Title: AM28 PowerDesigner, UML and Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) Generation
1 AM28 PowerDesigner, UML and Enterprise Java Bean
(EJB) Generation
David Dichmann PowerDesigner Product
Manager IAD dichman_at_sybase.com
2PowerDesigner, UML and (EJB) Enterprise Java Bean
- Day One
- Module 1 - Overview of UML
- Module 2 - Use Case Diagrams
- Module 3 - Sequence Diagrams
3PowerDesigner, UML and (EJB) Enterprise Java Bean
- Day Two
- Module 4 - Class Diagrams
- Module 5 - Object Modeling with PowerDesigner 7.5
- Module 6 - Persistence Modeling
- Module 7 - PowerDesigner 7.5 for
Object/Relational Modeling - Module 8 - Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) Generation
with PowerDesigner 7.5 - Module 9 - A Process for Application Design
4PowerDesigner, UML and (EJB) Enterprise Java Bean
- Module 2 - Use Case Diagrams
5Use Case Diagrams
- Capture the intended behavior of a system
- Independent of Implementation Details
- Analysis - Level view of the Application
6Use Case Diagram - Purpose
- Model System Context
- Identifies what elements are external to the
system/application and what are internal - Defines Scope
- Communicate System Requirements
- What the system is responsible for doing
- Communication to users of the System
- Visually communicates
- How the system satisfies Business Rules
- How the system satisfies User Requirements
7Use Case Diagram - Purpose
- Assist Analysis and Testing
- Validation (Analysis)
- Up front in lifecycle process
- Ensure that the system does what the user wants
(validate user requirements) - Verification (Test)
- When development is complete
- Ensure that the system operates the way the spec
says (verify functional requirements)
8Use Case Diagram - Elements
- Use Case Diagrams are
- Actors
- Use Cases
- Relationships
- Generalization
- Association
- Dependencies
- ltltincludegtgt and ltltextendgtgt
9Use Case Diagram - Actors
- Role played by an object interacting with a
system - Human User, Hardware Component, External System
- Symbol is a Stick Figure
- Name appears beneath
10Use Case Diagram - Use Cases
- Specifies functionality as seen by the Actor/User
- Describes behavior for the system
- Symbol is an Elipse
- Name appears inside
- PackageName
- Package is Optional
- This is the Place Order use case, found as part
of the Order package
11Use Case Diagram - Relationships
- Describe how Actors and Use Cases relate
- Main Flow Ordinary interaction with the System
- Exceptional Flow Exception handling (Ex
Cancel button is pressed) - Come in Three forms
- Generalization - Inheritance
- Association - Relate Actors to Use Cases
- Dependency - May be stereotyped as
- ltltextendgtgt - Use case will refine base use case
- ltltincludegtgt - Use case incorporates base use case
12Use Case Diagram - Generalization
- You may create a specialized Actor or Use Case
from a Base Object
- Symbol is a hollow arrow
- A corporate customer is a customer
- Placing a corporate order is a specialized
version of placing an order
13Use Case Diagram - Association
- Associations are the only link from an Actor to a
Use Case - Describes the Actors interaction with the Use
Case and the System
- A Corporate Customer will Place Corporate Order
14Use Case Diagram - Relationships
- One Use Case may be Dependent on Another
- Describes relationships between the Use Cases in
the system or application
- Symbol is a Dashed-Line Arrow
- Stereotype appears in ltlt gtgt to qualify the
dependency - Extension Points shown textually - Describes when
the extension is used
15Use Case Diagram - Sample
- Use Case for a Corporate Customer placing an Order
16PowerDesigner, UML and (EJB) Enterprise Java Bean
- Module 3 - Sequence Diagrams
17Sequence Diagram - A UML Interaction Diagram
- Describes how objects interact with each other
- Describes the timing and ordering of messages
- Represents the flow of control over time
- More detailed than Use Case
- Implementation independent
18Sequence Diagram - Purpose
- Model the dynamics of
- Systems or subsystems
- A Class operation
- A Use Case
- Communicate System Behavior
- What the objects are expected to do
- How they are expected to communicate and react to
each other - Bring Use Cases closer to Design
19Sequence Diagram - Elements
- Sequence Diagrams are
- Objects
- Messages - four types
- Synchronous (Call) - must receive a Return
- Return - Returns control to Synchronous
- Flat - No return required, new threads allowed
- Asynchronous - No return required, continue in
current thread - Lifeline with Focus of Control blocks
20Sequence Diagram - Objects
- An Object
- Describes an Instance (Manifestation) of an
