Title: Argonite - What Is It?
1Argonite - What Is It?
2Argonite is a solid material that can reduce
oxygen levels and suffocate fires. It is used in
computer and data centers and other enclosed
rooms that contain sensitive materials. The
material's low oxygen content makes it
unsustainable for humans, but it is safe for a
short period of time. Some systems also
incorporate a delay to allow people to safely
leave the room.
3In crystalline form, aragonite is a stable form
of calcium carbonate under high pressures. It is
harder than calcite and has a higher specific
gravity. It is found exclusively in low-
temperature deposits and is often present in
pearls. Although aragonite and calcite share the
same chemical formula, their crystal structures
are very different.
4These stones range in size, characteristics, and
color. Argonite is an A grade mineral. Its
beauty and detail make it an ideal choice for a
home or business display. This mineral can be
used as a centerpiece, or as an attractive
accessory for a mantel.
5A rgonite is also a great solution for data
centers. It has low toxicity, which makes it a
great choice for a number of applications. It is
also non-conductive, which means that it won't
damage sensitive electronic equipment. Moreover,
it doesn't damage the environment and doesn't
harm the oxygen layer.