Title: A Change Heat Map
1A Change Heat Map
A heat map is data analysis software that uses
color the way a bar graph uses height and width
as a data visualization tool.
2About Us
The Change Compass was launched in 2015. Since
that time weve been working with select clients
to introduce and embed best practices and the
tool within their businesses. During this time,
weve come to realize the power of data in change
management. Weve seen that business stakeholders
have matured how they manage change through
understanding the data and tweaking their
approaches over time. As a result, the role of
change management professionals has moved up the
scale to be leading more strategic conversations
and interventions.
3What is The Change Compass?
The most advanced change management software to
manage cumulative changes on employee, customer
and business capacity. Graduate beyond change
heatmaps, and influence business decisions
through insights from change velocity, change
volume, time capacity, scenario planning,
strategy alignment and doability assessment.
4Contact Us
https//twitter.com/thechangecompas https//www.l