Title: Some Interesting Multiplication Facts Your Child Should Know
1Some Interesting Multiplication Facts Your Child
Should Know
You may remember the time when you were learning
tables and trying various methods to remember
them all. Whether it was through chanting them or
writing them again and again, people have their
own way of learning tables. Tables were the best
for solving a range of mathematical problems the
only thing they were based on was multiplication.
21. In multiplication, the number being multiplied
is called the multiplicand, and the number by
which it is being multiplied is called the
There are three basic terms related to
multiplication, and they are 1. Multiplicand -
The number being multiplied 2. Multiplier - The
number with which the multiplicand is getting
multiplied 3. Product - The result you get For
example, multiply 60 with five and get 300 as the
answer. So, 60 will be the multiplicand, five
will be the multiplier, and 300 is the product.
32. If you multiply any number with zero, you get
zero as the product.
For example, if you distribute 0 chocolates to 10
students, how many chocolates will 20 students
get? The answer is 0. 0 x 10 0 0 x 20 0
43. If you multiply any number with 1, you'll get
the same number as the product.
For example, if you give one chocolate to a kid
and there are ten kids, you'll need to buy only
ten chocolates. One child will get one chocolate
means ten children will simply get 1 x 10 10
54. When you multiply two numbers, the product you
get can be equal to or greater than the sum of
the two. The product can never be smaller than
the two numbers, but it is possible if one of the
numbers is zero.
For example, when you multiply five by six, the
product is thirty, greater than both numbers.
Another example would be when you multiply two by
2, the product you get is 4, which equals the sum
of the two numbers. 5 x 6 30 (greater than
both numbers) 2 x 2 4 (equal to the sum of the
two numbers) 0 x 4 0 (the exceptional case)
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