Title: Module 17 Quality Management, Technical Review and Model Certification
1 Module 17 Quality Management, Technical
Review and Model Certification
Civil Works Orientation Course - FY 11
- This module will discuss
- District Quality Control (DQC)
- Agency Technical Review (ATR)
- Independent External Peer Review (IEPR)
- Roles of Technical Centers
- of Expertise
- Model Approval/Certification
3Why The Corps Does Review
- An extra set of eyes is good.
- To ensure consistent application of policy,
guidance, design criteria, etc across the nation. - USACE Goal is to always provide the most
scientifically sound, sustainable water resource
solutions for the U.S. - There are numerous statutory and Administration
requirements for various reviews.
4Examples of Statutory and Administration
- Section 2034 of PL 110-114 WRDA 2007
- Section 2035 of PL 110-114 WRDA 2007
- Section 515 of PL 106-554 Information Quality
Act - Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer
Review AKA the OMB Peer Review
Bulletin - EC 1165-2-209 Life-cycle review strategy for
Civil Works Projects
5Section 2034 WRDA 2007 (Public Law 110-114)
- IN GENERAL- Project studies shall be subject to
a peer review by an independent panel of experts
and subject to mandatory and exclusions. - The first time Congress established by law the
requirement of the Corps to have decision
documents reviewed by independent external
experts. -
- Chief may exclude
- No EIS and
- not controversial
- negligible adverse impacts on scarce or unique
cultural, historic, or tribal resources - no substantial adverse impacts on fish wildlife
and their habitat prior to mitigation and - before mitigation, only negligible adverse impact
on a species listed as endangered or threatened - only rehabilitation/replacement of existing
hydropower turbines, lock structures, or flood
control gates within the same footprint and for
the same purpose as an existing water resources
project - is for an activity for which there is ample
experience within the Corps of Engineers and
industry to treat the activity as being routine
and - has minimal life safety risk or
- does not include an environmental impact
statement and is a project study pursued under CAP
7Legislative History from Conference Report
- Section 2034 permits the Chief of Engineers to
exclude a very limited number of project studies
from independent peer review. The managers expect
that project studies that could be excluded from
independent peer review are so limited in scope
or impact that they would not significantly
benefit from an independent peer review.
8Section 2035 WRDA 2007
- The Chief of Engineers shall ensure that the
design and construction activities for hurricane
and storm damage reduction and flood damage
reduction projects are reviewed by independent
experts under this section if the Chief of
Engineers determines that a review by independent
experts is necessary to assure public health,
safety, and welfare. - (b) Factors- In determining whether a review of
design and construction of a project is necessary
under this section, the Chief of Engineers shall
consider whether-- - (1) the failure of the project would pose a
significant threat to human life - (2) the project involves the use of innovative
materials or techniques - (3) the project design lacks redundancy or
- (4) the project has a unique construction
sequencing or a reduced or overlapping design
construction schedule.
9- Treasury and General Government Appropriations
Act for Fiscal Year 2001 - (Public Law 106-554)
- Under control of OMB
- Applies to all Federal Agencies
10There are No Waivers to Statutory Requirements
11EC 1165-2-209 Applicability
- Applies to all USACE elements having civil works
responsibilities. - Covers all levels of review from basic quality
control to independent external peer review. - All feasibility, reevaluation, major
rehabilitation, project modification,
post-authorization change studies. - All CAP projects.
- All design performed for new projects,
modifications to existing projects, and/or on a
reimbursable basis. - All OM plans, reports, manuals, evaluations, and
assessments etc.
12Review Types
- District Quality Control (DQC)
- Agency Technical Review (ATR)
- Independent External Peer Review (IEPR)
- Policy and Legal Compliance Review
- Conducted throughout the entire study process
Universe of Civil Works Technical Reviews
14District Quality Control (DQC)
- Review of basic science and engineering products
focus on fulfilling quality requirements of the
PMP. - Managed and conducted in home District by staff
not directly involved with the work.
15Agency Technical Review (ATR)
- Formerly known as Independent Technical Review
(ITR). - In-depth review to ensure proper application of
regulations, laws, codes, principles and
professional practices. - Assess whether analysis presented is technically
correct and complies with USACE guidance, policy
and procedures. - Review work products and assure all parts fit
together and are presented in a clear manner for
the public and decision makers. - Conducted by USACE outside of home District with
leader outside home MSC. - ATR documentation (DrChecks) should accompany all
submittals. - Documentation of coordination with appropriate
Centers of Expertise (e.g. relevant PCX, Cost
Engineering CX, etc). - PCXs developing Training / Certification Program
16Independent External Peer Review (IEPR)
- Two types
- Type 1 on decision documents
- Type 2 Life and Safety on design and
construction activities
17Type I IEPR Mandatory Triggers
- Significant threat to human life
- Total Project Cost gt 45M
- Request by State Governor of an affected state
- Any other circumstances the Chief warrants.