Abstraction (Class) - Exists within the context of a system, operation
or transaction - May be persistent - State saved after context
21Sequence Diagram - Objects
- Different Elements of the Object Symbol
- c is an instance of Customer
- c represents the instance with a name attribute
set as shown - Customer is an anonymous instance - Generic
- SalesCustomer is also anonymous, includes the
package containing the definition for Customer
22Sequence Diagram - Messages
- Messages between Objects
- Message line distinctions are optional
- Synchronous (Call) - Solid line and arrowhead
- Return - Dashed line, open arrowhead
- Flat - Solid line, open arrowhead
- Asynchronous - Solid line, half arrowhead
23Sequence Diagram - Messages
- Create
- Message creates object and begins its lifeline
- Destroy
- Message sends a signal telling the object to
destroy itself (Free Resources) and ends its
24Sequence Diagram - Lifeline
- Describes the existence of the object relative to
other objects in the Sequence
- Lifelines may be infinite
- Object may create another, starting its lifeline
- Message lines are drawn from Lifeline to Lifeline
- An Object may send a message that destroys
another Object, ending its lifeline
25Sequence Diagram - Lifeline
- Lifelines give us a clue to Object Persistence
- Transient
- An Object that is created and destroyed in a
Sequence is most likely a transient object - We do not consider storing its state at any time
- Persistent
- An object that exists beyond the end of the
sequence MAY be persistent - We may consider storing its state
- It might still be destroyed elsewhere...
26Sequence Diagram - Sample
- Sequence Diagram for a Customer Placing an Order.
The order is shipped with a WayBill
27PowerDesigner, UML and (EJB) Enterprise Java Bean
- Module 4 - Class Diagrams
28Class Diagrams
- Static structure of classes and their
relationships within a system - Links conceptual representation to actual code
- A class can be directly implemented in an O-O
programming language like - Java
- PowerBuilder
- XML (DTD, Schema, Data (BizTalk)
- etc.
29Class Diagrams - Purpose
- Model the static Design of the system
- Classes, Interfaces, Components
- Implementation Dependent - Design
- Visually describe the Code
- Diagram shows the code in an abstract visual
manner - Understand and document the elements of a System
- Code Reuse
- Show how elements from another package are reused
in the current application/package - Abstract visualization of code shows reusable
30Class Diagram - Elements
- Classes
- attributes, operations, constructors, accessors
- Abstract classes and Interfaces
- Relationships
- dependencies, generalizations/specializations,
associations, realizations - Stereotypes
- Describe extensions to UML
- Further classify or define objects
- Example ltltpersistentgtgt - State is preserved
31Class Diagram - Classes
- Classes
- A class is a type definition
- class MyFirstClass
- A class contains Data Members and Methods
- You don't actually operate on classes. You
create instances (objects) from those classes and
then call the class fields (i.e. Data Members and
Methods) in those objects
32Class Diagram - Classes
- Classes vs. Objects
- An object is an instance of a class
- New objects must first be declared
- Object are created (instantiated) from a class
- Example In Java, you use the new operator
(which calls a Class Constructor)
33Class Diagram - Classes
- Class Attributes (Data Members)
- Data members make up the information (attributes)
of a class - Visibility (public, private, protected, package)
- Class Operations (Methods)
- Methods perform tasks on Data Members
- Methods cannot exist outside of a class
- Visibility (public, private, protected, package)
34Class Diagram - Classes
- Class Name at the top
- Attributes in the top half
- Operations in the Lower Half
- () and (-) indicate visibility, public and
private respectively
- Classes are an abstract representation of the
applications static structures
35Classes - Constructors
- Constructors
- Special-purpose methods that have the same name
as the class, with no return type - The instance of the class is the return type
- Allocate object resources and return an instance
of the class - Destructors
- De-allocate the resources that the Constructor
allocated - For many modern languages, this is taken care of
by automatic garbage collection
36Classes - Accessor Methods
- Accessor methods
- Provide a public interface to the class
- Keep the actual data storage private to that
class - You can change the data representation in the
class without changing the methods that set those
