Title: LEG 565 Effective Communication - tutorialrank.com
1LEG 565 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
2LEG 565 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
LEG 565 Week 3 Assignment 1 Branches of
Government For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Assignment 1
Branches of Government Due Week 3 and worth 150
points Create a flowchart of the three branches
of governmen
3LEG 565 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
LEG 565 Week 4 Assignment 2 The Downfall of
Enron For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Assignment 2 The
Downfall of Enron Due Week 4 and worth 200
points Background of the Enron Case During the
downfall of the Enron Corporation
4LEG 565 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
LEG 565 Week 6 Assignment 3 Walmart Stores, Inc.
v. Samara Brothers, Inc. For more course
tutorials visit www.tutorialrank.com Assignment
3 Walmart Stores, Inc. v. Samara Brothers,
Inc. Due Week 6 and worth 200 points Review Case
8.1, A U.S. Supreme Court Case titled Walmart
5LEG 565 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
LEG 565 Week 8 Assignment 4 Chapter
Summaries For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Assignment 4
Chapter Summaries Due Week 8 and worth 125
points An important skill to develop as a legal
scholar is the ability to summarize
6LEG 565 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com
LEG 565 Week 10 Assignment 5 Brown v. the Board
of Education For more course tutorials
visit www.tutorialrank.com Assignment 5 Brown
v. the Board of Education Due Week 10 and worth
225 points Read Case 40.3, Johnson Bank v.
George Korbaken Company,
7LEG 565 Effective Communication/ tutorialrank.com