Title: Change Heat Map
1Change Heat Map
2About Us
Change heatmaps are considered valuable by many
organizations struggling with facing too much
change. Heatmaps are easy to understand and
people intuitively get heatmaps without much
explanation. The darker colours are bad, or too
much change. The lighter colours are good, less
change, or at least this is a common
interpretation. Change heatmaps are commonly used
to help decipher whether there is or there is not
too much change going on.
3Show how the strategy is being Implemented
A set of strategies will only come to live
through successful change implementation. Again,
armed with a clear integrated single view of
change, you can present a picture of what
initiatives are impacting the organization for
each of the strategic pillars that the
organization has invested in. Particular
attention may be drawn to to what extent certain
strategic pillars may be making more impacts on
the organization at particular points in time.
4Contact Us
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