values - Come in pairs
- Get and Set and conventionally use the private
data members name with get and set as a prefix - getAttr1()
- setAttr1(Value to set)
37Class Diagram - Classes and Java
///////////////////////////////////////////// //
This file was generated by PowerDesigner /////////
//////////////////////////////////// public
class Item public int getItemNumber ()
return itemNumber public String
getItemName () return itemName
public double getItemPrice ()
return itemPrice public Order
hasManyItems private int itemNumber
private String itemName private double
38Class Diagram - Abstract Classes
- An abstract class
- Can include data members and methods
- Cannot be instantiated, i.e., there is no
implementation for the methods within that class - Classes that extend (inherit from) an abstract
class must provide method implementation
39Class Diagram - Interfaces
- An interface is
- Similar to an abstract class except
- It does not include code,
- Only method signatures
- Static final data members aka named constants.
- An interface only outlines method behavior
- Classes using an interface must implement all the
methods declared in that interface
40Class Diagram - Interfaces
- Realizations
- Realizations are semantic relationships between
classes whereby one class must realize what the
other class defines - Realizations are found between an Interface and
the class that realizes it - Realizations are rendered by a dotted, directed
line (empty arrowhead) pointing toward the class
to be realized
41Class Diagram - Interfaces Java
- Interfaces with Java Implementation
public interface Peripheral abstract void
registerPeriph () abstract void testPort ()
abstract void testPwSupply () abstract void
testMotherBd ()
public class parallelPeripheral implements
Peripheral public void registerPeriph ()
public void testPort ()
public void testPwSupply ()
public void testMotherBd ()
private String periphId private String
periphCodeName private String vendorName
42Class Diagram - Relationships
- Dependencies
- Dashed, directed line (arrow) pointing toward the
entity being depended on - Relationship that states that a change in the
entity pointed to may affect another entity that
uses it
43Class Diagram - Relationships
- Generalizations / Specializations
- Solid, directed line (empty arrowhead) pointing
toward a supertype - Is-A relationship between a subtype and a
supertype (e.g., Customer Is-A Person, where a
Customer is generalized as a Person and a Person
is specialized as a Customer)
44Class Diagram - Generalizations and Java
- Generalizations with Java Implementation
///////////////////////////////////////////// //
This file was generated by PowerDesigner /////////
//////////////////////////////////// public
class Customer protected int customerCode
protected double creditStatus protected
double telNumber
///////////////////////////////////////////// //
This file was generated by PowerDesigner /////////
//////////////////////////////////// public
class Corporation extends Customer private
String companyName private String
contactName private double contactTelNumber
45Class Diagram - Relationships
- Associations
- Associations are structural relationships that
specify that a class is associated to another
class (both at the same level) - Associations have names, roles, and multiplicity
- Associations are assumed to be bi-directional by
default - Associations are made unidirectional using
46Class Diagram - Relationships
- Association Variations
- Aggregations (Hollow Triangle)
- Containment (Has-A) relationships
- One class is the Whole, the other one is a Part
- Compositions (Filled Triangle)
- Particular form of aggregation
- A part depends on the whole for its existence
- If the whole is deleted the parts are also deleted
47Class Diagram - Relationships and Java
- Associations with Java Implementation
- Generated Code
///////////////////////////////////////////// //
This file was generated by PowerDesigner /////////
//////////////////////////////////// public
class Address public Customer has
private int addCode private String street1
private String street2 private String city
private String zipCode
48Class Diagram - Sample
- A Class Diagram for a Simple Order Entry System
49PowerDesigner, UML and (EJB) Enterprise Java Bean
- Module 5 - Object Modeling
- with PowerDesigner 7.5
50The PowerDesigner Object Model
- The PowerDesigner Object Model (OOM) uses the UML
Class Diagram - Classes and Interfaces
- Attributes and Operations
- Associations and Generalizations (Realizes)
- Packages
- An OOM targeting Java
- Java aware (Multiple Inheritance, etc.)
