Title: FUGRO N.V.
1USDA-FSA, Fugro EarthData GeoSAR Acquisition
Project ASPRS Portland, May 1st, 2008 Nathan
Pugh Cartographer/GIS Specialist USDA-FSA Aerial
Photography Field Office, Salt Lake City, Utah
Steven Shaffer GeoSAR Project Manager Fugro
EarthData Incorporated, Frederick Maryland
2USDAFarm Service AgencyAdministers and
manages farm commodity, credit, conservation,
disaster and loan programs through a network of
federal, state and county offices.
3Aerial Photography Field Office
4Why is the USDA-FSA interested in IFSAR?
- Can IFSAR counteract the effects of poor weather
conditions in time sensitive image collection? - Assess the potential to determine land use and
crop types. - Can be collected on large scales regardless of
time of day. - How can it enhance our current products?
5(No Transcript)
6NAIP enhancements
7Common Land Units (CLU)
8CLU combined with compliance data
9Weather related problems in the Southeastern US
Source NOAA
10(No Transcript)
11NAIP flying seasons 2007
12All-weather collection
- GOES-12 IR Images of Eastern US from Aug 29-31
2007, about 0900 AM to 0300 PM (Typical Imaging
window for optical images). - This demonstrates GeoSARs ability to collect
during cloudy weather.
13GeoSAR USDA FSA test program
- Determine the applicability of IFSAR data to the
NAIP Program - Collect a county in Mississippi SAR data.
- during NAIP collection window
- Produce image data
- Demonstrate geodetic accuracy compared to NAIP
imagery and Common Land Unit Data. - Demonstrate ability to separate between crop
types in the SAR data.
14Other federal agencies
15Now, I turn it over to Fugro EarthData to
discuss GeoSAR and the preliminary results.
16The GeoSAR aircraft
GeoSAR is an advanced mapping system employing
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar. The
technology was developed at NASA Jet Propulsion
Laboratory. GeoSAR is owned by Fugro EarthData
Incorporated in Frederick, Maryland USA
17Radar basics
- Radar uses signal echo returns to determine range
- The radar sensor transmits a microwave signal
(A) in a focused beam (B) towards the target and
detects the backscattered portion of the signal
(C). - The strength of the backscattered signal is
measured to discriminate between different
targets and the time delay between the
transmitted and reflected signals determines the
distance (or range) to the target
18What is GeoSAR?
- Single-pass, dual frequency, interferometric
radar mapping system - X-band (? 3 cm) shows first surface
- P-band (? 85 cm) reveals detail beneath canopy
- Rapid, large area mapping through cloud cover,
day and night - Products include
- Ortho-Rectified Intensity (ORI) maps (1.5 m
resolution) - Digital Surface Model (DSM) (5 m resolution)
- Large scale maps
19Major GeoSAR components
Antenna Positioning Measurement Unit
Two P-band Antennas Are Mounted on Each Wingtip
and Use Frequency From 270430 MHz
Two X-band Antenna Are Mounted Under Each Wing
Close to the Fuselage and Use Frequency From
96309790 MHz
20GeoSAR data collection configuration
Collection Height 9.5 km to 12 km
11.5 km
21The GeoSAR process
User Request
22Radar wave properties
- Radar waves will propagate until they encounter
an object with a radar cross-section as large as
the wavelength. - For this reason, X-Band SAR (? 3 cm), will tend
to scatter off vegetation tops, or have
relatively shallow penetration. - The longer wavelength (? 85 cm) of the P-Band
SAR gives it foliage penetration or FOPEN
capabilities. - P-Band will penetrate much deeper into the
canopy, often all the way to the ground.
23GeoSAR images
Colombia, 2006
24Mountain Range
25Yazoo County overview
26Flight planning and ground control
27Aerial survey of Yazoo agriculture
- Images shows typical agriculture of region, with
catfish ponds, cotton, soybeans, peanuts, and
corn fields.
28Integrated GIS analysis
29Ground data collection
- 25 fields surveyed for crop type, soil roughness,
row spacing, plant height, width, spacing, and
compass direction. - 220 photograph assess local field and crop
conditions. - 5 soil types tested for bulk density, soil
moisture and electrical conductivity.
30Ground data collection and analysis
31Comparison of GeoSAR and NAIP imagery
NAIP imagery from 2006 (left, courtesy of the
USDA Farm Service Agency Aerial Photography Field
Office) with the same area of GeoSAR composite
(right, courtesy Fugro EarthData Inc.) from Yazoo
Mississippi. The GeoSAR imagery combines the
backscatter and elevation information to produce
a colorized image.
32Sweet potato crop
NAIP 2006 Image - Collected after the sweet
potato harvest. - The image shows bare soil and
furrow structure.
- Crop Height .5 m
- Row Spacing 1 m
- Stem Spacing 7.5 cm
33Sweet potato crop
34Center pivot irrigation
35Center pivot irrigation
36Summary of classification methods
X,Y raster cell
GeoSAR data layers
X-band ORI X-band DSM P-band ORI P-band
cross-pol ORI Volumetric correlation Volumetric
f(x) ? x statistical function
Crop distributions
Where x CART and/or ISODATA
37ISODATA analysis
- Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique
(yAy!) - ISODATA is a method of unsupervised
classification - Dont need to know the number of clusters
- Algorithm splits and merges clusters
- User defines threshold values for parameters
- Computer runs algorithm through many iterations
until threshold is reached
38ISODATA classification result
ISODATA Maximum Likelihood Classification based
on X Band Backscatter Images.
39CART analysis
- The Classification and Regression Tree (CART)
analysis is a non-parametric statistical analysis
that predicts a variable (crop class) from
multiple independent variables. - For each class, it determines which independent
variables are most important for predicting that
class - Builds a hierarchical tree diagram (set of
if-then statements) to predict the class a
dichotomous tree - CART is powerful
- Can accept both raster and vector data inputs
- Results are easy to interpret
- No assumptions about independent data
distributions - Missing values OK
- Can find complex relationships between variables
that other techniques might not uncover
40Image Classification by CART analysis
CART Input Sample Polygons
CART builds classification rules (decision tree)
based on user inputs
Samples input into CART
All portions of image are assigned a class label
based on rules
Classification rules are applied to entire image
Classified Map
41CART classification result
Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference
Corn Soybeans Cotton Forest Other Other Catfish Ponds Totals User's Accuracies User's Accuracies
Map Corn 8 5 3 16 0.50
Map Soybeans 1 4 5 0.80
Map Cotton 1 10 1 12 0.83
Map Forest Other 1 10 11 0.91
Map Other 3 3 1.00
Map Catfish Ponds 2 2 1.00
Totals 10 10 10 10 7 2 49
Producer's Accuracies 0.80 0.40 1.00 1.00 0.43 1.00 76 Overall Accuracy
- GeoSAR has demonstrated to the USDA-FSA the
ability to collect and process wide-area SAR
imagery and digital elevation models for
agricultural mapping. - Fugro EarthData is conducting research to extend
the capabilities into land use land cover
classifications for agriculture, forestry and
other uses. - Initial segmentation experiments have yielded a
reasonable classification result. - The refinement of data is on-going, the final
report will be delivered in August 08.