Title: Gurtee Masala - D.Bhar
Dulal Chandra Bhars tal mishri has been a common
name for ages in Indian households and beyond.
Tal mishri, or palm candy, is a traditional
sweetener that is healthier than sugar. This
candy has been made into something even better by
D. Bhars legacy. Here we are introducing to you
the new and improved Gurtee. It is similar to tal
mishri but has more health benefits.
3Gurtee- Tal Mishri, But Better
Gurtee is the enhanced and improved version of
the traditional tal mishri, which is renowned for
its superior quality and taste. This premium
sweetener goes through a meticulous refining
process to ensure its purity and fine crystalline
structure. Gurtee offers consumers a finer
texture infused with the goodness of cloves,
cardamom, and cinnamon. This makes it a preferred
choice for health enthusiasts. You can carry
Gurtee Masala Pouch and add it to your drinks or
have it like candy.
4A New Sweetener For Your Tea
If you are looking for a healthy alternative to
sugar in your tea, you can try Gurtee. It is a
natural sweetener that offers a delicious and
guilt-free way to sweeten your daily cup of tea.
This palm candy is made from high-quality
ingredients and can be used every day as a
substitute for sugar. Unlike regular tal mishri,
Gurtee has the goodness of several spices infused
into it. You can enjoy the same sweet taste you
love in your teas but with the added benefits and
the taste of choosing a healthier option for your
daily beverage.
5Why Choose Us?
- Quality Products We offer high-quality Gurtee
tal mishri that meet the highest standards of
excellence and customer satisfaction. - Customer-Centric Approach We prioritize our
customer's needs and strive to exceed their
expectations with palm candy that is beneficial
for their health. - Trustworthiness We build trust through
transparency, reliability, and consistently
delivering on our promises of quality product.
Address BHAR FOODS PVT. LTD. 213 / C, M.
G.Road (Barabazar) Kolkata, West Bengal,
Pin-700007 Phn no 9143723276 / (033) 2258
0382 Email bharfoods_at_gmail.com Website
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