- Generates .java files from model definitions
51Target Languages
- PowerDesigner OOM may represent implementations
for - Java
- PowerBuilder
- XML (DTD, Schema, and Data (BizTalk)
- There is another language target that is
essentially syntax independent - Analysis
52PowerDesigners Object Model
- PowerDesigners Model Interface
53PowerDesigners Object Model
- The Object Model in PowerDesigner
54Generalizations in PowerDesigner
- PowerDesigner knows what is Inherited
55Interfaces in PowerDesigner
- Interface operations to be Implemented
56Generating Objects
- Operation Implementation Editor
- Add, edit or view Implementation Code right in
the PowerDesigner OOM - Code Preview
- Preview the code that will be generated for the
entire class - Takes into account relationships, inheritances,
implementation code, etc.
57Generating Java Code
- Generate Java Code
- Options control location and format of generated
files - Use the Package structure defined in the Model
- External Shortcuts do not generate code
- The shortcut may be to a Library object - the
Class will already exist - The shortcut may be to another application or
project - the Class is outside the scope of the
model - If you own both models, generate code from both
58Generating PowerBuilder Code
- Generate PowerBuilder Code
- Options allow generation directly to a .pbl via
ORCA interface, or to a .sru file for import
later - External Shortcuts do not generate code
- The shortcut may be to a Library object - the
Class will already exist - The shortcut may be to another application or
project - the Class is outside the scope of the
model - If you own both models, generate code from both
59Reverse Engineering Java Code
- Recover Java code
- Reverse engineer from a .java or .class file
- Select from individual files, a directory or an
archive - PowerDesigner can create a new OOM or extend an
existing one - Understand existing Java applications
- Capture a library for reference in other models
- Synchronize a model with externally edited code
- Incorporate new objects into an existing design
60Reverse Engineering PB Code
- Recover PowerBuilder Business Logic
- Reverse engineer from a .pbl or .sru file
- Custom Class
- Standard Class
- Custom Visual
- External Visual
- Standard Visual
- Shortcuts to the PCF Library Models
- PowerDesigner has PFC definitions as OOMs
- Create references if objects inherit from the PFC
61Reverse Engineering PB Code
- PowerDesigner can create a new OOM or extend an
existing one - Understand existing PowerBuilder applications
- Capture a library for reference in other models
- Synchronize a model with externally edited code
- Incorporate new objects into an existing design
62Iterative Round Trip Engineering
- Build and test as the Design matures
- Create an OOM
- Generate Application code and edit in an IDE
- Reverse engineer edits into the Model
- Synchronize with the model
- Modify the Model
- Changes to the model can be done in parallel with
developer work outside PowerDesigner - Generate new Model to code
- Synchronize prevents loss of developers work
63Changing Target Language
- PowerDesigner can help move from one Object
Language to Another - May be useful to change business logic from one
implementation language to another - Code in Implementation Fields will remain in the
original language - PowerDesigner is not a syntax converter
- Helps keep design consistent between languages
64Customizing the Language
- You may customize PowerDesigners Implementation
- Definition files for each language (Java,
PowerBuilder) - Stored in the PowerDesigner directory as a .XOL
file (Object Language Definition file) - Changes to this resource file control how
PowerDesigner understands the language
65PowerDesigner, UML and (EJB) Enterprise Java Bean
- Module 6 - Persistence Modeling
66Overview of Data Modeling
- Why Model the Data?
