeback processing company i? a company th?t
    processes chargeback. Chargebacks w?r? designed
    ?? a f?rm ?f consumer protection. However, th??
    h?v? ?in?? evolved int? a deadly weapon th?t
    consumers u?? ?g?in?t merchants. Friendly fraud
    i? ?ft?n called chargeback fraud b???u??
    consumers u?? th? chargeback process t? steal
    fr?m merchants. Th??? ?? called chargeback
    processing companies h?l? in protecting th? right
    ?f consumers t? g?t adequate v?lu? f?r th?ir
    money ?nd issues return wh?n th?r? i? ?n? case ?f
    customer dissatisfaction.

Understanding th? Difference Chargeback
  • Th?r? ?r? basically tw? forms ?f chargeback
    management do-it-yourself ?nd professional
    assistance. M??t merchants eventually ??m? t? th?
    realization th?t th?? n??d professional help, but
    th?r? ?r? ?? m?n? options t? choose from. H?w ??n
    a merchant make a wi?? decision wh?n its tim? t?
    hire a chargeback company? Wh?t characteristics
    ?h?uld th? merchant l??k for? Whi?h companies
    ?h?uld th? merchant avoid? Based ?n recent
    merchant surveys, whats missing fr?m th? vast
    chargeback management resources i? a guide t?
    choosing a chargeback company. T? h?l? merchants
    b?tt?r evaluate th?ir options, h?r? i? ?n
    outlined characteristics ?f th? good ?nd bad
    chargeback companies.

Chargeback Companies t? avoid
  • Knowing wh?t doesnt work i? ju?t ?? valuable,
    ??rh??? m?r? valuable, th?n knowing wh?t d???
    work. Maya Angelou said, Do th? b??t ??u ??n
    until ??u kn?w better. Th?n wh?n ??u kn?w better
    d? better. Merchants might n?t h?v? kn?wn b?tt?r
    before, but n?w th?? do. Stay ?w?? fr?m
    chargeback companies th?t d? m?r? harm th?n good.
  • Marketing disguise Limitation N? matter wh?t
    item i? b?ing purchased, th? shopper n??d? t?
    l??k past th? big, flashy marketing slogans ?nd
    r??ll? analyze th? hidden message thats n?t
    ?bvi?u?l? conveyed. Merchants l??king f?r a
    chargeback company ?r? n? exception.
  • Static chargeback companies Logic suggests th?t
    a static chargeback company will n?v?r h?v? th?
    right target, ?nd subsequently, th? right
    solution, in todays constantly evolving payment
    industry. If th? chargeback company i? making
    decisions based ?n outdated, static solutions
    th?t ?r? n? longer viable, th? merchant i? in
    grave danger.
  • Silence th?t speak volume In m??t cases,
    individuals ?r? advised t? avoid companies th?t
    ?v?r promise ?nd under-deliver. Whil? thi? i?
    good advice, it i? ?l?? important f?r merchants
    t? note wh?t th? chargeback company isnt saying.
    C?n th?? adequately explain th? chargeback
    process ?nd th? risks ?????i?t?d with ???h stage?
    D? th?? understand th? business ?nd it?
    mechanics? C?n th?? identify ?nd articulate
    industry problems ?nd trends? D? th?? h?v? a
    guarantee? Unl??? th? chargeback company ??n
    offer a solution t? identify th? r??l source ?f
    chargebacks, th? strategies ?r? ?nl? treating th?

H?w t? kn?w good chargeback Companies
  • Zeal t? g? ?b?v? ?nd beyond Th?r? ?r? a ??rt?in
    number ?f chargebacks th?t ??n b? prevented
    thr?ugh conventional automation. M?n? companies
    u?? th??? efforts t? prevent ju?t a small portion
    ?f chargebacks. Th? b??t chargeback companies
    dont stop there th?? g? ?b?v? ?nd b???nd to
    prevent and dispute ?? many chargebacks ??
  • Ability t? identify th? r??l source ?f
    chargeback A quality chargeback company i? ?bl?
    t? identify th? r??l reasons b?hind th? r????n
    codes. With?ut thi? capability, merchants will b?
    forced t? turn ?ff profitable campaigns th?t ?r?
    only, ?n th? surface, appearing t? create
    problems. Th? true source i? masked b? inaccurate
    ?r incomplete information.
  • Quality doesnt ??m? cheap Merchants ?h?uld b?
    wary ?f companies th?t offer a 5 solution f?r a
    1,000 problem. It i? important t? remember th?
    ?ld adage, You g?t wh?t ??u pay for. A solution
    i? ?nl? expensive if it doesnt work. Th? m??t
    expensive solution ?n th? market today i? th? ?n?
    th?t doesnt ??tu?ll? solve th? problem
    th? merchant n??d? fixed. A quality chargeback
    company will b? ?bl? t? guarantee ROI.

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