Title: 1 Esther Parigger' 130407'
1 The relation between Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and
(Specific) Language Impairment ((S)LI)
Esther Parigger LEXEF 2007
- Diagnoses ADHD and SLI
- Discussion (part 1)
- Comorbidity ADHD and (S)LI / (S)LI and ADHD
- Discussion (part 2)
- Possible relationships
- Discussion (part 3)
Problem diagnosed on the basis of clinical
Problem (?) language items are included in the
symptom list.
- Diagnosis
- ?Symptoms (division in subtypes)
- -present before 7 years of age
- -present in two or more settings
- -significant impairment in functioning
- -not accounted for by another disorder
Symptoms of inattention Symptoms of
Predominantly inattentive subtype Predominantly
hyperactive/impulsive subtype Combined subtype
- Filip de Schommelaar
- ?Hyperactivity
- ?Impulsivity
- Hans Kijk-in-de-Lucht
- Inattention
- Stark and Tallal, 1981
- Bishop, 1994 Botting, 2005
Impaired hearing Emotional and behavioral
problems PIQ lt 85 Neurological deficits/
lesions Speech motor skill deficiencies Low
reading age
- Diagnosis
- ?Exclusion
- ?Severity
LA Receptive lt MAP/CA (6 mo.) LA Expressive lt
MAP/CA (12 mo.) LA Overall lt MAP/CA (6 mo.)
Problem diagnosed on the basis of exclusion.
Problem no behavioral problems allowed..
Mayer, 1969
- Video of Jan
- ?711.21
- Frog-story
7Discussion (part 1)
- What do you think about the ADHD and SLI
Wittchen, 1996 Burke et al., 1990
- Problems
- ?Used descriptively
- ?(A)symptomatic overlap
- ?Assessment
- Definition (for now) the presence of more than
one specific disorder in a person in a defined
period of time -
9Comorbidity with ADHD
Cantwell, 1996 Jónsdottír, 2006 Cohen et al.,
1998 Blankenstijn en Scheper, 2003
- Conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder
- Mood disorders, anxiety disorders
- Tourettes syndrome, chronic tics
- Language problems, learning disorders
- Prevalence rates vary!
10Comorbidity with ADHD ADHD and language
- Subtle problems in language comprehension
- More robust problems in language production
- ?Syntax
- ?Pragmatics
11Comorbidity with ADHD ADHD and language
Parigger, in prep (a) Blankenstijn and Scheper,
2003 Tannock 1993 Trabasso and Rodkin (in
Berman and Slobin), 1994
- Percentage of worded plot elements in
Frog-stories - ?Total score
- -effect of diagnosis ADHDltN
- -effect of age 7lt8lt9
12Comorbidity with SLI
Webster 2004 473
- E.g. motor abnormalities, reading disabilities,
nonverbal IQs at the lower end of the normal
range, social problems, attention deficit
disorders etc. - SLI is thus rarely specific, and for this
reason, it has been argued that there is a need
for a change in terminology -
13Comorbidity with SLISLI and ADHD symptoms
- 23 of 200 children with SLI (11 years old)
scored in the atypical range of the ADHD scale of
the SDQ - SLI group without and SLI group with ADHD
symptoms differed, mainly in expressive language
tasks with semantic (pragmatic?) content -
14Discussion (part 2)
- Are ADHD en (S)LI comorbid disorders or is (S)LI
secondary to ADHD (or vice versa)?
15Possible relationshipsbetween PI and LI
Blankenstijn en Scheper, 2003 20
- Unicausal comorbidity
- ?(third risk factors) ? PI ? LI
- ?(third risk factors) ? LI ? PI
- Dependent causal comorbidity
- ?(third risk factors) ? LI/PI ?? LI/PI
16Possible relationship between ADHD and
language problems
Tannock and Schachar, 1996 147
- Executive Dysfunction Theory
- We theorize that the core behavioral
symptoms of ADHD () and the pragmatic
difficulties that these children exhibit ()
are related to deficits in executive function
(i.e. higher-order cognitive processes). -
17Main study
Parigger, in prep (b).
- Comparison of language profiles and cognitive
profiles of children with ADHD, SLI and normally
developing children (7 and 8 years of age)
18Discussion (part 3)
- Is it plausible to think that a specific
executive functioning profile can be related to a
specific language profile in ADHD? -
19More information
Thanks for this discussion!
- E e.m.parigger_at_uva.nl
- W http//home.medewerker.uva.nl/e.m.parigger
- T 0031-20-5253811
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