- Object-Oriented applications contain Persistent
objects, we need to store their state somehow - Flat Files OK for small amounts of Data
- Database Systems are more common for larger sets
of data, more complex structures - Databases are Relational
- Efficient and Performant storage and recovery
- UML is NOT relational
- We need a relational model to properly document
the RDBMS implementation of persistent objects
67Conceptual Data Models
- Conceptual Data Models (CDM)
- Implementation independent view of a database
- Entities, attributes and relationships in 3rd
Normal Form - Driven by Analysis of the application Domain,
Business Rules, and expected behavior - UML can be used to describe a Conceptual Data
Model - UML is a superset of Conceptual Data Modeling
- A pure CDM may still be interesting
68Conceptual Data Models - Sample
- A Conceptual Model for an Order Entry System
69Physical Data Models
- Physical Data Models (PDM)
- The UML is not sufficient to describe a Physical
Database Implementation - Describe data in terms of a specific RDBMS
implementation - Foreign Keys (folding?)
- Indexes, Physical Storage Options, Table
Ownership, Stored Procedures - Can be derived from a CDM or UML Class Diagram
- ltltpersistentgtgt classes map to Tables in the PDM
70Physical Data Models
- Objects and Tables
- Do not always map 11
- Physical storage considers RDBMS performance
- Objects in Memory consider Application
Performance - Object/Relational Mapping
- Documents the relationships between a Class and
its Table(s) in the database - Drives save/load logic for managing object
71Physical Data Models - Sample
- A Physical Model for an Order Entry System
72PowerDesigner, UML and (EJB) Enterprise Java Bean
- Module 7 - PowerDesigner 7.5 for
Object/Relational Modeling
73UML and Database Design
- UML can be seen as a very large superset of ER
- Anything that can be done in ER can be done (even
better) in UML and more! - UML classes can be persisted in database tables
at design time through object / relational
mapping - User-defined, complex data types (class instances)
74UML and Database Design
- Relational models can be recovered in UML class
diagrams to jumpstart object-oriented design - UML classes can be used in the database
- Java stored procedures (static classes)
- User-defined, complex data types (class instances)
75Persistence Mapping (RDBMS)
- PowerDesigner also models RDBMS
- PowerDesigner is also a very powerful Relational
modeling tool - Bi-level Database Design
- PowerDesigner Physical Data Model (PDM)
- Database Specific Generates DDL
- PowerDesigner Conceptual Data Model (CDM)
- Normalized, Implementation (RDBMS) independent
76Persistence Mapping (RDBMS)
- Object/Relational Mapping
- UML Class Diagrams contain Entity/Relationship
metadata as well - Using identifiers, navigability, cardinality, we
can derive a Physical structure for persistent
objects - PowerDesigner knows which classes are persistent,
knows the cardinality, etc. and will generate a
CDM or PDM for the persistent objects
77Persistence Mapping (RDBMS)
- Use PowerDesigner to model the Applications
Logic and Persistence - Using the OOM Generate a PDM for your RDBMS
- Denormalize the PDM, add physical objects
- Triggers, Procedures, Views, Physical Options,
Indexes, etc... - Generate DDL for the Database (ODBC or Script)
- Iterative
- Changes to the OOM can be generated to the PDM
- The modified PDM can generate DDL and DML to
modify the database without loosing existing data.
