Title: " Communication System for the Deaf -Blind People"
1Deaf Blind Communication Devices
- Deafblind is referring to the combination of both
vision and hearing. Deaf-blindness are caused by
both dual sensory damagephysically and mentally
or dual sensory loss. It affects communication,
socialization, and daily living of person. - Sources https//www.hearingsol.com/communicatin
2Deaf-blind language
Communication System For The Deaf-Blind
- Irish Sign Language
- Signed Languages
- Tactile sign language
- British Sign Language
- Lamh
- Picture Exchange / PECS
- Captel
- Swell symbols
- Tadoma
3Irish Sign Language
- Irish Sign Language (ISL)is the sign language of
Ireland. ISL has its own grammar and structure
and is different from other national sign
languages such as British Sign Language (BSL) and
American Sign language (ASL)
4Signed Languages
- People who have low vision and hearing are used
sign language or English based sign language.
When signer used the low movement of signs, the
low vision and hearing people can easily
understand the signs.
5Tactile sign language
- In it deaf-blind person puts hands in signer's
to know the movements, feel the shapes and
location of signs. some signs are facing
expression and some are shaking hands. In that
person can use one -handed or two- handed.
6British Sign Language
- BSL has its own grammar and principles, which are
completely different from the grammatical
structure of English.It is used mainly by people
who are Deaf or have hearing impairments
- It is the accepted manual sign system used by
children and adults with disability in Ireland,
these signs help them to communicate and to
support their understanding. There are 500 Lámh
signs, based on Irish Sign Language (ISL) and on
natural gesture. Some user may use Lamh for some
period of time and drop when their speech
8Picture Exchange / PECS
PECS, allows people who have low or no
communication abilities so they can communicate
with pictures.Using pictures to express their
feels and expressions request, thought.
9Swell symbols
Swell paper is one method of making tactile
images. Its developments are affected by several
factors.lifted line drawings that allow people
who are blind or vision impaired to feel maps and
graphics with their fingertips
Tadoma is a method of communication with deaf
blindness people, put hands in their lips. this
process is known as lip reader.
People who have hearing and vision loss, which
use CAPTEL to make call.in this special phone,
people can dial into captioning service, exactly
the same as other phones. when another person
answer, deaf people can hear everything.