Title: Cheer and Cheerleading Uniforms
1Myths about Cheerleaders Wearing Custom
Cheerleading Uniforms
2Myths about Cheerleaders Wearing Custom
Cheerleading Uniforms
There are many if not numerous myths and
cheerleading stereotypes that many people
believe. The cheerleading stereotypes are mostly
informed by the media, most especially high
school movies. All you have to do is watch a high
school flick or two and you would be exposed to
the many myths and stereotypes about cheerleaders
in sublimated cheerleading uniforms. Some of
those myths are
3Myths about Cheerleaders Wearing Custom
Cheerleading Uniforms
1- Cheerleaders only care about being
popular High school flicks have presented
cheerleaders as a bunch of girls who only care
about their popularity. There are more important
things to cheerleaders, than popularity. One of
those things is being the best at cheering and
winning cheerleading competitions with their
squad, just like other athletes also care about
winning games. And winning or even just knowing
cheer routines requires a lot of hard work and
practice. The only reason why most times,
cheerleaders are usually presented as
over-confident popular girls is because of the
self-confidence that is an important part of
4Myths about Cheerleaders Wearing Custom
Cheerleading Uniforms
2. Cheerleaders are always female People always
assume that cheerleading is a female-activity
sport and that only girls are cheerleaders. The
belief is that guys in custom cheer uniforms are
just there to throw and catch cheerleaders. This
is just a myth and stereotype. The fact is that
cheerleading started out as a male activity about
a century ago before it became female-dominated
game. Regardless of the number of girls who are
cheerleaders, there are also male cheerleaders
who excel at cheering.
5Myths about Cheerleaders Wearing Custom
Cheerleading Uniforms
3. Cheerleaders dont need to practice People
always assume that those difficult routines that
cheerleaders do just require a flexible body and
very little practice. Contrary to that
stereotypical belief, youth cheerleaders do
year-round practice to perfect their routines.
They also need a lot of training, including
strength training for routines that require
lifting or balancing their teammates in
sublimated cheerleading uniforms.
6Contact Us
Affordable Uniforms Online https//affordableunif
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7307252 info_at_affordableuniformsonline.com
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