78Java in the Database (RDBMS)
- Use PowerDesigner to model Java in the Database
- Create OOM for Java Stored Procedures and Java
Data Types - Create a PDM for the Database (Target your RDBMS)
- Reuse objects from the OOM in the PDM as Data
Types - Generate .java from the OOM to import to server
to support Data Types and add Stored Procedures
79Objects from Legacy Systems
- PowerDesigner captures existing database
structures and translates them to Java - Reverse engineer the Database to a PDM
- Generate an OOM from the PDM (Java)
- Gives Object Designers a view of existing
database objects - Jump-start to building Business Logic (new
applications) around legacy data stores - Iterative
- Build, generate and synchronize models as the
application takes shape
80PowerDesigner is Object and Relational Modeling
- Object/Relational Mapping
- Single source for Object and Relational Metadata
- Generation and synchronization between Object and
Data models, improves consistency - Object Models are UML Class Diagrams - Common
Language for Application Designers - Data Models are Relational Diagrams - Understood
by Data Analysts and DBAs (They are not
necessarily versant in UML) - Resolves limitations in UMLs ability to describe
Physical Data Structures (Implementation)
81PowerDesigner, UML and (EJB) Enterprise Java Bean
- Module 8 - Enterprise Java Bean (EJB) Generation
with PowerDesigner 7.5
82Enterprise Java Beans
- Enterprise Java Beans
- Standard way to build Application Server
Components using Java - Part of the Java 2 - Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
standard - May be transient (session beans) or Persistent
(entity beans)
83Enterprise Java Beans
- Object Model will capture the Java components
- Home Interface
- Remote Interface
- Bean Class
- javax library references
- Data Model will capture the Persistent Storage
- Table(s) to hold Entity Bean state
- Generate and Reverse Engineer into either of
these two types of Models
84Enterprise Java Beans
- Process
- Have a Bean, need a Data Model
- Generate PDM from OOM of Bean
- Have a Data Model, need to create a Bean
- Generate an OOM from PDM, create a Bean
- Have nothing, starting from Scratch
- Have an EJB Wizard in my IDE
- Generate the Bean from the Wizard, reverse
engineer to create an OOM - Have no Wizard
- Create the OOM and EJB from scratch
85Enterprise Java Beans
- An EJB model for our Customer Entity Bean
86Enterprise Java Beans
public class CustomerBean extends Object
implements EntityBean private String name
private String address private long phone
private javax.ejb.EntityContext
_entityContext public void CustomerBean ()
// EJB constructors don't have a server
context. public void setEntityContext
(javax.ejb.EntityContext parm0)
throws java.rmi.RemoteException
this._entityContext parm0 // generated
helper code // method for interface
javax.ejb.EntityBean . . . //Code truncated
for brevity
public interface CUSTOMER extends EJBObject
Remote Interface Home Interface
public interface CustomerHome extends EJBHome
Customer findByPrimaryKey (java.lang.String
primkey) throws
Entity Bean
87Enterprise Java Beans
- The Physical Data Model, and DDL
- CUSTOMERBEAN table will hold data about instances
of the CustomerBean object - Indexes, Column Names, Data Types
/ /
/ create table CUSTOMERBEAN
( ENTTCNTX varbinary(255)
not null, CUSTNAME text
null, CUSTADDR text
null, CUSTPHN int
null, constraint
- Generated DDL will work for a Sybase ASE 12.0
88Enterprise Java Beans
- The PowerDesigner Connection
- Manage the Metadata for all Beans and Java
Objects - Manage the RDBMS implementation in PDM
- Generate OOM from PDM, or PDM from OOM
- Single tool for all EJB related metadata
- Enterprise class Repository
- Team development
- Generate and Reverse Engineer
- The EJB Java Code
- The RDBMS structures
89PowerDesigner, UML and (EJB) Enterprise Java Bean
- Module 9 - A Process for Application Design
90Language VS. Process
- The UML is a Modeling Language
- Describes Syntax for Object Representation
- Common language for readability and understanding
- A Process describes how and when Modeling is done
- When and how is Analysis performed
- How is Analysis mapped to Design
- What is the workflow when building Applications
- Language Process Method
- The UML is NOT a Method
91What is the Process?
