Title: DrChecks
1Design Review and Checking System
2Reduce Cost
Eliminates collation activities Reduce/eliminate
meetings No issue leakage Standard format for all
3Track Performance
2. Track performance
Who hasnt participated What are the critical
issues Who needs to help
4Review Program
2. Track performance
3. Review program
Comment distribution by discipline, location,
project type, etc Set design quality performance
goals Quantify designer performance
5Apply lessons learned
1. Reduce cost
2. Track performance
3. Review program
4. Use lessons learned
Location/customer criteria in DQLLrepository RediC
heck review SPIRIT review checklist Users
top-ten checks
6Who uses DrChecks?
Four kinds of project stakeholders use DrChecks
7What managers do
Review Managers - create projects - assign
project teams - track/resolve issues - identifies
non-participating reviewers
8What reviewers do
Reviewers/Customers/DPWs - enter/edit comments -
see all comments - apply lessons learned -
backcheck (as reqd.) - track resolution
9What screeners do
Screeners - optional edit before release -email
to reviewer if changed
10What designers do
In-House Designers/ AE Firms - respond to
comments - flag scope/time/cost impacts
11DrChecks Features
- no software to install - 15 minute training -
includes all stakeholders - traditional
design/build projects - document review
13Help Desk
- 217-367-3273
- staff_at_rcesupport.com