Title: Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist
1Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist?
Also, get out your homework assignment! I will
come by and check it while you work. 3rd block
Check 1.2 and 1.3 5th block Check 1.3
- Part 1 Complete PSI 1 (Answer questions 1-8)
2Part 2 When you read these words, what do you
think of first? Write a or b for each one on the
back of your paper.
- 1. Rocky Road 5. Flight
- a. Ice cream a. Upward journey
- b. Tough times b. Running away
- 2. Fudge 6. Snap
- a. Candy a. easy
- b. Cheat b. break
- 3. Fall 7. Trick
- a. Beautiful season a. magic
- b. Tumble b. deceive
- Stroke 8. Trip
- a. To pet a. vacation
- b. A physical ailment b. stumble
3Whats your Style?
- Total youre as and bs from parts 1 and 2.
- As ____ Bs _____
- 10 or more as means that you may be an optimist
- 10 or more bs mean you may be a pessimist.
- Remember, we need BOTH in the world!
- Try being the opposite for a day. How does it
4Homework 1.2 Solutions
51.2 solutions
61.3 solutions
7Answer to questions 16 25 from 1.3
8Note 1.4 Circle Graphs
- Our goal is to solve problems with circle graphs.
9Review of Converting Percents to Decimals and
- Convert
- 4/5
- 3/5
- 2/3
- 8/100
- 25/100
- 6/8
- 8/9
10Review of Converting Percents to Decimals and
- Convert
- 23
- 8
- 9
- 85
- 62.3
- 85.2
- 2.5
11Review of Converting Percents to Decimals and
- Convert
- .26
- .54
- .02
- .01
- .23
- .55
- .685
- Hand up, Pair up
- Quiz your partner on your card
- Your partner quizzes you on his/her card
- TRADE cards
- HAND up, find a new partner and repeat
13Note 1.4 Circle Graphs
Use the circle graph to find the number of
teenagers who participate in each sport.
Baseball Basketball Football Soccer Softba
ll Volleyball
14Note 1.4 Circle Graphs
A survey was taken of 80 customers at a sporting
goods store concerning their favorite form of
exercise. Find out how many customers preferred
each kind of exercise.
Running/walking Aerobics Weight
Training Bicycling Swimming Football How many
customers prefer aerobics OR weight
training? What is the total percent of the
sectors in the circle graph?
15Use the circle graph shown.
- Identify which budget item should appear in each
- Rent 800
- Transportation 700
- Food 550
- Other 450
16You try!
- Use the circle graph to identify which sport
should appear in each sector.
- Baseball 1776 people
- Football 1440 people
- Hockey 576 people
- Basketball 1008 people
17Draw a circle graph representing the data in the
18Your homework
- Work on 1.4 first! It is due today!
- 1.4 pg. 21, 5-10 and 13, 14
- Next, complete 1.3. It is due today!
- 1.3 pg. 18 11-25 all
- Get help from your team first. If nobody
understands, ask a teacher.