- Significant public dispute (size, nature,
effects) - Significant public dispute (economics, or environ
costs, benefits) - Novel methods, complex challenges,
precedent-setting methods
18Type I IEPR
- IEPR Administered by the PCXs
- Managed by Outside Eligible Organizations
- Fully Federally Funded
19Type II IEPRSafety Assurance Review
- Applicability
- Flood Risk Management and Storm Damage Reduction
Projects. - Any failure poses significant threat to human
life. - Safety assurance factors must be considered
during studies. -
- Factors to Consider
- Where failure leads to significant threat to
human life. - Novel methods\complexity\ precedent-setting
models\policy changing conclusions. - Additional Engineering considerations.
- Chief of Engineers directs.
20Final Policy and Legal Compliance Review
- Washington-level determination that the
recommendations and supporting analyses comply
with law and policy. - Technical reviews are meant to complement policy
review. - Policy Review conducted by the OWPR and
facilitated by the RIT. - Legal review must be undertaken for AFB, Draft
Reports, and Final Reports. - Legal certifications must be provided with Draft
and Final Report submittals.
21Review Plans
- Stand alone document but component of the Quality
Management Plan (QMP) in the Project Management
Plan (PMP). - Describes the scope and execution of anticipated
review, including DQC, ATR, IEPR, and Policy and
Legal Review, for the current and/or upcoming
phase of work. - For Type I IEPR, PCX facilitates RP.
- MSC Commander approves the RP to assure that the
plan is in compliance with EC and the MSC QM and
that all elements of the command have agreed to
the review approach. - Only Deputy Director for Civil Works can approve
exclusion from IEPR
22Review Plans
- RP anticipates and defines appropriate level of
review. - PMP identifies all review requirements,
processes, costs and schedules as integrated
features of the overall project execution. - To the maximum extent practicable, reviews shall
be scheduled and conducted so as not to cause
delays in study or project completion. This is
particularly pertinent in the case of external
reviews. - The project budget shall include adequate funds
for all necessary reviews. - The project schedule shall provide sufficient
time for all reviews at the appropriate points in
the schedule.
23Centers of ExpertiseRoles and Responsibilities
- Planning Technical Centers of Expertise (PCX)
created in guidance 25 August 2003 - EC 1165-2-209 requires that all Review Plans (RP)
for decision documents be coordinated with the
appropriate PCX - Review Plans are to be approved at the MSC level
and publicly posted on the Corps web site - Coordinate and certify/approve models
24Planning Centers of Expertise
David A. Weekly LRH (304) 399-5635
Eric W. Thaut SPD (415) 503-6852
Jodi Staebell MVD (309) 794-5448
Bernard E. Moseby SAM (251) 694-3884
Clarke I. Hemphill POA (907)753-5602
Lawrence J. Cocchieri NAD (718) 765-7071
Peter H. Shaw SWD (469) 487-7038
Sub-Planning Center of Expertise For Small Boat
25Characteristics of a Good Reviewer
- Strong Technical Background
- Familiar with Principles and Guidelines, WRDA,
Statutes, and Corps Regulations - Good Writer and Communicator
- Experience with Many Project Purposes
- Strong Stomach and Thick Skin
- Hard to find, PCXs fielding web based training
to grow good reviewers
26Avoid These Potential Reviewers Mindset
- I dont like the project - pick it apart
- I wouldnt have done it that way
- You are Trying to Sneak Something by
- Perfection
- Report must get a Nobel Prize for Literature
- What is that District up to now?
27Review Issues
- Review and study teams meet to resolve issues
- District functional chiefs should decide on
unresolved technical issues - Policy issues should be forwarded to Division
- Issue Resolution Conferences may be called by
District, Division, or HQ
28Structure of Comments
- A clear statement of the concern (information
deficiency or incorrect application of policy or
procedures) - Basis of the concern (law, policy, guidance)
- Significance of the concern
- Provide suggested actions needed to resolve the
concern - Review Team Leader should ensure there are no
frivolous, conflicting, or duplicative comments
Kepe EDitorial commints off lyne
29Responding to Comments
- All comments should be recorded in Dr. Checks
- All Comments Require Response
- Actions Taken Should be Clearly Documented in
Response - Cite Location in Revised Document
- Document Lessons Learned as Applicable