- Collect information as
- Business Rules
- Domain Objects (Actors/Classes at high level)
- Perform Application Analysis
- Dynamic Analysis with Business Rules
- Use Case Diagrams
- Sequence Diagrams
- Domain Analysis
- Perform Object Design
- Extend Domain Model into Design Level detail
92What is the Process?
- Implement Application
- Drive code from Design Complete in IDE
- Deploy Application
- Repeat
- Process is iterative
- Rapid Prototyping
- Unit Testing
- Enhancements to functionality
- Etc
93Weaknesses in the Process
- Assumes new development only
- Lacks consideration for Data Structures
- You will persist objects somewhere RDBMS
94Start Anywhere, Go Anywhere
- Begin a new Project
- Process is as above
- Have Legacy Data, need New Application
- Data-Driven Process
- Have existing Application and Data (refactoring)
- Refactoring for better design
- Enhancements to existing application, design
details have been poorly documented or lost - Synchronize Data Design and Object Design together
95Start Anywhere, Go Anywhere
- Have existing application, need New Data
Structures - Reuse components (Java Classes, EJB), need to
complete with Persistence Model - Completed Application development without
building Data Structures - Change from Flat File to RDBMS?
96Have Legacy Data, need New Application
- Capture Data Structures
- Data Model drives Object Model
- Domain Model generated from Physical Data Model
- Perform Business Analysis
- Reuse reverse engineered structures in
- Use Case Diagrams
- Sequence Diagrams
- Refine Domain Model
- Non-persistent analysis objects
97Have Legacy Data, need New Application
- Perform Application Design
- Refine Domain Model (Class Diagram)
- Maintain Data Awareness
- RDBSM may not be changeable
- Use Physical Data Model as reference
- Implement Application
- Generate Code from Design Model
- Deploy New Application
- Repeat
- Process is Iterative
98Have existing Application and Data (refactoring)
- Capture Data and Object structures
- Reverse Engineer Object Model
- Reverse Engineer Data Model
- Review Business Analysis (Optional)
- Reuse reverse engineered structures
- New Use Case diagrams
- New Sequence Diagrams
- Validate the Design vs. Requirements
99Have existing Application and Data (refactoring)
- Update Design
- Update Design via
- Analysis of captured Objects
- Analysis of captured Data Elements
- Results of Business Analysis review
- Implement Application
- Generate new code from Object Model
- Update database through Physical Model
- Implement new Application
100Have existing Application and Data (refactoring)
- Repeat
- Process is iterative
- May follow any other Process
101Have existing application, need New Data
- Find, Extract or Capture Object Structures
- Search Repositories for reusable objects
- Reverse engineer Application/Component
- Review Business Analysis (Optional)
- Reuse Objects in
- New Use Case Diagrams
- New Sequence Diagrams
- Validate Design vs. Requirements
- Perform Database Design
- Object Model drives Data Model
- Denormalize and complete Data Model
- Triggers, Procedures, Views, Indexes
102Have existing application, need New Data
- Implement Design
- Generate new database structures
- Generate new Object Structures (if necessary)
- Implement Application
- Repeat
- Process is iterative
- You may follow a different Process
103PowerDesigner, UML and (EJB) Enterprise Java Bean
- UML is an Object-Oriented Modeling Language
- Describes Objects in Static and Dynamic
conditions - Use Case Diagrams
- Describe Business Requirements
- Sequence Diagrams
- Describe Object Interactions over Time
- Class Diagrams
- Describe static structures
- Implementation details - Generate to Code
- Persistence is an important element of
Application Design - UML does not address Relational Modeling
- RDBMS most popular way to store an Objects state
(Data) - We can model an EJB with Class and Data Models
- Entity Beans needs Persistent Model
- PowerDesigner provides an environment to
- Create Object Models that generate Code
- Create Relational Models for the RDBMS
- Link Object and Relational Models and keep them
synchronized - PowerDesigner is Flexible
- Can work with any process
- Understands application development is not always
a forward flow from Analysis to Implementation